Covoid injection after effects - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Covoid injection after effects

Masil profile image
16 Replies

Hi all hope you are all hanging on in there if I've been quiet it's because I had my covoid injection monday and OMG I feel so ill each day gives me different symptoms so I'm just lying low and trying to get through it best I can but Ihope it ends soon but if I feel ill it was nothing compared to what my hubby went through hee started within 4 hours of injection it was horrendous he was shakin so much he could get the cup to his lips was freezing so had so many layers on to try and help him but he seems to of come through the worst of it now and just feels exhausted but oh boy if that's what the jab done can you image what the actual illness is like...... but hopefully none of us ever find out fingers crossed but I'm going now as my fingers really hurting trying this and I'm having a hot flush which means I'm off to be sick so speak to you all again soon xx

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Masil profile image
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16 Replies
Smckntsh3 profile image

Sorry to hear you feel so ill Masil. Which type of injection did you have.

I had the Oxford AZ yesterday at 5:30. My arm hurts but so far no difference in pain as I’m flaring with my lupus & fibro. I suffer becehts & sjorgens too.

I take hydrochloroquine cholchine sertraline topirmate amongst other meds.

My painkillers at the mo are dihydrocodiene.

If you don’t mind me asking wat meds u on & do u suffer any other conditions apart from fibro.

On a positive- the nasty effects means your immune system is working against the vaccine. I hope u feel better soon - if not contact GP or NHS direct.

Big hugs xx

sherrisix profile image
sherrisix in reply to Smckntsh3

I was also given Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine last week. No side effects at all, apart from slight headache teh next day. Hope your symptoms improve soon!

Smckntsh3 profile image

When do the side effects start - sorry that’s what I wanted to know to be prepared x

Greenpeace profile image
Greenpeace in reply to Smckntsh3

Hi, not everyone gets side-effects. I never had any at all, and a lot of others I know are the same. My husband felt a bit off, like coming down with something, but the next day he was fine. Everyone reacts differently.

Hope that helps.

GP. 😊😊

Smckntsh3 profile image
Smckntsh3 in reply to Greenpeace

Thanks GP that really helps I hope I don’t react 🙏🙏🙏

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee

have attached an image of a previous post and it still is the case. Observational study on all posts on this site confirms below. There are more people reporting minor or no side effects but anyone can get a strong reaction so as others have said elsewhere it can be good to plan for it just in case.

image of previous post saying vaccines are following same pattern as in community
Sueelm profile image

I had the injection on a Saturday lunch time and was woken up at 5am Sunday and oh blimey the agony was unbelievable. I had high temperature and violent shivering. I ached from head to toe l just didn't know what to do with myself in fact l ended up in tears with it. I felt my fibromyalgia flair up quite soon after the injection. Also l have asthma and l was coughing quite a lot with sore breathing and my asthma was well controlled. I have had flu 3 times in my life but this felt worse than that did. The positive thing was that this only lasted 36 hours.

Dinkie profile image

Had mine on 1 February - sore arm next day that was it. My husband had his too and he didn't even get the sore arm. He is in the CEV group.

Taffyapple69 profile image

I had the Pfizer 1st jab felt under the weather for a few days had 2nd jab monday no effects not even ache in arm so glad mine are done !

redmaple-5 profile image
redmaple-5 in reply to Taffyapple69

I’m due my 2nd Pfizer jab soon, glad the read you were ok after second. ☺️

No effects from Astra zeneca vaccine not even a sore arm for me. Over 3 weeks ago therefore think the second vaccine will be the same for me x

Supersonicson profile image

Hi there, I’m afraid it’s just pot luck how you react to the jab, both myself and husband had the A Zeneca, he suffered for a few days and I had no reaction at, I have a few underlying health issues . I asked the nurse who administered it about which is the best vaccine, she said no difference really and that she herself had a few days feeling ill after having the Pfizer Jab, so it’s potluck

Queenielot profile image

Sorry to hear that I had mine and felt ok so did my husband but we didn't have the Oxford one x

robpw profile image

Mine happened within 24 hours it was also aZtra zenica

paula9087 profile image

After having my jab a growing headache and all over body pain they turned into a headache from hell and my body the pain was horrific and being asthmatic a slight wheezing this went on for two days I didn't, eat for the two days. If it wasn’t for COVID I would of phoned for ambulance. Will I have it again yes, But hoping I won’t have it so bad

Leemccluskey profile image

All vaccines can produce reactions. Most vaccines will cause a sore arm and often within 5 days also cause some muscle aches and so muscles in the neck will cause headache. The Astrazenica Oxford vaccine is made totally different to all the other covid vaccines out there like Pfizer Sputnik Johnson & Johnson modern etc. The difference is that the astrazenica vaccine is made in the more traditional way and has actually been tested over many years although not with the covid protein in it. Think of it like a milkshake. Every milkshake starts of plain or vanilla and then flavour is added to the plain base so say chocolate banana strawberry etc.

The Astrazenica vaccine is actually made from a virus that causes mild common cold symptoms in monkeys. The virus is then modified so it is completely harmless to humans but its like the basic milkshake. Then the protein spike of the virus your dealing with which in this case is covid is placed into this harmless blank monkey virus. The covid protein spike is what invades and infects the next cell and then the next cell and so on but its only a sort of identity. Think of it like sweetener versus actual sugar. If you ate sugar it would taste sweet and can cause you harm like weight gain rotten teeth and diabetes but if you eat sweetener you get the sweetness without the rotten teeth diabetes etc so your taste buds think your food has sugar in it if its sweet.

In the Astrazenica vaccine the covid protein spike put into the harmless monkey virus so that it can spread and grow in your cells on sort of tastes like covid to your immune system but your immune system thinks its a full blown attack by covid which it hasn't come across before so your immune system builds an army so to speak that goes out into your body and destroys the covid protein infected cells.

Only your immune system can kill a virus as no drug has ever been produced that can kill a virus.

At this point the the covid vaccines dont cure you of covid they just pre warn your immune system as to what might be coming by tricking it into believing your body has just been invaded by covid. The vaccines therefore trigger the immune system into producing antibodies that destroy the infected covid cells.

So some people say why do some people die with covid and some dont.

Well if your immune system is dealing with fighting other illnesses and injuries like diabetes or arthritis or heart disease lung damage cancer tumours or even just a chest infection then your immune system will be battling it out with those other problems and doesn't have enough army to fight covid before it spreads so fast. Sort of like a house on fire and trying to put it out with a garden hose rather than four fire hoses so the fire gets out of control and destroys everything. If your immune system is prompted early enough to the fire it can use maybe two fire hoses and keep the fire under control until it burns out.

The Astrazenica vaccine lets your immune system know covid is here although likeci said above its a dummy virus with a covid signature and the two fire hoses come out so to speak and it gets the fire under control and eventually it burns out and is put out so the dummy covid virus is wiped out but the immune system then brings an extra two hoses and leaves them there in case the fire starts again only this time if the real covid comes along it would be much stronger so the four fire hoses would be needed to dampen down the fire (covid) before it spreads too much (viral load) which is what causes damage and death. In some people their immune system is healthy and strong so it starts to fight the covid and kills the covid cells faster than they can spread like the 2 hoses with the dummy monkey virus. But in people with weak immune systems or who get infected with a lot of the virus all at once (high viral load) or the difference between lighting a fire with a match or a petrol bomb their immune system is just too weak to kill the virus cells faster than they spread.

Basically the Astrazenica vaccine causes your immune system to build up antibodies in your blood which kills the covid cells faster than they can spread and infect other cells. So it's like having four fires hoses as the fire has just started.

So the vaccine causes the immune system to kill covid cells faster than they can spread and cause damage or death. So the vaccine in effect dampens down the fire until it goes out and stops it spreading so it stops covid before it makes you seriously ill.

The hope is the antibodies also block covid from being infectious or stops the virus (fire) from spreading to other houses(people) and the virus disappears but this would only happen if enough people are vaccinated or if they have already got antibodies because they have already had covid and survived. If too many people refuse the vaccine and have not had covid then the virus only needs to get into one of them and they could spread it to others who have no protection and then it keeps spreading. Every time it spreads it changes slightly as it grows in the body along with your dna and then you spread it to someone with a different dna and it creates mutant strains that the immune system of those people vaccinated doesn't recognise as it was trained in the strain of the dummy monkey virus vaccine. Thats when everyone would then need a booster jab for the new strains. The quicker all people get this vaccine the faster our lives will get back to normal. The more anti vax people there are the longer we will have restrictions and the more deadly this virus will become.

Now the Astrazenica vaccine method was used to make the MERS vaccine and the ZIKA vaccine ZIKA virus was found in mosquitoes in South America that caused still born babies and babies with severe brain damage meaning they only lived a few hours or days after they were born and also the Ebola vaccine as it is a fastrack method to produce a vaccine that is needed urgently as apposed to other vaccines that are used to prevent less deadly or less contagious viruses. So this Astrazenica vaccine has been tested for around 10 years with the base harmless monkey virus with the added virus protein spikes so MERS ZIKA EBOLA and now COVID 19 so so far no one has died or had serious allergic reactions the the Astrazenica vaccine.

All the other vaccines have been made using a technique using RNA which is too much to explain but basically vaccines have been produced as experiments using this method but have never been tested on humans until now. So they firmly believe these vaccines will work or do work but they do not know what the long term consequences of these vaccines will be on the human body if at all.

All vaccines like I say can show reactions like the headaches muscle aches feeling hot cold feeling sick etc but this is a sign that your immune system has actually started working against the virus. In the case of the Astrazenica vaccine the dummy monkey virus is meant to die off naturally within 3 days maximum so just enough time to trigger your immune system. So the aches and pains and sickness should only last for a few days while your immune system works against the vaccine. No one out of the hundreds of millions of people who have had any of the Astrazenica vaccines have ever died of it or have had a serious allergic reaction to it but quite a number of people worldwide have been having severe allergic reactions like anaphylaxis shock breathing problems etc with the other vaccines like the Pfizer moderna vaccines which has to be because of the untested way its made.

So sorry about the long winded reply but basically I believe the Astrazenica vaccine is currently the safest in that its been tested for years although not necessarily with the covid protein and if you have had the normal harmless common reactions to this vaccinecor any of the others then you should be happy as it means your immune system is springing into action and is working well. The aches and pains should disappear within a week at most.

Other exciting news is that cancer patients who have caught covid and survived are showing the covid infecting their cells has also infected the cells that have been taken over by the cancer so covid has actually killed cancer cells and drastically reduced cancer in their bodies and some people who were told they were terminal are being given hope of a cure or even just hope of staying alive a lot longer . Now while we can't infect cancer patients deliberately with covid we can give the dummy virus vaccine to tell the immune system to kill the virus cells so maybe we can create a vaccine with a dummy virus with a cancer signature so our immune system stops the spread of cancer and kills the cancer infected cells and therefore save lives. The same method could therefore also be used to train the immune system in fighting of diseases possibly even fibro or gut diseases like ibs ibd crohns etc which often comes about due to the nasty biotics in our bodies or the nasty bacteria being more than the good bacteria causing illness.

Who knows a few months down the line after having your second vaccine dose your immune system might have had such a kick up the backside and is working so well it might put your fibro cfs ibs etc into remission

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