Pain management clinic: Has anyone been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Pain management clinic

15 Replies

Has anyone been reffered, and what is the program like? is it worth going?

15 Replies
tettridge profile image


I went to one a couple of years ago and found it quite useful. The thing that first hit me was that I was not the only one with pain, and the people had come from a varied background in their pain.

If you think they will help you get over the pain then they won't, they will help you understand how or why you have pain and the will introduce you to various exercises that you may or may not be able to do (Some can some cant depends on the excise and the point of pain) they are also big on relaxation techniques. We also had some education on the types of medication that are available and a medication chart that shows the simple painkillers and how they work and going up the scale what does what to your body.

Any way every week was different.

Can only recommend highly enough as I felt I got a lot out of it.

Take care and kindest wishes


in reply to tettridge

Thanks Tery xx

SuzyB profile image

I've been referred & have my assessment on 15th March so I'll let you know. If it helps I put a similar question to the group via a blog a couple of weeks ago.

Here's the link as there was lots of helpful replies


in reply to SuzyB

Thanks Suzy, I will have a look xx

I have an assesment to go to a pain management clinic on Tuesday am hoping they will find I will benefit and a few people on here are starting the courses I think next month so hopefully you will get some answers to help you

VG x

in reply to

Thanks VG, How long did it take for your apt to come through after referal? xx

in reply to

oAbout 3 weeks ... My GP is very assertive and if he thinks patients have been waiting too long he gets on the phone or writes letters.... He is the head fibro Gp at my surgery, although all 6 are great with fibro and as fibro patients he sees us so often he knows how long we have been waiting and gets it sorted

Hope you don't have to wait too long

VG x

I also have an assessment on 4 March at a local hospital. I was just looking at the letter I recievex for my appointment & it says I can bring along a partner or carer. This is maybe so they can maybe explain things you may forget. I have no-one to come with me as my son will be working & my Mum will be seeing to my paralysed brother at the time of alpointment. I have decided to write things down so I can refer to it & hopefully give them a clear picture of how Fibro effects me & take it from there. All I know is when attending my Physio she told me I would benefit from it greatly. I've heard that at the classes there will be 3 people - a Physiotherapist, a Physcologist & the other I just cannot remember. I will put on a post here how my appointment goes. Its only 2 weeks away & have been waiting since June 2012.

Jackie xx

in reply to

Oh my goodness, have you had to wait that long :( What area do you live?

Its a shame you have no one to go with you. When i get my apt my husband is coming with me, he needs to be convinced that this condition is as bad as it is. Unfortunately i dont get much support rom him, I always feel like he makes light of it. When i say its not funny when he makes jokes, he says he just try to make light of it because he doesnt know how to handle it!!!

I hope it goes well for you, you doing the right thing by writing it down. xx

I live in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Good idea to bring your husband. Maybe he will get his eyes opened. I'm divorced so no OH to come with me. I will just get a taxi there & back again.

Jackie xx

in reply to

Oh bless ya, i would av offered to come with you if you were local. I think we all need support from time to time. My husband is useless, he has no idea. Take care hope it goes well. Shelley xx

Maladjusted profile image

I am about to begin on a 6 week Pain management Course starting tomorrow, if I survive it I will be able to tell you a bit more about it on Tuesday.

As tomorrow is a full day (9-5) I don't know if I will make it on here when I get back. I find driving tricky at the best of times, and until I try driving home after the session I don't know how I am going to feel.

I have mixed feelings about it. I am eager to learn all they have to tell me, but concerned about doing some of the exercises etc.

in reply to Maladjusted

Hi that would be great to hear how it went for you. Hope its ok, 9-5 is a long day when your goin there because of the pain and learn how to manage pain!!!

I only got refered on friday so i hope it doesnt take long to come through. Look foward to hearing from you xxx

Maladjusted profile image

At my nearest Health Centre these courses are only run a few times each year apparently. I had an appointment on 11th February, and was told the next clinic would begin on 25th, and wasn't full if I'd like to join. I asked if I could join the next one instead - give me time to think it through first, but apparently the person running it is due to go on a years maternity leave, so no-one knows when or eve if the next course will take place, so the option was give it a try or miss out completely. Will post on how it went as soon as I'm able

Em xx

in reply to Maladjusted

Cheers Em, well done lv xx

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