Seen my urologist today and was examined , I have to have xray and scan then a cystoscopy was wondering if anyone else has had this procedure done and has problems with there bladder with having fibro xx
Bladder problems: Seen my urologist... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Bladder problems

What sort of problems do you have - if you don't mind me asking?
A lot of women get bladder problems, fibro or not, especially if they have had children.
I had a very upsetting time with incontinence after my children were born, and it took three months of 'Kiegel' exercises to put it right. It was a long three months, I can tell you, but the results were extremely good!
If you have constant infections, that's a whole different ball game. A cystoscopy and scan will give your doctors a good idea of what's going on, and hopefully find an answer to the problem.
A nasty thing, bladder trouble - you have my sympathy!
Moffy x
Hi , I feel my bladder is constantly filling up and spasms , started of as infections , a couple of months before I was diagnosed with fibro . Lately iam flareing alot and bladder is even worsebecause of this . Its soo uncomfortable , having fibro is enough now this aswell . Xxxxx
Hi there I too have problems with my bladder and have done for many years scans never showed anything but I wasn't diagnosed with fibromyalgia then its only now that I have been that the pieces fit together I have suffered with recurrent cystitis/uti's and kidney infections I have the antibiotic Nitrofurantoin on repeat prescription as recommended by Urologist,my GP and Practice Nurse Drinking plenty if Cranberry juice and or taking cranberry capsules are very beneficial,you so have my sympathy it is the most unpleasant condition to have, irritable bladder is also a consequence of having so many attacks if cystitis,I wish you luck in getting the right treatment love Della xxx
Ty guys xx
Hi Broadband,
I have recently been prescribed Oxybutynin tablets to try to slow down my irritable bladder.
My GP did examine me to make sure I didn't have a prolapse or a cystocele. I also had a thorough blood screening.
I was getting up about every 20 minutes for the first 3-4 hours after getting into bed. I don't sleep well anyway as you can imagine. I now get up every 2 hours which is an improvement. I may go back to see him to see if I can improve on this as every 4 hours would be better.
He said bladder problems are very common with us older ladies who have been through the menopause as well as older men, of course.
It has got to the point that I now wear a Tena pad if I am out with other people e.g. if and when I go to choir practice.
Hope what I have written helps.
I wish you luck with your procedure.
Love and hugs
Saskia. XX
i also wish you luck with your procedure, i have just seen an urologist and i am waiting to have the same things done , i know what your going through, and sympathise, its really dehabilitating, i cant look forwards to going to bed because as soon as i lay down its not long before i have to "get up again" no antibiotics work anymore, so i am hoping they can do something, take care,
Yup I had to have a cytoscopy where they told me they thought they could see cancerous lumps. Cue loads more tests and a six week wait then repeat cystoscopy to be told no lumps at all...phew
I've been peeing blood for just over a year now but no idea why.
same happened to me about 20 years ago, unfortunately between tests they lost my notes but thankfully the problems cleared up on their own whilst waiting for them to find results! A least nowadays its all on computer, so if they cant track down your paper notes they still have all the basics on the PC.
Although there was no actual proof they suspected kidney stones and reckoned by the time it was finally investigated the symptoms gone, they thought i had just passed them naturally and they must have been small ones to not to have noticed, but thats where the bleeding was coming from.
Ty for replys it means alot , xx
You're vey welcome. Hope all goes well for you. Hugs Saskia XX
Hi a lot of people with fibro get Interstitial Cystitis, which means that the inside layer of the bladder becomes damaged and urine burns the walls of the bladder causing pain and the feeling of wanting to urinate and frequency. That is why it is important for you to have a cystoscopy to find out if you have it or not. If it is IC it is horrible but in my case I find that diet really helps - you have to leave out food with preservatives, additives, most fruits, tomatoes, spices, most cheese and yoghurt, vinegar and pickles, coffee and tea, and worst of all, chocolate!!! But although the diet is more than a nuisance, it does really help and it keeps my symptoms under control to the extent that life is bearable, although I do have flare days like with fibro. Well I hope that you don't have it, but its not the end of the world if you do, although it felt like it at the time I was diagnosed, you can get advice on the diet from a lot of IC websites.
Jjudith ty so much for the information , I only started with bladder problems just before I was diagnosed with fm , I have read up re ic , I do feel exactly what you have wrote . Cant say im looking forward to the cystoscopy , iam hoping I dont flare as I have alot of flareing lately and it makes my bladder flare worse also , hugs to you x love angie x
years ago I had loads of bladder problems, and had a cystoscopy a few times of couple of times for them to look, and also to take samples of my bladder, and then to stretch it, non of it was too painful, just like period pains. After all this they told me that I had an over active bladder, is this what you suffer from? which is very common with fibro, so they tell me. Now I just take a cranberry tablet every morning and have been fine.It is worth a try, you can also use uva ursa, which is good too.Lots of luck Joyce
Hi I've been told I have Irritable Bladder syndrome. For non-fibro people apparently it's usually a permanent thing where the bladder suddenly feels full and spasms but GP is pretty certain mine is fibro related as it seems to occur mostly when I'm in flare. I was originally given oxybutynin but didn't get on too well with it so was changed to Tolterodine which is much better for me and makes it manageable. I'm fairly lucky in between flares as it's OKish as long as I limit caffein and alcohol. Red Bull and it's like is an absolute killer for me - found that out the hard way when trying to keep alert for a long drive home following a delayed flight. You can just imagine how comfortable that was!!! If you're not getting the burning pain, dragging ache and raised temperature of cystitis it might be that you've got Irritable Bladder. MIght be worth talking to your urologist or GP to see if a trial of oxy or tolteradine is worth trying before they subject you to a cystoscopy. Hope you get a bit more comfortable soon x
Ty for replys , xx thats just how it feels , constanly full and spasms , I have it all the time but soo much worse when im flareing , and lately im flareing alot . My doctor suggested they may do a cystoscopy , I prefer to take tablets x I will start taking cranberry see if that helps , hugs to everyone , x angie x
I suffered severe bladder incontinence and I had Macroplastique injections inside my bladder I also had a Tension Vaginal Tape inserted twice. The first time was a total disaster and some damage was done to the blood vessels so I had loads of infections etc, but the second time it was done by my own surgeon (and not his understudy) it was a gret sucess. That was 7 years ago, but I am now starting to leak again. I am 65 by the way so age + Fibro doesnt help !!