Bambi: This is my beautiful Bambi a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Teddysmum43 profile image
11 Replies

This is my beautiful Bambi a whippet lurcher. She is the one I am taking to the dogs trust on Friday for an assessment on rehoming her. I'm gutted but I am really struggling and she is the hardest one to walk,however she is so good indoors. She needs someone who is more in charge than me,a stronger person who is healthy. It's weird but she goes out with other people and behaves lovely but with me she is fearful of other dogs. Have tried taking her to training classes which she behaved really well at but as soon as I take her for a walk it changes. Trainers said it was me causing the problems.:(

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Teddysmum43 profile image
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11 Replies

Oh poor thing, id chop my legs off b4 give my dog up. Must be hard making that decition. Can you not ask a friend or family to walk her?

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How old is she?, we just lost our jackrussell b4 xmas, she was 17. It was the hardest thing ive ever had to do, but she was so old vet said it was a matter of days she had left and we didnt want her to suffer a siezure or anything nasty so we had her put to sleep, she passed away in my arms. I cried for days, my husband cried like a baby and he's a big mans man, body builder, you wouldnt think he would have been so attached to such a sweet little girl, he called her his princess :(

Mdaisy profile image

Bambi, well what can I say she is sweet but what you are considering doing is probably very sensible & brave in the long run. I completely understand having had dogs nearly all my life.

We are here to listen and help you through

XmarciaX profile image

Arrrr what a beautiful doggies you have, it must be the hardest decision you ave to make, but you know in the end it is for the best, I ave had to this even before I was told I had this fibro thingy magigy thing. I have a saint Bernard called max 2 cats 2 guinea pigs my daughter calls me the farm... But you will know it's looked after bless :( x

I understand totally TM I have grown up had a family and we have always had dogs cats birds small rodents and rabbits , after I developed arthritis with my fibro we had just a budgie and a cat and when they both died of old age within a short space of each other i realised I couldn't cope with anything that needed cleaning out often or walking so we got the snake ... Still a pet but manageable for have to do what is best for you and your pets however sad it is .. Take comfort dogs trust will find bambi a good home and you have your 3 little dogs for company

VG x

sheena123 profile image


I have a greyhound and an australian shephard, I lost my lurcher last October. I use a mobility scooter when I take them for a walk.

Please look to a mobility scooter before you let your precious pet go. Good Luck

Gentle Hugs

Teddysmum43 profile image

I've tried the mobility scooter it's just not safe enough for me with her reactive ness to other dogs,she has nearly had me off before. Also with the scooter I can't take her to the fields and let her off which she needs. I've tried for three years and its just worn me out I'm afraid.

Dixiesdaughter profile image

Awww I really feel your pain Teddy's Mum only you trully know what is the best thing to do in your situation and I'm sure you've done some painful soul searching before comming to this decision. I hope now the decision is made your at peace with yourself and feel confident that you have put your darling dogs needs before ypur own. i admire your selflessness and wish you and your remaining pets well

Big hugs ((((())))) dixie x

Teddysmum, you are doing the best you can for Bambi, Please don't feel guilty...

As I told you before, I have a dog who is very reactive on lead and with other dogs and certain people. We did all the training etc with him nothing worked. I rescued him and do not know what caused him to be so scared of other dogs. He loves my other two dogs though.

I was well when I took him on, if I could have seen into the future I would have stayed with the two dogs I had, If I didn't have help walking him most days then I too would be in your position. People rehome dogs for many reasons and dogstrust will make sure Bambi has the right home.

RE. the trainer you had, I very much doubt you are causing the problem. Bambi may well be either scared for both you and her or just doesn't like other dogs, or feels relaxed enough with you to show her real personality and not with others, pretty much the way kids play up on their parents:) I am sure Bambi will benefit from having someone who can give her one on one attention and a lot of time. In hindsight that is what my DJ really needed but he is getting older now and settling a bit.

The previous owner of my dog had to give him up for reasons beyond her control and his problems were not made clear to me at the time, however I could see he loved his owner and she was sad to see him go. I often got sad for her but he settled in with us within a few days and after a few weeks it was like he was always here and now he has been here five years , I'm sure it will be the same for Bambi.

Expect to be sad and tearful when you leave her to dogstrust, but cry then remember that you are doing good for you and her and your other dogs, Take care xx M

hamble99b profile image

what a loving thing to do.

she will find a home soon, she is beautiful.

my friend & her hubby have 2 rescue whippets who take a lot of exercise, they're a young couple and find them hard to handle on a leash. they had to prove they could manage before they were allowed to have them, so bambi will get a good home.

It will be very upsetting for you but think of her running free and not you & her fretting because she can't go out.

keep in touch [and take a lo of photo's]



Teddysmum43 profile image

Thank you for your lovely comments. I got Bambi and skippy back from the kennels yesterday,was so nice to have them home but I've soon realised I'm still not up to it. Just walked Bambi and was breathless the whole way round,she pulls me a lot even with her special head collar on so I'm facing up to the fact she needs someone much stronger than me. I'm just terrified she will get into the wrong hands but hopefully the people at the dogs trust will put my mind at rest. Teddy my Japanese spitz got a lovely home last year so I know it can be done.xx

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