Just dont know whats happening to me, just feel like am goin mad, with all this form filling and fending and proving all the time, en now this bedroom tax en council tax really dont think my body and brain can take much more!! My head feels ready to burst, feel so down. x
Feel Like I`m going round the twist! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Feel Like I`m going round the twist!

MOrning Sadoldred no one said being ill was going to be a dodle. But I know where you are coming from there is a lot of form filling and indeed prooving who we are what we have how we cope.The point is we manage with help from each other it is rather like contending with a battle field at times. We may be wrecked but we can get answers and we can be positive. It helps having a daily mantra that gets us through you know I can I will - sometimes i wonder how but we do!
So I send you a smile have heart spring is coming the days will soon change and become longer how lovely that will be
Keep filling the forms in and there is always someone who will help here xgins
Sometimes things do come all at once fortunately we own our house so bedroom tax isn't a problem plus we only have two bedrooms and they are full of my OH myself and son... But yes we have had the council tax letter to say 100% benefit has been stopped so we are only eligible for the top rebate of 75 % so we have to pay 24 pounds a month from April. I also had to fill in my dla form I got low care rate... So some of that will have to go to pay the council tax when it used to pay gas and electric.. Yes it seems a never ending circle of despair but as GIns says we have to try to remain positive. If we can cope with fibro we can cope with anything....
VG xx
That's true, VG - and we are all in this together. I am pretty sure that the Government will have to change tack pretty soon, or they'll get booted out when the General Election looms. They promised that everyone would feel cuts, but they seem to be concentrating on stripping the most vulnerable of everything they have.
I have seen no mention of MPs or bankers facing cuts in their 'perks', nor mega-companies being asked to cough up their due taxes!
Getting dangerously political here, so I'll shut up, but it is a disability issue!
Moffy x
You're right Moffy. I understand that politics shouldn't come into this, but unfortunately in my experience some of the staunchest 'socialists' I know are still busy feathering their own nest.
I'm afraid it doesn't matter who is in government, until there is some real recognition of what disabled people are facing and going through every day - nothing will change.
As much as I abhor the way we are all treated I wouldn't wish what I and others on this site are going through on anyone. Illness is not a respecter of political or economic views, and those who are legislating supposedly on our behalf may do well to remember that it can strike anyone at any time - as we are all too aware.
I'm sure Aneurin Bevan would have something to say about the way vulnerable groups are treated in this country.
Hi, Sadoldred,
Really all I can say is what everyone else has said and we are all here for each other. No matter how bad things seem to be just think about now and that you are alive. The spring is here and two weeks to Easter so we are through the worst part of winter. Think of all those Easter eggs!
I have many bad days and still do but there has always been someone here that makes you realise you are not on your own.
Many gentle hugs
Jane xxx
I do feel for you and go along with all the others have said also. Can you get to the CAB and get them to help you some of them are amazing!
My husband has had 100% disability for over 20 years and now he has to go for a medical and new assessment , and it does worry him as he is not good with medicals. Last time he ended up in hospital over it all ,as he has PTSD through his Army life.
Take care and try to remember you are not alone in this.....we are all just a sentence away and will support you all we can. I def; feel more able to cope of late because of this forham.
Gentle hugs x
+Rainbow x