Went to doctors about these little pin prick dots all scattered all over, I noticed them in November, I was so ill at the time it was the least of my worrying, thought I'd leave it see if they disappear , they didn't , GP said they were a ageing thing , couldn't et over it I'm only 44 ,, anyways whist I was there I mentioned my problem with walking, it feels to me although my hips and knees are wobberly and disconnected like I'm not walking on solid ground , after chatting and questions ! It was decided it most likely to be hypo-mobility, I came home checked it out, I all ready think I may have POTS syndrome , but not mentioned it to my GP because of fear of rejection , I found out its connected to Hypomobility which I feel that my theory of POTS wold be more creditable .
Later today,,,I also sat and did a dyslexia test because I seem to be as bad as my son he has dyslexia and has had it properly assessed , it came up the home test high, I then decided to take a autism test online ,,came up 38 which is autisim. This is all recent I never used to have dyslexia and never thought for a second about autisim. I feel really low.
I feel pretty, low , i seem to have a fear of hospital and dentist and now it's starting with GP,,, I just get concerned that all my theories are going to be rejected , i darnt even mention dylexia or autisim, they'll think , whatever next with this one.
. i don't like hospital ,,probably because I felt so let down by AnE at Scunthorpe they'd rest me like it was all in my mind.
I actually felt that I could of died in there, I was so ill, and in such a lot if pain, i could hardly breathe. i saw so much neglect and was left for hours before a doctor came to see me.
I have to go dentist next week, I have all ways had a fobia of dentist. Had a tooth pulled and was in pain for three days. . I have tori mandabulas.. It's extra bone growth in the roof of my mouth. Diagnosed last year. I hate going dentist because I'm sacred they will effect it somehow.
I'm low today and feel despondent with the NHS,, I've been treat pretty Poor.I'm saving to see a private doctor now. Don't get me totally wrong, I think GP is great for some things but rekon their hands are tied tbh. I am just starting to get despondent and feel like I daren't tackle concerns to GP anymore as I'm worried I'm not going o be taken seriously .
Im also aware of incredibly long waiting list to see specialists . Which is not helpful and not helping the way I feel right now. I have my epilepsy exam on the 12th it's taken some time coming , that scares me as I've been told they induce fits, the ones I've had left me feeling so bad .
On a good note ,
I managed to paint my kitchen wall today ,
That cheered me up for a bit. ,, sorry folks for the moan.. I just needed some online ears to keep me from feeling sorry for myself, my boyfriend doesn't give me his ears , he looks like he is not at all interested , which makes me loose faith,
I need that support , I spose it's because I'm there for everyone at home and make sure I never ignore their needs. Because I treat them as I like to be treat .
Tomorrow I will paint another wall, it makes me happy that I can do something . I'm not bk at work because I don't think I can go bk now. I have to sit loads in between stuff because my whole body just wobbles around, well it feel like it does, I'm not aware that I look like I'm wobberling . I'm trying to work my muscles to make them stronger as my GP says it helps.
Dies anyone know of any genetic factors of fibro, which race it is highest in , just out if interest , I'd like to know?
Thankyou people for listening to my pretty miserable blog, Joanne x x