Hi this is going to sound probably weird but I have nerves that I can feel them peeling and they feel like they are peeling off these nerves its like wire and its causing a lot of issues does anyone come across this feeling if so is it linked to fnd there are so many sensations as you will know
funcional neurological disorder - Functional Neurol...
funcional neurological disorder

Hi I understand what your saying I found gabapentin very useful to soothe this horrible pain hope this helps
Hi I've tried gabapentin and nope never even touched the pain and ive tried others nope but I've been in contact with a clinic called cura leaf its medical cannibus they said it won't treat the fnd but will help with the pain so just need to see whats going to happen
Best of luck please keep me informed on how you get on it’s such a horrible pain
I was on Gabapentin for over a decade and it never helped. I finally stopped taking it and I feel just as awful as before. The only thing that tackles my pain and helps with mobility is cannabis. Cura Leaf’s a good company. If you’re just getting started, I’d just share that the products made with only CBD (no THC) did nothing for me. The psychoactive stuff is all that works. I say that just in case you begin with only CBD and get no results. Don’t give up & find a strain that works for you.
It helps me with my balance and mobility, pain relief, a sense of muscle strength, energy, and sleep. I was self-medicating years before it was legal before my doctors forced me to stop and put me on high dose narcotics, which did damage to my heart. Hope the cannabis is a good fit for you too!
hi thanks for replying oh my god the drs they should have known better for goodness did you do anything about them thats ridiculous drs now some are just an absolute joke and you wonder how the hell they passed,curaleaf they are having another team meeting on Friday as they were asking about my mental health etc so will should get a response on Friday but at the moment from my initial appointment that went well and have said yes she said that I can get it for pain and I have mild autism and she said it would help with my autism as well don't know how I got told that they treat fnd but now been told not will let you know how it goes sam
Hi, I occasionally get a feeling like something is crawling under my skin, I was told that signals from my brain had sent signals down the nerves (like a small electric current) and as they reach the end of the nerves people get different sensations in different areas. It can be FND related but also could be something else ( always get checked) , I often get pins and needles in my hands and was referred to neurology technician and they found slight carpal tunnel, but mainly cubital tunnel syndrome, the signals sent down the nerve which runs down the outside of your arm across the elbow where it gets trapped and caused the pins and needles and clawing of the hand and no feeling ( I have to wear a brace on my arm to keep the arm straight at night) . It was weird testing they send electrical (small) through the nerve and the probes pick up how good or bad it is . Also found out that the pain in my elbow ( on the boney bit) was an indicator. It sounds likely that it is FND related as all my issues with FND are nerve related. I had a reaction to Gabapentin, and was told this caused my body’s immune system to attack healthy cells and my brain diverted signals (forgot how to walk forward) and had to learn how to walk again, I now look like I am drunk and there is no more they can do so I have had to learn to live with it. On bad days I can stumble 2-3 feet on a good day it’s only 1-2 feet. Sorry I seem to have got into the flow sorry this is so long . Lol, hope you find some help. Good luck. Kevin
I had this crawling sensation ( called paresthesia) .it was the direct result of taking an SSRI and stopped when the drug taking stopped. As Kev says, it can also be caused by RSI (repetitive strain injury) when the nerves are physically irritated. Nerve flossing which I think was mentioned in a previous post can help with that. If your nerves are irritated through nervous dysregulation of your stress response system, you might need some calming strategies. All trial and error with FND... so keep trying. Best wishes
Hi thanks for replying what is ssri yes nerves definitely affected i sometimes i get the feeling crawling climbing from waist down right to feet
SSRI stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. What these drugs do is to increase the amount of serotonin in your blood stream, as serotonin has a calming effect on the body. The names of some common SSRI's are ....citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac), fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil), and sertraline (Zoloft). My experience might indicate that too much serotonin can give you the crawling feeling .. so if you are on any of the above I would go to your GP and find out what the score is....as too much serotonin in the blood stream is harmful...and let's face it , they never measure your serotonin status before they give you the drugs.
I'm sorry you are struggling to find a solution, FND is shocking. My biggest problem is I'm like a wound up spring that has to jerk to release. I'm like that at home as well as in public, I am going through stress, but does my body have to tell everyone else that? Lol. It can be one or a quick succession of them, very exhausting. Don't stop trying! Take care. Moni
I have found that progressive muscle relaxation on a daily basis really helps to release the tension in my wound up muscles ..as do floor exercises .. that helps with sleep too.
Yip fnd its horrendous i get this with my legs they start jerking go into spasm then rigged and the pain oh boy apparently I've seen on amazon that you can get a wrist band and a card etc to let people know about fnd if you need help then they know whats wrong yes its very exhausting the least wee thing im nackerd at times I have to lie down I had never heard of fnd but it seems to be now very common I can't believe that the brain can do this
Hi CatLady1973
My son was experiencing electrical sensations. He said the pain was replaced with a numbing sensation after a week (still there) and then had all over weakness (plus cold symptoms on and off).
I think the buzzing was the symptom and the pain (due to a new and frightening sensation causing high arousal "brain on alert") and the weakness, was his body trying to regulate and then layer on the cold and he got weaker. Just last week he experienced what we think was a rib a sublaxation, so that isn't helping either.
Who was able to diagnose the rib subluxation ? Rib jerking (one sided) is a common occurrence with me .. and accompanied by noises ..heat seems to help.
Self diagnosis not been to GP. You can get FND sublaxation but wasn't sure if you would still hear the subtle cracking sounds and the ribs mis-align and re-align. I posted the question to the other community as I saw the same question was mentioned in the EDS. POTs, Hypermobility (Re-Active Zebra Community). No answer as yet.
Hi thanks for replying how's your son doing i get the cold feeling aswell my feet get frozen my body as well I get a numbness in my hands like they have gone to sleep then get a fuzzy feeling as well get it in my feet also what is rib subluxation fnd is just so horrendous my right leg is affected right side my vision bowel and bladder mobility i now have to use a walking frame sam