to say good bye: goood morning this... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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to say good bye

sylviajones profile image
21 Replies

goood morning this will be my last writings on the blog. i am having my phone and broadband turned off as i cannot afford them any mmore since my money as been cut so drastically. so hope every one takes care and thank you all for letting me be part of something reall y that as kept me from feeling down, so take care every one. maybe in the future i will get them back, but saving as to made and i have cut my food to nothing only have 3 hot meals a week and not using my gas only when really needed don,t use my lights unless it is dark. tv only goes on at night, use blankets to keep warm. sold my table and chairs and my double bed and by bedroom suite and my sideboard. they will pay for my rent and council tax and the rise in my water,gas, electric. any way good bye every one i wish every one the very best for the future now and always.

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sylviajones profile image
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21 Replies

That is terrible, have you been in touch with CAB or even your GP who could refer you to agencies to give you a hand, have you been in touch with social services there must be some organisation who can help you.. I know to some degree how you are being affected we have had our council tax benefit reduced and to compensate for that we have down graded our Internet

Hopefully someone else will come along before you go and have more advice

So sorry you have to go like this

VG x

That is so sad and so wrong! Is there anything I can do to help?



Oh no, that's terrible.. This government makes me so angry :(

What area do you live in? is there a charity that could provide you with a bed, this is shocking. It has brought a lump to my throat just visualising how you are going to cope. My husband and I are on Job Seekers and we got our council tax and rent bill last Friday, We have to pay £48.00 per week rent and £33.00 per month council tax. We have a combined income of £142 per week coming in. And they want a 3rd of it in rent. So we are beside our self worrying, so we have decided to pay £10.00 per week rent and pay the £33.00 a month tax. No way will they evict us, its costs too much money to take us to court, and then we would have to be housed anyway...

We are risking it!!! Its either pay rent and starve, or eat and pay a little rent. No court in this land would expect us to starve "she says with tongue in cheek"

Its happening all over the country, its totally immoral and I would say our human rights have been tested here. Fortunately, we are looking for jobs and have been for sometime, so I expect eventually one of us will get lucky but what about the people who cant work???

Take care, don't go without food, I just hope someone can help you.


Teddysmum43 profile image

I am so sorry to hear this. I am sooooo angry at his government for what they are doing to people. Do you have something to sleep on? I want to help everyone who is in this dire situation. This can't be right surely?

Saskia profile image

I am so very sad to hear this, Sylvia.

Please take the advice of those who have already responded to you plight and try to get some help from somewhere.

Your case ought to be highlighted by the media. Would you be brave enough to go to your local paper?

Our society is slipping back to the Victorian age and becoming Dickensian. It is disgusting and heartbreaking.

Please take great care of yourself. Do you have a partner or family or friends to help you?

Try all the charities, CAB, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Food Bank, Age Uk ( if appropriate..I don't know your age)...any organisation who might be able to give you the practical help you so desperately need.

It is dreadful that you have had to sell your furniture. There are charities, I am sure who would be able to furnish your home for you. My husband and I have given furniture to a local charity which gives (or sells it very cheaply) to anyone in need as long as they can prove they are on benefits.

I wish you well, Sylvia. My heart breaks for you and I shall keep you close in thought and prayer.

Comforting hugs, Saskia XX

jillylin profile image

This is terrible! Is there absolutely No help you can get. Have you contacted CAB. Please also consider the food bank as well.

Gentle hugs


In this day and age this shouldn't be happening. My heart goes out to you. Please try the Red Cross, they are wonderful and don't turn anyone away. The CAB could at least give you some advice as to what you can get. No one should go hungry.Take care and God Bless you x

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Oh dear, this is so ghastly, if you are able to please contact the CAB, and there are various charities that you could apply to, please please look after is so so wrong that in this day and age you feel pushed into such actions.

Take great care, bless you. Foggy x

Ginsing profile image

My goodness you poor love what a state of affairs. I do hope something . Good comes your way and fast . In this day and age you . Should not have to live in such primary. Try, cab. Your local council try every one. Good luck . I shall . Keep looking for you. Xgins

esagestapo profile image

I wish I could help you, where do you live?

Just want to cry,so sorry to hear this Sylvia,don't know what else to say so shocked take care and hope all works out eventually xxx

Sthandra profile image

This is so wrong I'm a very emotional at the moment and it has made me cry no one should have to live like this . Sithy

sylviajones profile image

thank you all for replying will writing but i have spoken to my sons and they are going to help me. my youngest was very angry but i explained to him i could not afford them. my boys are taking me to the cab office to see if they can help me. i am also going to move into a 1 bed bungalow. so i soppose it is a good thing i sold my things i can pay my rent and council tax and maybe i would not .have been able take all my hard worked for things with me and in the end of every thing it is only materail things. so i am going to start again soon. i have been given a mobile phone by my boys so i can get help should i fall again which i do quite often. so take care every one lots of hugs to all

in reply to sylviajones

Oh Sylvia, thank god you have 2 lovely sons who can help, CAB will do what they can. I'm so pleased you have some light at the end of a dark tunnel. Material things we can live without but you need a bed to sleep in, and you need to eat properly, good thing is the worst of the winter is coming to an end so heating the 1 bedroom bungalow should be more efficient for you.

Take care, and good luck with the bungalow. xxx

kathlaidlaw profile image

my heart goes out to you . we got to the stage of possibely loosing the house

and then who yipeeeee my husband got a job , and then i got dla

so things will come together for you to .

things have to change for you and all of us

if you pm your phone number i will phoe that way you can talk if nothink else

soft hugs hun

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Oh Sylvia, I am so relieved for you that your boys are going to help out, I have been worrying all day about you. The move to a bungalow sounds like a good idea, and hopefully it will mean that your financial situation may improve slightly . I would still advise contacting some charities, but the first step with your boys to the CAB may give you some ideas of those you can apply to. Sending positive vibes your way, and do please keep in touch. Foggy x

bbstport profile image

i am so sorry to read about the situation you have found yourself in. It is good to see your sons are helping you out. I do not know what area you live in but most areas have a site called FREESYSLE and it is amazing what you can get from there. I was able to more or less furnish my friends home from that site. I have also had a lot of things for myself. There is everything on there from furniture to clothes to bedding and curtains crockery tv dvd players please have a look as there is so much on it i find it a really good site.

As regard to the foodbank my friend now goes there once every 2 weeks and this is a godsend to her.

I really hope your situation changes for you very soon.

Belinda xx

Sharolina profile image

I know that this is something that we are all quite fearful of, so I am sorry that it is happening to you. Firstly I would suggest that you check that you are getting any benefit that you may be entitled to such as housing benefit or council tax benefit, low income etc. I know it may seem like more forms that you have to fill in, but it may be worth it. I found that when I asked the DWP about other help, they were not very helpful, but a trip to the local council office was. Also you could join your local library, and use their internet service, at least you would not be totally cut off from the world.

I hope that things improve for you, even though right now it must be a nightmare to live through.

Take care

Sharolina x

mrsandrex profile image

Sylvia, please just give us ladies a clue to what area you live in as some of us may be able to help you, even if it is just someone to chat with about the Fibro to keep you going. If you are able to get to a library then you could use their internet so that you are not cut off completely. I think you can get a couple of hours free on their computers at a time. Just don't give up my girl, this ridiculous situation can't go on forever, someone will come along and change what is happening to us. Eventually common sense will prevail, we all have to believe in that. We just have to keep going until it does, until then get in touch with any agencies that can help you to survive. Good luck love and keep your chin up, we are all in this nightmare together xxx

pinot profile image

So heartbreaking Sylvia. This government is disgusting doing this to desperately ill people..everyone has covered the many ways you may get help.hoing hungry and cold will exacerbate your condition. You poor soul I pray you get help love and gentle hugsxxx

sue32 profile image

Oh!! Sylvia!! What an awful situation you're in! I really do feel for you. Surely, besides your wonderful sons, there must be agencies out there that could help? I mean, for goodness sake, nobody in this century should be struggling the way you are? I'm really, really soooo sorry for you and thinking of you soooo much! Take care hun!! XXXX

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