Want to come off Lyrica, put on so much weight and brain fried, started taking Vit D and Vit B12, feel so much better, come home from work today and have dyed my hair, done my nails, a little ironing and some washing, for the past 2 years I have done those jobs on my day off, also taking cider vinegar to try and loose some weight, feeling so good that I have started to reduce the Lyrica. Please let it continue.
VITAMIN D AND B12, BEEN TAKING FOR A ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi Pauline so pleased to hear you are feeling better,long may it continue,i myself am going to start taking Vit B12 again it definitely made me feel better, Cider vinegar,how are you taking that? x
I'm taking Cider vinegar twice a day in water.x
My OH has been taking Cider vinegar and honey for his arthritis and two months on says he can move much easier
hi that's brilliant so glad you are feeling better as im taking a high strength B12 an feel brilliant so hope they keep working for you .xx
So glad to hear that something is working for you! Because I cannot take any of the standard fibro drug treatments I'm really interested to hear about the vit D and B12. Would you mind sharing the dosage you take of both in order to obtain relief as I'd like to have a go myself. Many thanks and, again, it's soooo heartening to hear of someone getting somewhere positive through self-help. Clever girl!
My OH takes cider vinegar for arthritis, I just take one B12 daily and the vit D I have in spray form and it's one spray a day, I would love to think this could help you all, but we are not all the same but hay it's worth a try.x
So happy it's working for you. I can't take any of the meds assigned for fibro, they either don't suit me or don't work. I will ask my Doc about the combo and see what he thinks.
Glad your enjoying life more, isn't it funny what peeps take for granted like doing some ironing we have that task on a 'I wish' list.... keep up the good work girly :O) x
I've only found the Vitamin D in the form of sunshine - the best source! - helps me. I had side-effects to the prescribed form of Vit D3. I take some from the health shop now but doesn't cut it like the sun!