Our aim at HealthUnlocked is to ensure that all members have a free, safe and supportive environment in which they can share their experiences and thoughts. We do this by partnering with related charities and nonprofits to create communities on specific health topics which are safely moderated by the organisation who have the relevant expertise and knowledge of the health topics being discussed.
The original charity, Tackle Prostate Cancer, who had been providing moderation to the community left in April 2018 due to resource constraints. Over the past weeks we have been reaching out to a number of UK based prostate cancer charities to find a new organisation to aid in moderation of the Fight Prostate Cancer community. Unfortunately, we have been unable to find an organisation who has the resources to manage this community at this current time.
To ensure you continue to receive the best support possible, we are redirecting you all to the Advanced Prostate Cancer community and Prostate Cancer Network (for any stage of prostate cancer), both moderated by MaleCare, a leading men’s cancer survivor support and advocacy national nonprofit organization.
Advanced Prostate Cancer: healthunlocked.com/advanced...
Prostate Cancer Network: healthunlocked.com/prostate...
These communities are actively moderated and you’ll have to have the chance to get support and advice from a larger group of people in a similar situation to yourself.