Posts - Fight Prostate Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Fight Prostate Cancer

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All posts for November 2019

from CLLsupport forum: 2019 Medicine International Price Index

The following drug cost research (see second link below) was posted over at the ...
cujoe profile image

Toshiba says its device tests for 13 cancer types with 99% accuracy from a single drop of blood

Would be good to be able to detect PCa at yearly physical before it gets a chanc...
cujoe profile image

New Discoveries --a driver for neuroendocrine PCa, and a way to produce cheaper and faster CAR-T--making it more feasible

First, a driver found that changes MCRPC to the deadlier form--neuroendocrine PC...
NPfisherman profile image
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Fighting Prostrate Cancer should be a fight by all gender as if it is not you, i...
manvicky2691 profile image

New CAR-T Development--tracking the tumor attack

The Science is happening so rapidly... Researchers have now found a way to attac...
NPfisherman profile image

New discoveries in drug delivery, new nanoparticles, and a possible replacement for taxane chemotherapy-- all in the last 3 weeks...

There have been several new developments in drug delivery that will have signifi...
NPfisherman profile image

Long Journey, back to the beginning

December 2008, biopsy prostate indicated cancer with a PSA 13. Have a Gleason of...
RobertNJr profile image

Beginning of a Long Journey

December 2008, biopsy prostate indicated cancer with a PSA 13. Have a Gleason of...
RobertNJr profile image

Broccoli Sprouts--loaded with sulforophane--a must for your dietary attack on PCa..

Many of us seek methods to attack our PCa and hold it in check and reduce our PS...
NPfisherman profile image

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