hi I need some help to see wether I have this condition I spoke to a friend who has this and said I may have it but I was unsure
I'm going around In circles with my doctors etc..I suffer from a lot of pain from my back and also affects my bowel liver and kidneys I was tested for bowel cancer last year thankfully it came bk negative but there is still something not right
the pain in my back is horrendous and I know I have sciatica but just feels like I am aching all the time..i get no sleep and if I do I awake like I've slept on a board I'm so stiff and have to take me usual pain killers before I get up for work.
I work in pharmacy as a locum so I travel the country and plus I stand all day so when i return home I feel shattered
is there anyone out there who may be suffering the same symptoms
Thank you Louise x