Hand twitching or jerking?? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Hand twitching or jerking??

Fibrosucks123 profile image
17 Replies

Hi need some opinions here.

My hand often jerks. I can be holding something and whammo it flies out of my hand! I could be on my phone like right now and my fingers are hitting out other letters. Very annoying.

My daughter says it’s my meds. I take Lyrica, yet it doesn’t happen everyday. The only other pills I take are Aleve for my arthritis and Tecta for my stomach.

She has been after me to stop taking the Lyrica for years but I can’t remember what my symptoms were before I started taking the pills.

So does anyone else have this problem?

Are you on medication, is there something that would cause this problem?


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Fibrosucks123 profile image
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17 Replies


My hands twitch and sometimes my eyes and legs. I put it down to my fibro but I'm not 100% sure in that. Please take care Lynne

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to

Thats the thing Lynne,, your not sure of anything with fibro.

You can't trust your limbs,, you never know how you will be at any given time,, you often don't even know exectly where the pain is.

You don't know why you can't breath or why your insides are so sore.

You can no longer trust a F**t.

And last but not least you are expected to trust the word of a Dr who sees you for 5mins hasn't a clue how you really are,, or what they are treating and can't get you out quick enough and somehow a vague notion hangs in the air that it is all in your head.

I've thought for years that Dr's are crazy, they have to be, they always think they're right even when they contradict themselves.

in reply to RayB


Thank you. How are feeling today?

I'm lucky with my Dr, she spent 20 minutes with me on Monday!! She does that with every patient she sees. She is one if the best. I know if I want another appointment in a month I have to book it when I come out cos she's so popular. Take care Lynne

Fibrosucks123 profile image
Fibrosucks123 in reply to

Hey feeling good. Say my doc on Tuesday running some more bloodwork check for magnesium, b12 and potassium levels.

You said something about high to low levels. Do you know the numbers I should watch for.

She also ordered a ct scan and Xrays to check for any changes in degenerative disks and arthritis, been 10 years since the last time. You need to be your own advocate, doctors see a lot of patients, I get that.

She doesn’t think it’s the Lyrica either but suggested I try taking a break and see how that makes me feel.

I was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1996, prescribed Gabepentan and Percocet. The back and arthritis problems came after. Also was going through a time with my husband and was self medicating.

I had an overdose on Percocet in 2014, week in a coma, followed by a second overdose the following year on Lorazepam suffering kidney damage.

I then went to rehab. I say this to explain that in my recovery I learned to differentiate the difference in each of my symptoms where before the pain medication serviced all of them.

I learned a lot about the whys and whatnots. Not supposed to be taking the Aleve because of the kidney issues but it relieves the arthritis pain.

in reply to Fibrosucks123


I hope you to the arthritis eases for you soon. Take care Lynne

LuluCops profile image

My hands and fingers do this too, it’s not the lyrica, I don’t take this med and I’ve suffered with it for some time. It’s also worse when the fatigue is bad and my speech gets worse at this time too. I wish I knew what was causing it. My mum thinks it’s a symptom of a deficiency of some kind but finding out what is a bit of a pain.

Fibrosucks123 profile image
Fibrosucks123 in reply to LuluCops

Hey Lulu

Can you expand on your speech getting worse as well. I have trouble finding my words at the best of times. But it is much worse when I’m tired as is the twitching and jerking of my fingers.

I can be mid sentence and lose my train of thought or can’t find the word I’m looking for. Beginning to think I had dementia.

Dr. Appointment tomorrow, also have to keep a list of my concerns or I forget them all when I get there!!

Have a great day from Canada 🇨🇦

LuluCops profile image
LuluCops in reply to Fibrosucks123

It may be down to a B12 deficiency, because my levels are within ‘normal range’ albeit at the bottom end, they won’t treat me, I’ve made such a fuss that I’ve managed to get a referral to both an endocrinologist and a haematologist. If not I’ll be getting my own b12 and dosing it myself! So angry with our ‘health care’ system, they just seem to abandon you if you have Fibro, because they just don’t understand it!

Hello Fibrosucks123 and welcome to the forum.

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I am sorry I don't know if it is the meds but you should see your doctor if you are in any doubt or worried. Your daughter has probably read up on the negative reviews on Lycra. I know a lot of people do not like the drug but got others it has done a great job in helping their symptoms. It could be the Fibro that is causing the jerking movements. I personally find it can affect my muscles in any way it chooses too but not everything should be put down to fibro or meds. Do see your doctor if you are in any doubt. Even just to put your mind at rest.

SweepSooty profile image

Hi Fibrosucks123, I have had a tremor for years which was diagnosed as an essential tremor, but I also have epilepsy as well so sometimes the shaking can be the start of a sezuire. I take beta blockers for the tremor which does help to a point but if I am doing something that requires a lot of concentration the tremor gets worse. I'm not sure if your meds are causing it or not but I do think you need to see your GP, the shakes are difficult to deal with and can be very embarrassing so try to get something that will help. Hope you get some improvement soon. x

trudym profile image

You just described my stupid, twitchy hands/fingers! It's like they have a mind of their own & I can't control them. I don't take any of the meds you mentioned, so maybe it is fibro...?

Evie76 profile image

I had something similar which ended up getting worse with my arms flailing and upper body jerks along with a whole lot of other things that I had normalised. My gp thought it was the gabapentin but I ended up in hospital it deteriorated really quickly and my walking was badly affected too. Turns out I have something called functional neurological disorder (fnd) it may be worth googling as it's not that heard off but also very common . I was diagnosed by a neurologist but Google it and see if anything else fits, it may not be that obviously but I have noticed on the support page on Facebook an awful lot of people also have fibro. Good luck with your appointment x

Shazzzy profile image

Hi, I have been like this for years, it is much worse when tired. I drop things, throw things ( including my dinner) walk into things and fall over nothing. Have had MRI nothing found. Definately not due to meds.

oldsouls profile image

Hi There

My doctor has increased my Lyrica from 2 x 25mg in the morning and night and changed the night one to 75 mg. Probably because it is on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme .

Firstly your symptons are worrying. I have shaken most of my life, especially in the mornings and this hasn't changed. I was put on Lyrica for my nerve pain in my legs. Both thighs. I have had no adverse effects. She also subscribed it because it helps with anxiety. I can walk a bit further without the pain hitting me and I feel my anxiety and panic attacks are still there but not so severe of so often. I has thrown out the tablets that the Psychiatrist gave me. They were mind altering and terrible.

So it depends on why your are taking Lyrica I the first place. If you have forgotten I suggest you check with your doctor. I guess you asked Dr Google for any adverse effects of Lyrica.

<can be mid sentence and lose my train of thought or can’t find the word I’m looking for. Beginning to think I had dementia.> Have you had a stroke? I don't want to worry you but these are the exact symptons I got before my stroke. I had an appointment with a neurologist but Dr wanted me to go to a gynaecologist I had the stroke before the results of test were known and I had a high level of oestogen as I was taking it for post menopause. The people I was with when I demonstrated these symptons were really glad when I booked a neurologist. They said they were about to tell me what I was doing. I also found it harder to walk as though my leg muscles needed building up.

You need a second opinion and I suggest you do this straight away. As you will know you cannot just stop Lyrica. Ask your doctor how to come off them safely. I don't believe that is a sign of fibro. Be careful not to thinks that everything is fibro related. As I have said before you can have other health issues and people make the mistake of thinking they are fibro related.

Good luck

Fibrosucks123 profile image
Fibrosucks123 in reply to oldsouls

Hi thanks for the reply.

I have been to see a neurologist had a full work up. I thought I might have had brain damage from 2 overdoses

He felt I was in normal perimeters and the memory issues combination of Fibromyalgia and getting older. I am 60 yrs old.

Looked me in the eyes and said if I thought you needed a MRI I would do it today but I really don’t believe it’s necessary. Felt much better having that consultation.

Dr upped my Lyrica to 300 mg twice a day from 200. Haven’t noticed much of a change.

oldsouls profile image

Wow, that is a lot of Lyrica. Do you know why you are taking it is more to the point. I AM 71 yo and although I still have fibro and I have disk degeneration, depression and anxiety My nerve pain in thighs after walking short distances may or not be fibro. ( others have explained it in different ways) Doctor thinks it is. For 3 years. I have agro-phobia and can't leave the house on my own. Only one friend knows what I am going through as her 40 yr old son has it. Your age makes it more important to find out the side effects. Specialists I find are not good at general medicine. I have lots of examples in my own treatment. I know what bought mine on. It was a tragic event, not mine, before and after.

An example. Just out of topic I was at the hydro pool this week and met a lady who could hardly walk months ago and couldn't eat. Her body was closing down. She was bed ridden waiting to die. She found a doctor who was also a naturopath and can now eat. But her whole body is affected in some way. She is still skinny and walks tentatively but better after the pool. Her doctor had given her an antibiotic for a Kidney infection and she found out later that it was the last resort antibiotic. Her body is so inflamed and toxic and she cant take a pain killer. He doctor told her in the beginning that the affects would go away. I think her pharmacy failed her as well.. Mine would not give me any different drugs until the spoke to me about it. Usually they print out information on it as I cant read small print. . So as we are aging our fibro changes and we know what it is but this is really bad. I urge you to continue to seek advice as you have been. IT IS NOT NORMAL.

Best regards

Hi honey, yes I have the very same problem, my fingers do as they wish they can type a whole sentence without me knowing 🤔 I'm not on Lyrica but I used to be, I stopped taking them a couple of years ago but my symptoms still persist. I wouldn't recommend you coming off your Lyrica as it helps most of us with fibromyalgia, unfortunately it didn't help me, it wasn't just the Lyrica that didn't work for me it is 99% of pain relief, I'm going for a ketermin (not sure if that's the right spelling) injection soon and if this doesn't work I don't know what I'll do.

Good luck for the future, hugs Angie.

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