so what helps you? i am very wary about trying other drugs but would be interested in what you think might be worth trying?
I am off to Docs Tomorrow for review,... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I am off to Docs Tomorrow for review, i take co codamol top strength ,tried amtrip didn't make a difference tramadol makes me feel sick,

Tramadol unfortunately makes a lot of people feel sick!
It's a shame because it's very good.
Sometimes the simpler medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen help a lot, but everyone seems different.
I took meloxicam for a while, and it was very good indeed, but have had to stop as I have a stomach ulcer.
That was the best thing for me, and i am hoping to be able to go back to it when my stomach subsides!
It may be helpful to make a list of things that trouble you, and take it along to the doc's with you. Precise information is always helpful to doctors when they are deciding what to prescribe.
Best of luck!
Moffy x
Here is info on the treatment of Fibro:
"The most effective treatment for Fibro is often through a multidisciplinary approach, using medications, complementary and supportive therapies, and lifestyle adaptations.
It is rare that one approach alone can manage Fibro in the best way possible."
I too find tramadol makes me feel sick, I am on strong Co codomels and duloxtine, I was on gabapentin for about 2 years and my weight has gone up over 2 stone. I am too going to a new pain clinic to check my medicines because i'm not getting enough relief from what i'm on. Im also suffering with sinutitus something I seem to get regular now, head is so heavy, and I have alot of stomach aches. I hope to find some relief soon otherwise I might go mad!!
Ask ur gp to try u on gabapentin it really help with pain as well. I have fibromyalgia and i take a concoction of gabapentin tramadol slow release and paracetamol with the occasional ibruprofen as well. I find this a good mix as I can walk,drive and deal with most things life throws at me now.
Please note that we cannot recommend medications that will work on other people as there is no way of knowing this - we can only say what our own experiences are or what the evidence for a medication is. For example, Pregabalin is a similar drug to Gabapentin, and studies found that it only worked for around 50% of people with Fibro. Around 30% got good results, but for half the people who tried it, it did nothing.
Sorry i forgot to mention I also get accupuncture, go to a massage therapist and a chiropractor and these all help as well. Also hot therapies such as hot stone massage is great as well.
Thanks all i do worry about side affects i do cope very well on my co codamol so i think i will wait to see what she says thanks again all much appreciated
understand what works for some doesnt for others just wanted to see if anybody had any advice ,there are so many painkillers and meds for fibro its so confusing xxx
pregablin, amptr, morphine, propanolol, dicolfenac, lozmeprozle counselling reg rhuem apps and advice help me keep going every day. tramadol made me ill unfortateley as it is best advised. x
Hi, I tried tramadol it did nothing. I find a layering of drugs helps, so I was on amitriptyline and di-hydro codeine. I used to take robaxin methocarbamol as well, a muscle relaxant, but doc said not long-term.
Also took paracetomol on top!! Only thing is I do get veeeery sleeeepy!! Mnaged to stop the muscle relaxant and take paracetomol only occasionally on top! I recommend goo sleep, warmth and trying to de-stress your life!
I am on morphine patches,amitrypillin,.and pregalibn..amd am still in a bad way. sleeping for about 2 hours on and off.Cant take any more pregalibin as it makes me fall....Am at the end of my tether. Not helped by my dear cousin having a go at me every opportunity. Her son is a surgeon and daughter a hospital doctor so she obviously has a medical opinion...
Thanks all for the advise, Doc basically left it up to me, i read up on all the meds what a lot of side affects decided to split my cocoamol into codene and para so i can keep topped up alternativley every 2 hours she thought was a good idea well lets see