A poem for all of us: Falling though... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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A poem for all of us

spidey profile image
23 Replies

Falling though the cracks.

I am trying to smile

Below this mask of pain.

Reality is skewed.

Only you who suffer will know.

Maybe one day

Years from now

All hurts will be healed.

Lets hope so eh?

Grow in the light my friends,

If we reach out and hold hands

All of us will make one big voice.

Written by
spidey profile image
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23 Replies
ladymoth profile image

Very good, spidey! Sensitive and nicely rhythmic.

What are you doing awake at this ungodly hour? Off to bed before you get a smacked bum! :)

Moffy x

spidey profile image

Thanks Ladymoth! I went to bed just after that. Up early today cos I woke around six and wasnt in pain. A rare occurance!!!! As I have to go visit an elderly lady I see regularly I got up. Ate some porridge and tramadol catching some time here before I have the luxury of a morning bath!!!!!

oconnor profile image

Nice poem Spidey,

I'm not having a good morning so its nice to read somthing like that to make us all smile ;-)

I have some really bad tummy cramps this morning and I'm feeling very low .

I've taken all my meds but there cousing so meany other probs ( I havn't been too the loo for 2 days ) sorry If that is a bit clinical I hope it dosn't affend any one ,but if anyone has got any advise for this prob I would be very greatful ,I take fibagel ,senna and docuset in large dosses but nothing is of any help.I also drink a couple of strong coffees as that somtimes works but not this time ,;-( xxx Tina

in reply to oconnor

I have found that drinking a large glass if water as soon as i wake up and eating a hand full if grapes helps but not even teas etc when you wake yiu day if food and drink must only srart one hiur afterwards

It works for me petal and sena isca ousher you woukd be better of with a sotener like ducolax

spidey profile image

Hi Oconner. I suffer in this way too. It's the codiene which does it to me but I don't take any meds for it. Instead I have worked out which foods combat constipation best. For me they are porridge(proper porridge oats made in a saucepan) granary bread, lettuce, olives and baked beans.

If you eat four or five olives every day with a drink of water it should keep you regular If you can't stand olives (and a lot of people cant) then a couple slices of Vogel or Burgen bread will help. Baked beans a couple times a week. Jacket spuds (eat the skin) are good too and drink plenty of water all the time. Hope this helps. Have a good day. x

Jjudith profile image
Jjudith in reply to spidey

As I have paradoxical effects, I must be the only person in the world who gets diarrhoea from taking codeine!!! And it makes me tingle - especially my right arm. So if I ever need it I take it with activated charcoal to slow things up. It's the best for pain tho'.

ladymoth profile image

Hi Tina,

Without wishing to be too graphic, have you tried eating a can of prunes? Last time I did this, I was a little nervous about leaving the house for two days!

I didn't get any pain or diarrhoea, but I think I must have lost a stone in weight, so I was definitely a bit bunged up.

Prunes are a traditional cure for constipation, and to my mind better than all the pills you can get. They're delicious too, but don't eat the whole can if you have social engagements the next day! :O

Moffy x

oconnor profile image
oconnor in reply to ladymoth

Thank you Moffy ,and Spidey

I have tried all that has been suggested but nothing has work ,I'm a bit scared to eat anything else as Its adding to my cramps ;-( I've even tried figs as they can somtimes help .

I think that its because I'm in a new enviroment as I'm staying with my partner and so meal times are very different as he works and so eats later in the day ,If I eat before he comes home he won't eat as I'm not eating with him ( Stubben I know )

I've had 4 years by myself and so I havn't realy ajusted yet ,but having said that I still would rather eat in the middle of the day ,going to bed on a full tum isn't the best idea .

I've put on a few pounds and that is also not helping me ,so the stress of this combination is making me very unhappy and I'm in a lot of pain from the fibro and all I want to do is cry :'-( lots xx

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to oconnor

Oh dear poor you, I'm sorry you're having such a rough time, just a thought but you could ask your dr if he could prescribe Movicol for you, when I started taking MST I had your problem for nearly a fortnight and Movicol , which has to be prescribed, helped hugely. I hope so much that you start to feel better very soon. Gentle hugs. Foggy x

oconnor profile image
oconnor in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Hee i think if I asked my poor GP for yet more laxative he'd think I was selling it on the market as he's the one giving me all the other stuff ,

Thank you though Fibrofoggiest for making me smile a lot ;-) ;-) ;-) xxx Tina

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to oconnor

Hi Tina, thank you and I'm glad I made you smile :-) but its so uncomfortable, trust me, I know, so seriously if it persists for more than another couple of days, speak to your GP. The one thing I did mean to say was to drink, drink and then drink some more......,no.not alcohol..... Water......and lots of it, when you're bunged up your body stores toxins and the thing to do is drink water, even if you hate it, perhaps add a tiny bit of squash or fruit juice if you can't cope with water alone, but you will be surprised how much better you will feel.....eeekkk...

......I hope so !!!! Gentle hugs again. Foggy x

secretldy profile image
secretldy in reply to Fibrofoggiest

buy a jug that purifies the water, it tastes so much better.

oconnor profile image
oconnor in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Thank you for the hugs Foggy ,

I must admit that I do quite like water but only if its sparkly , I will drink still water if there isn't any thing else .

I'm not that bothered about alcohol I can take or leave it .

I quite like black current with hot water so maybe I'll give that a go.

I can't think of anything worse than being uncomfortable not being able to do what comes naturaly ;-( but yes if it goes on much longer I will be forst to go to my GP xx Tina

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to ladymoth

Oh Moffy you sent me straight back to school, on a Sunday and Wednesday night, one of the nuns would come round with a bottle of syrup of figs.....eeeeuugghh, we had to take it come what may, as I wasn't well often, I used to get th very occasinal get out of jail free card heheheh. The other girls were so jealous !! I loooovvvee prunes, but they have me playing the trumpet voluntary so I only have them occasionally, I lie the ready to eat ones yummy. 8 ) Foggy x

Jjudith profile image

What a wonderful way of expressing fibro, I hope that it did make you feel better by writing it too, its a fantastic gift to us all. Love and hugs x

spidey profile image

Writing it down is always a benifit. Get it all out there I say. My poetry name is Millenuim Gran by the way!!!!!

spidey profile image

Oconner, please don't worry about it. If you do it will make it worse. Try to relax. I have a meditation exercise which has worked for a lot of people, helping them chill out. You have to go outside, wrap up warm!!! Just stand outside your door and listen, yes, listen. We all kind of close out heads to the sounds going on around us most of the time. If you breathe deeply, count seven in and five out, repeat, repeat............what can you hear? Traffic maybe, a dog barking, birds, try tto concentrate on each sound and then layer them, hearing them all clearly but all at once, keep breathing, do for ten minutes a couple of times a day. It takes practise but it works even if it sounds a bit odd!!! I think you need to relax as I said, stop worrying about not going to the loo, two days is not much. My son regularly used to get to five days and then shout Eureka from the loo on the fifth day!!!!!

oconnor profile image
oconnor in reply to spidey

Thank you Spidey,can I move in with you xx soon ;-) Love you for that xx BIG GENTLE HUGS coming your way xx Tina

Fibrofoggiest profile image

What a lovely poem spidey, and what a wonderful talent to have.

Thank you :-) Foggy x

I lovebthe deep feel of these words

unio06 profile image

love the poem, I have been getting more stomach pains lately. I eather get trapped wind ir irritable bowls. in the old people's home we used to give them lactlose and a hot cup of sugary tea to help them go. district nurse instructions. it worked most of the time

Sammicat15 profile image

funny you should mention prunes, Moffy - a packet of them has appeared in my baking cupboard and I didn't put them there!

Shame codeine does what it does to the guts - I'm having to eat more beans and chillis to keep my guts' lines of communication open lol. Am headed to the kitchen now (it's 11.30 or so) to warm up the pasta arabbiata what I made yesterday. It's taters in the house and my hands are getting frostbitten here ewwwwwww and of course chillis are great for warming the blood :-D

my hands are frozen and my head befuddled

my tasks for the day are already muddled

my beloved has gone away for the whole Easter week

so no kisses for me or warm arms to seek

no laughter, no banter, no naughty inflection

no smooching, no embraces so full of affection

my three cats are curled up on the warm fleece upstairs

their love will sustain me when I'm caught unawares

when emotions head south and pain hits my heart

and pain strikes my body and we're so far apart

my cats' purrs should keep me from breaking down

their cuddles will dry up these tears of a clown

this body must move soon or it will seize on me

I wish it were different and that I could be free

No pain, no pacing, no coming to a stop

No wall of fatigue as I sit where I drop

But can't sleep without meds, my mind all a whirl

This woman is unlike my big hopes as a girl

I dreamed of adventures and travel and romantic fun

Not painkillers and consults which combine weeks as one

The calendar full of appointments and worries

The diet's gone t*ts up and I'm now eating curries

The chemist has my drugs list and a revolving door

A seat with my name on when I come back for more

The "to do" list gets bigger as I achieve less

The house is untidy and frankly a mess

Ignore it I do while I ponder my deeds

What task shall I do while the garden sprouts weeds

That challenge is next week if we get some good weather

Meanwhile tidy up, ring a friend for a blether

Or sit here and browse while I ride out this wave

Someone tell my body how it should behave

The laundry and ironing are piling up high

It won't do itself so I let out a sigh

I'd better get going or I'll rust sitting here

And wish you all a good day with shedloads of cheer

Sammi x

spidey profile image

Fantastic Sammi, have I started an outbreak of poetry, I hope so, its a great way to concentrate the mond and get everything out there. Love the line

The calendar full of appointments and worries

The diet's gone t*ts up and I'm now eating curries



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