Is "itching" a symptom of fibromyalgia? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Is "itching" a symptom of fibromyalgia?

phlebo123 profile image
39 Replies

I often get itching on the skin of my lower legs. It seems worse in the evenings. Does anyone else have itching problems?

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phlebo123 profile image
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39 Replies

Hi, unfortunately it is a symptom and its one of the most annoying... I take piriton when its really bad at night. xx

ladymoth profile image

I get itchy legs, but it's not fibro! Fibro itself doesn't cause itching, altho' a great many of us have sensitive, irritable skin.

Itching on the lower legs is almost always due to dry skin, so applying tepid water followed by a massage with a mild emollient (almond oil is my fave) should relieve it.

Put your legs up, too, if you can. A lot of people's legs swell slightly towards the end of the day, and this will aggravate dry, inflexible skin.

If these simple measures don't help - it's worth checking with your GP, as some medications can cause itching, also, varicose eczema on the lower legs can cause persistent irritation.

I hope this helps :)

Moffy x

aggrivated profile image
aggrivated in reply to ladymoth

Are you a Doctor?

Hi I checked on my tried and trusted fibro symptom checker and I have to say it didnt say itchy legs at all, and it lists so many symptoms and related symptoms but nothing about itchy legs

I find this one very useful

VG x

babebatista profile image
babebatista in reply to

Hi VG, this was excellent. I was actually pleased to know its not just me! Lols. This was like yeah I have that, I have that, I have that ect. Made for very interesting reading. Thanks for posting it. xxx

phlebo123 profile image

Hi All -- thanks for your answers -- forgot to mention but I also have varicose veins so maybe itching may be related to them do you think?

Yes they can especially in the lower leg....if that's where you have them that seems a very likely cause but please see your GP if the itching is fairly new just to be on the safe side and your GP can tell you the best way of treating your legs ....


I found this if its helpful,

5 OTC Drugs for Managing ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Symptoms

By Adrienne Dellwo, Guide

Updated August 23, 2012 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board


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#4 - Anti-Itch Creams


Itching can be an especially annoying symptom of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Sometimes, your skin might itch for no obvious reason, and when your skin that is dry or irritated you'll likely feel a stronger itch than someone else would.

Itching is not only bothersome, but it can be an added sleep dysruption. Also, vigorous scratching can trigger a pain response in people with FMS.

Anti-itch creams, like Benadryl Itch Relief, can stop itches caused by bug bites, allergies, or other skin irritants.

For the itch caused by dry skin, try a fragrance-free lotion. For an unexplained itch, you may find relief from a cold compress or gentle rubbing.

[Link removed because risky website with adware]

ladymoth profile image

If you have varicose veins, you definitely need to go to your GP - varicose eczema is no joke if it remains untreated!

Moffy x

LindseyMid profile image

Fibro can make you more sensitive to anything, so if you have dry skin or allergies, you may feel the resulting symptoms more than you would without Fibro.

Fibro itself doesn't specifically cause dry skin though and allergies should be ruled out by a doctor. Some meds given for Fibro have itching as a side effect, for example.

security profile image

My new medication gabapentin started to make my skin very dry after only a few weeks. Also very itchy shins on my legs....... I use body lotion and rub it into the skin.... Seem's to work for me at the moment...

PS don't tell anyone that I use body lotion cause I'am a Man.!!!

KandyKist77 profile image
KandyKist77 in reply to security

I don't think your gender makes any difference Security! We all have our problems! & men should look after their skin too! x

Only real men admit that applauds loudly

VG x

jom277 profile image

I get a really itchy scalp and it drives me mad. I too take anti histamines when it's bad.

ladymoth profile image

Hear hear! I am all in favour of blokes who moisturise! :)

onhereagain profile image

I get an itchy scalp and have even checked for fleas before now; but by far the worst is itchy lower legs at night. They do not start itching until I lay down cooling them down helps and I also use E45 moisturiser or itch relief cream.

Strange sight I expect cuddling up in the quilt with my legs hanging out with a fan on them

glochessum profile image

I don't believe it!!!! I have had this real bad just lately. Same on my shins. I have dry legs but the itching hasn't been this bad. I've been plastering on Sudocrem and it does seem to help. I also get a very itchy head at the back some mornings until I wash my hair it drives me mad. Surely if so many of us get these symptoms it must be related to the fibro?

LindseyMid profile image
LindseyMid in reply to glochessum

It's very important that all symptoms not directly caused by Fibro are properly checked out, both in case they may be a sign of something else significant and so treatments can be targeted.

Itching can be caused by allergies and liver problems, for example, which may cause other issues if not dealt with. And if the itching is due to dry skin or eczema, then treatments for Fibro will not work on it.

"Monster lists" of Fibro symptoms cause a lot of trouble, because they lead people to believe that symptoms not directly caused by Fibro ARE a direct result of Fibro and so they do not get them checked out or treated.

ladymoth profile image

I can't agree too strongly, Lindsey! We often criticise GPs for saying 'It's only fibro' when in fact we are just as bad at blaming all symptoms on our condition.

I knew a lovely lady who died of bowel cancer - she had assumed that her rectal bleeding and stomach pains were just IBS which of course is 'only fibro'.

An extreme example, but one to be borne in mind if anything unusual should show itself!

Moffy x

Hannah21b profile image
Hannah21b in reply to ladymoth

Is IBS linked to Fibro?

Gumbo05 profile image
Gumbo05 in reply to Hannah21b

It can be.

sue32 profile image

Well, I don't have varicose veins, have lympoedema in both legs and right arm and I itch all over!! Backs of hands, body, legs, face!! Often feels like I have spiders crawling over me!! XXXX

I itch too everywhere, mainly ankles????? But apparently anxiety does too, there's a name for it. I rive at my arms and back, when I have a utensil handy...once thought I was covered in fleas and nits..aarrgghh . I haven't been told to do anything, sorry.

Uhurakate profile image

Phlebo Yes I do, have not addressed it as I am trying to get pain under control. Sad other people have it.I get itchy legs and ankles, and I get an all over irritation, make me want to scream. Hadn't thought of taking anti histamines.

callisto30 profile image

I've found that I have a rash all over my scalp, behind the ears and on my back that itches like mad, and hurts to touch too. Also my skin has gone very dry and flaky on my legs and on my scalp. I've put it all down to my medication as I didn't haven't these problems before. And as I have a lot of pain in my shoulders it's very difficult to scratch my back when the itching starts up. The doctor gave me some cream but hasn't done anything.

Any advice?

LindseyMid profile image
LindseyMid in reply to callisto30

If your GP can't identify what it causing this (e.g. one particular medication that you could consider coming off to see if it helps) then a referral to dermatology may be warranted. Some GP surgeries have one GP who is specialised in dermatology, so it is worth asking about this as it saves waiting for a consultant appointment,

jtsunset profile image
jtsunset in reply to callisto30

Have you tried using a lotion/shampoo with salicylic acid? Doc usually recommend a Head and Shoulders type shampoo, but I often find the salicylic shampoos help. Use them all over. Walgreens has one you can try.

Susanne35Cat profile image

I have both RA and Fibro ...

I get the itching from tome to time ... it's as if you have thousands of ants crawling underneath your skin, I usually have it all over. I was told that it is a very common symptom of active inflammation, and my itching usually goes away after taking steroids or anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen. Making sure you sleep enough also helps stemming inflammation.

I hope this helps a little. Itching is very irritating and drives me crazy when I get it.

jtsunset profile image
jtsunset in reply to Susanne35Cat

I have the same thing, Susanne. It comes on more often in the evenings. It's an all-over itch. Antihistamines help. I have Fibro and take Cymbalta. It's extremely annoying and perplexing. Allergy tests only show the mites, grasses, etc.

LeeLarLou profile image

Another itchy & scratchy bod here too... drives me mad and I use a body lotion too but find that after a while it comes back... hey-ho i guess its one of those things to add to the list eh?



TammieLynn profile image

Gosh I itch all day on my elbows and the back of my legs, lower and thigh area. I have never felt this intense itch until I was diagnosed with Fibro. I started using hydrocortisone cream but it only helps for a few moments then it's back to itching. Although it's an annoying symptom, I'm relieved to see I'm not the only one with the issue.

demaro profile image

Hi I get itchy feet and legs and also my back itches but only at bedtime. I have been on Fibro forums and it seems to be quite a common symptom.

denvajade profile image

Hi there YES I get itching but it goes from one place to another, I think no I wont scratch it but I have to then it goes somewhere else and so it goes on, especially noticeable when im sitting down or in bed.

mistarr74 profile image

I've recently been diagnosed with fibro myalgia. And I itch All over. Nothing helps. Baking soda baths, Epson salt, oatmeal, antihistamines, nothing. I feel like I'm going insane. The itching is worse at night. But for the most part, I itch All the time.

Highroost profile image

I itch all over during the night and sometimes it drives me mad! I've read that it is a FM symptom so I just have to put up with it! Yours in itchiness!


BaffledKaffy profile image

I've just recently started experiencing intense itching along my jawline, plus just above & below: on my face/neck. I was diagnosed with Fibro several years ago, & have had chronic pain with spinal disc issues for many years. Since you mentioned Cymbalta, jtsunset, did you find a connection to your itching?! I've taken Cymbalta for several years, but I know that allergies can suddenly begin without prior sensitivity! I take Morphine IR tabs for my pain, have a battery/wires implant for pain mgt., take a daily "baby" aspirin ... so there are many trial & error pieces to my puzzle! Just wanted to ask jtsunset this question as a start!

I am not sure if anyone is still following this post...but I pray this helps someone. I suffered with itchy lower legs for years...I am severely depleted of Vitamin D! I know that's a common thing now...but once I started taking prescription D...and then completely stopped. My

Doctor said it's a symptom of Vitamin D deficiency. It

Did not however help my scalp itch :( which drives me nuts.

Madmadge profile image

Hi, I have had Fibro for 12 yrs and have just recently started itching unbearably, not just lower legs but all over. Have been researching online & it seems it is most definitely connected to Fibro a lot of others with FS suffer with this problem and it can manifest itself several years after diagnosis (as in my case). Going to see GP about it & hope will come up with a miracle cure! Don't think I'll hold my breath though. Taking Piriton at moment and using Eurax cream for itching but not helping unfortunately. Ice helps a bit.

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