Does pregablin make any1 else gain we... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does pregablin make any1 else gain weight fast? I have stopped amytriptlyn

sharne27 profile image
22 Replies

Ive asked this question before but ianother lovley memeber said it could be amytriptlyn so i stopped that and its got worse. I really need to lose it x

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sharne27 profile image
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22 Replies
weetam profile image

Hi i had problems with both of those meds. With the Amitriptyline i could not stop eating so i was not surprised with the weight gain, however with the pregabalin i think the weight gain was being caused by water retention which was a possible side effect of them.

Both medications do, they increase your appetite, but you

Have to ask yourself, PAIN or weight gain.

Just watch what you eat, but that's not easy is it. Whatever you

Do don't just stop pregablin, as this may make you feel very

Unwell, ask your Doctor first, as you would have to cut down

Bit by bit,

Aisha profile image
Aisha in reply to

Ive been on Amitriptyline for quite awhile and I take 50mg a day and haven't found it to be a problem with weigh gain, but Pregablin was a problem besides it making me ill with bad side effects I did find I made me gain weight!! So I stopped this one and went back on th Amitriptyline and I'm still on it now.

sharne27 profile image
sharne27 in reply to Aisha

im ment to take both plus oxy norm for pain my gp won t change me back to gabapentin since i been on pregablin i have put on 3 stone since december when i started it. i feel so down that i dont want to leave the house feel like people are staring at me xx

Aisha profile image
Aisha in reply to sharne27

I have been on the gabapentin but don't know about the weight gain with this one except it gave me terrible pains in places that I hadn't had before but I do agree they do give you weight gain but wasn't on it long enough too put on that much weight! If you don't get much joy with your GP then you should see another doctor or ask to be referred to the pain clinic and they can give you something better to take!! To help you lose the weight you could ask your Gp for Metformin its for people who are Diabetic but I know it is given out for patients who need to lose weight! Its worth ago I can understand how you must be feeling... Good luck and hugs for you.x

sharne27 profile image
sharne27 in reply to Aisha

im with pain team have assesment on the 26th so hope get more joy but they dont do any hands on treatment. Will try diff docs my weight is getting out of hand put on 6lb in 3 days i dont even pig out i do slimming world anf have lost nothing xx

sharne27 profile image
sharne27 in reply to Aisha

amitriptyline i was on 100mg so weand off it and my hunger has got worse. im going to ask gp to put me on gabapentin again as i was ok. nights i just want to eat,

sharne27 profile image
sharne27 in reply to

i wont just sdtop it as last week i ran out and took doc 4 days to do prscription i was really poorly hot flushes bad temper it was awful. It take the edge of the pain but i need to lose weight as rehumetoloist said my back and chest pain it weight related. But i tried to explain to her i was 11 stone (am 16 and half now) and the pain was just as bad. Sorry rambling on again lol its night thats my biggest prob. My partner dont understand and aint very supportive xx

Both medications do almost the same thing, both have similar

Side effects including weight gain, but not in every one.

Pregablin is the stronger one so you don't need as much of

It but doctors prefer to prescribe gabapentin because it is cheaper

sharne27 profile image

oh ok im on 600mg of the pregabling plus oxy norm. Im just in right muddle lol xx

nekcarb profile image

Pregabalin does give me a ravenous appetite especially for the sweet or carbohydrate foods. I have gained a little weight over the last 2 years but constantly doing mini diets to keep it at a reasonable amount. It does make your life a bit miserable because you are constantly thinking about food or feeling ashamed for eating. The weight gain does play havock with the fibro pains so I have a good incentive to make the effort. My partner isn't very supportive either but it's hard for someone else to understand it as an illness.

Annabell profile image
Annabell in reply to nekcarb

Hi I read your reply with interest. I too take pregabalin and to be honest it turned by life round and made me feel a lot better. But I have put weight on and hate it. I also do feel guilty when I hit the chocolate but cant stop. I munch away like no tomorrow. I feel terrible afterwards not because I eat it but because it does make me feel ill. Any slimming tips. My daughter who is about to qualify as a nurse says its what you put into your mouth that makes you fat. She is right but I need willpower.

Hope you are having a good day.

Take care

Bye for now Love Axx

Lizzie57 profile image
Lizzie57 in reply to nekcarb

Hi Nekcarb

I have the same problem my partner one minute seems to understand then the next he doesn't, so I just keep plodding along doing what I can when I can and resting in between and as for the weight gain I'm only eating my 3 meals a day nothing inbetween and I'm piling on the weight, this illness is so diverse between the pain,foggy ness,weight issues, no wonder ppl are confused.

Keep you're chin up. Xx

munchkin62 profile image

I wonderd were my new addiction for sweet things came from I never used to get cravings for sweet things before but now its getting ridiculous I just cant get enough ive even been getting weird body shaking and feeling like every bit of energy has been drained from my body and the only thing that sorts it is something sweet and its not my normal fibro exhaustion.x

FibroFoggyKaty1 profile image

I have changed over to Pregabalin around 3 months ago but I also started weight watchers at the same time. I have managed to loose 23lbs during this period and I am also taking 75mg Amitriptilyne too. I do think its important to watch what we eat, as I imagine most of you are like me, and not able to be very active, so we just dont burn off what we eat like others.I know its very hard to be strict with yourselves about what we should and shouldnt eat, but I am really finding life easier having lost some weight, and I look so much better too. I have still got a stone to go, but I am determined that after seeing my holiday photos from last year, I knew I had to drop 2 dress sizes.I am also on Steriods too and they are notorious for weight gain. Its all about being honest with yourself,we all know what we shouldnt eat, trouble is its always the nice things isnt it !!

hi all. i too put weight on fast with both of these meds. craved sweet things and always hungry. i also follow weight watcers but only the odd pound went up and down. depressing seeing as i lost 3 stone before and was mainting for over a year, til they pit me on the new meds!! now im just on amytrip and tramadol and baclofen. ha to b taken off others.chin up i know its hard its a daily battle and swings and roundabouts. weight needs to come off to ease condition but pills r needed to manage condition !!!

hugs x

FibroFoggyKaty1 profile image

Hi cherie67 I was told you shouldnt take amytrip and tramadol together, I would check with your doctor about this, but I was put on them both together and I was very ill until a brilliant doctor picked up on this and took me off tramadol ASAP and thats when I went on to pregabalin

nekcarb profile image
nekcarb in reply to FibroFoggyKaty1

How did you find coming off Tramadol? I have been on it for 18 months now and even if I miss one capsule I have unbearable, very nasty withdrawal symptoms. I only take two morning and night but they make such a difference to my pains, anxiety and RLS. They don't anywhere near remove the pains but it's enough to stop me walking up walls. I can't believe I would get the same relief on just the pregabalin.

I can lose weight on medication, it is much slower and then I gain it again overnight for no reason as I can make out.

fairycazzie profile image

Hi there!

i too take Lyrica i am on 500mg and pain meds and other meds too muscle spasms etc.

yes weight gain wow i hve put on an amazing 2 stone! and going up with lyrica.

i was joking with Dr saying so for every step up do i gain another stone - no comments really made and since i am a petite frame too i am now slightly over weight at 9.5 stone from being a 7.4 i dont mind 8st as this is a nice weight to be but as i am now i said i not too happy as i getting out of breath and gasping now and again when trying to talk too.

Amitryptiline i took 1st for the nerve pain but had major side effects and my speech was really bad.

then was gabapentin which made me so ill and laid up for a while so was taken off that .

personally Lyrica has been a godsend although i burning and so weak i feel , no strengths and just to touch my thumbs etc its like they coming out of place ouch!!!

my feet hurt too and tops of legs and base spine, hips heavy like a block of cement.

Pain management is whats on list too which i have been to and i said i would try manage and i have so far but its getting hard i admit. i am waiting to see if can have cervical neck injections and base of spine and want to ask Q's on my hands too for times cannot use at all.

I am here if want to chat and inbox me with any questions too .

I want to ask if i can be tried on interfron a drug used for MS which i was ruled out but yet told i coudl possibly get in a year a 2 and its another year since and when am down am down. unable to barely even get to the loo.

got to be on the ball with work all the time so have to be on something to keep me going.

What have Dr's suggested to you after you are suffering again from Lyrica as 600mg is the max .

big soft huggles

caroline xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

littlemisshurty profile image

No iv been on it since Sep w hen I had screws put in my spine it's. Morphine replacement or is that the brown one I'm on? But no not any weight probs

littlemisshurty profile image

No iv been on it since Sep w hen I had screws put in my spine it's. Morphine replacement or is that the brown one I'm on? But no not any weight probs

manc46 profile image

Have you asked for blood test to see if your body is making VitiamB12. My body was not and this was causing breathless and also making the sighing sound though was not sighing it was body trying to get more into my blood system it's helped a great deal have B12 injections every three months

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