Trying to cope with my own physical and mental health problems. But watching my mum due from cancer is hurting more than anything else. I'm trying so hard to be strong. Wherever happens after the darkness there is always a new dawn and that's what i got to hold onto.
Struggling: Trying to cope with my own... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi julieaburrows
I fully understand your situation. I too have struggled with loss and physical and mental health issues and it’s very hard. You have a great way of looking at this, there is always a new dawn. I wish I could have your positive mindset. I admire that in you 😘
I'm trying to be positive. But there are so many times when I'm filled with fear anger and confusion I don't know what's happening. The things that are keeping me going are other people, making sure I'm not alone too much. The night times are so hard and trying to plan when you never know what is going to happen next is a struggle. Brain fog and lack of coordination is bad enough to cope with on the best of days. Got to keep focussed somehow. So glad found this website. Makes me feel less alone in a very lonely world. Stay strong everyone please
It does feel like a constant battle to keep positive I fully understand that.
I feel so angry with myself too. I constantly forget things and really important things too and I try to write everything down but also forget to do that too.
It’s infuriating!
We have each other in here which I can feel already is going to be a massive help.
Good to know I'm not alone. So frustrating when you try to explain to other people and they just don't get it. Way my mind is I get so overloaded with everything that I end up doing myself more damage. Can't get words right now. Feel exhausted but still battling on. Xxx
I was exhausted when my mother died. She had Chronic end stage heart & lung disease for a long time (amongst other things). No one told us she actually had a cancer. A skin cancer growing in and protruding through the spine and behind stomach which was what was preventing her from being able to eat.
I hope you can try and get enough sleep to take you through each day. x
When my father passed from Alzheimer’s, I had the worst fibro flare of my life. I found that being around family and friends, writing on boards like this to kill the loneliness, made me feel so much better. Stress and deep emotions are the worst triggers for me. The brain fog came on and I tried to keep a sense of humor when I was with my sister, who understood what I was going through. Telling her what was up helped. I just kept talking and stayed around people and took walks to try to keep me going a little. You say you don’t know much about what you have - I’d use this community and ask questions!
Stay strong - the flares come and go. Just try to keep the stress down as much as you can and be good to yourself.

Thanks for your positive words. Want to write more but once again the words i am trying to find aren't connecting and my head is screaming. Too much bleaurgh!!! Sorry, will try again at some point. Xxx

(((Hugs))) xxx
I'm so sorry. Keeping you both in my thoughts. Hugs