i dont put things/words how i should how words come out didnt mean to hurt any1 but i think maybe i have? i was just trying to say how boring our lives are now an how we cant do the things we used to do that it would have been lovely to roll in the snow an not think about being cold all the time sorry if i did wrong xx
i hope i didnt hurt any1 feelings ??/... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
i hope i didnt hurt any1 feelings ??//but feel like i have

I looked and looked through your posts and I couldn't see any where that you might have offended anyone, certainly not me cos I would have said....
Don't worry yourself
Hugs VG x

aww thank you im ok hugs xx
Hello there Chicme. please don't worry. It's all fine. I haven't seen anything either so please don't think any more of it.
Take care and please be assured that everything is fine my dear.
(((hug))) xxx
Think we r all in same boat so understand what ur trying 2 say. I know there's times where hubby and me have had row (in beginning of this illness) cos I have said something and haven't worded it properly so he's been annoyed at what iv said. It all comes down to fibro fog I believe, I mean 1 thing but can't get right words out so end up saying wrong thing. I still do it but now hubby knows I'm having trouble finding right words so we talk bout what I really mean and not what I actually said. if people take offence that's there problem not urs, I know it's difficult but uv no need 2 apologise. We r all in this 2gether xx
I looked again, chicme, and it seemed perfectly OK to me. Would love to roll in some snow with you as well, but it's all gone and melted!
Love Moffy x
Seems fine to me too. So many things we wish we could do. I try to give in to pain and do something wild, but I pay for it if I do. Still that's life! keep smiling.
Don't worry, we alll have times when things don;t come out as we expect, all will be well, I get.so frustrated at not being able to do things, and yes I have miurned for those things too, but now i think best accept and be thankful for what i can still do. So do not worry, we have enough to worry and cope with girl. Blessings and gentle hugs x x x
I havnt seen anything offensive, please dont worry, surely this is a place where we can express how we feel and even sound off a little if we are feeling down. I know exactly how you feel, I took my 16month old grandson to a soft play mill today, I so wanted to climb up the ladders and slide down the slides with him but I'm afraid my soft play days are well and truly over BUT I'm alive! Ive got all my limbs (although they dont work very well) so I suppose we have to be thankful for every small blessing we have
((((((Gentle hugs)))))) x
Daft is good! We love being daft, 'cos having a good laugh is the only way to cope with this miserable illness!
Love Moffy ((( )))
Hi chicme
You sound like me hehe
I always worry about what I've said or how it sounds and if I've offended anyone. Glad it's all sorted now.
wanderingwallflower xx
To be perfectly honest, I don't think I've ever seen anything here that has offended me! I've come to the conclusion that we must all be of the same ilk in that sometimes we feel so damned wretched we do things without thinking, then when we think back about it we assume we may have caused offence to someone. I think we all understand here chicme, just how this dreaded fibro affects each and every one of us in one way or another. I find everyone here very, very understanding and empathetic. I would class everyone here as a friend XXXXX