Child of the 70s and I need help.... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Child of the 70s and I need help....

55 Replies

I was a child of the 70s , as such I remember days spent outdoors ..playing with various toys , watching limited TV, and wearing rather dodgy clothes... Now my favourite thing was my adjustable roller skates that fitted over your shoes... BUT mine didnt have wheels they had a spring either end and I bounced everywhere does anyone else remember these, did anyone have some, even my mother denys all knowledge of them....what were your favourite 70s things... Clothes, groups, films, music, and please someone admit these spring skates existed.....

55 Replies
Ginsing profile image

Morning VG no I was a sixties child / fifties I remember my roller skates well they went over my shoes. I used to pretend I was ice skating around the house. I was never any good lol. If you asked what was my favourite toy well I remember a old sewing machine that did a chain stitch so if you went wrong you just pulled and the whole thing unravelled. I made dolls clothes didnt like dolls much prefered teddys. I got a green ladies bike when I was ten marvelous I could escape - though I actually never went further than the village bounderies. That was untill I fell for the farm boy he was gorgeous . I was sent to my room and certainly not allowed to go to the pub with him. I seem to remember it was the only really large fall out I had with my Mum and Dad . I have diverted this blog oops! xgins

ooh just remembered I had a garden toy with flowers and wheel barrow and a green house it was marvelous still have it :)

Morning gins .. Yes my spring skates were metal with the red lace up toe cap and strap round the ankles in leather just like the roller skates but they had springs and I used to bounce everywhere . Everything else I remember so does my family but not these bouncers it's driving me mad.......:(

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

I remember a lad over the road had a Pogo stick I was so envious! I never got one :)

My OH remembers them like a pogo stick on your shoes so you are quite right! xgins

I love your OH my sanity is saved... :D Funnily enough I could NEVER master the pogo stick..

ladymoth profile image

My baby brother had a pair of bouncy skates, and a pogo stick, AND a moon hopper - he was a very bouncy child!

I was newly-wed in the seventies, living in a grotty flat, wearing those dodgy clothes, and working my tripes out in the operating theatre at Bristol Royal.

I can't believe it's so long ago, I still wake up thinking I'm back there.

I could do without the grotty flat and the endless working hours, but I would like the youthful, pain free body back.

In fact, the only physical discomfort I can remember from those days was constant hunger.

I weighed seven stones, ate more than most men, and was still hungry all the time!

Moffy x

I am printing this thread out and pinning it to my mothers wall, I will now own up and admit it was me who fell off my best friends brothers brand new chopper bike and scratched it the first day he had it.... VG unable to master the pogo stick or a bike :(

VG the vindicated....x

Angeldancea812 profile image
Angeldancea812 in reply to

That happened to my daughter. she had been encouraged by her cousins (the same age as her) to ride down this slope and had fallen. The lady that lived there came out and said she was forever telling children not to do that. I told her she couldn't have said it to my daughter before as she had only been given the bike that day. She had a lovely graze under her chin for quite a long time after.

Mdaisy profile image

A rattle.... ! born in the 70's !!

Rofl between us we are making moffy feel old.....

ladymoth profile image
ladymoth in reply to

I'm afraid to say that I am rather a 'vintage' item!

I had a pogo stick, loved it! And I used to roller skate to school, in those same, go-over-your-shoes, red-lace-up roller skates. Never saw any with springs though, now I want a pair!

I didn't have a Spirograph, but always wanted one.

And is it really true that it never rained during summer holidays then? :-/

irisjoy profile image

my favourite thing in the 70s was getting married 75 and my 2 darling children in 78 & 79

It never rained in the 70s and we had proper snow, and bigger sweets , we all had a crush on this boy in our class who came to school in Oxford bags and his pockets were so big he could fit crisps and sweets into them.

VG x

Maladjusted profile image

Hi VG I remember them - but was sure I had mine in the 60's. They were red with big bouncy springs at four corners, and ared plate with rubber stoppers underneath the springs. I seem to recall tha they were called 'Jump Jacks' does that sound familiar?

Maladjusted xx

Nope that is why I am so confused they were exactly the same as the tie on roller skates but just had two BIG springs one at the front and one at the back .. My grandmother gave them to me so they may have been older than the 70s.. I was certainly popular cos of the old fashioned adjustable size everyone wanted to have a go..

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to

your grandmother used to bounce around on springs? - I am soooo impressed!

in reply to hamble99b

Oh my family were a weird bunch, my father always used to go to work on an egg

ladymoth profile image
ladymoth in reply to

Is that why his big end went wrong?

in reply to ladymoth

In 1972 he went mad and bought a brand new car .. Can't remember the make , but it was blue , with an 8 track stereo cartridge thing and I had to take my shoes off to go in the car and eating and drinking was Definately not allowed... I remember lots of stops by the side of the road to eat....... It's not surprising I am slightly insane.... My mother had a mini countryman and all the kids in the street used to fight to sit in the boot bit ... No seatbelt rules then

Maladjusted profile image

The Jump Jacks my friend had, just had the two big springs in the middle. They had belonged to het older sister. I wanted some like them, but mine had four springs. They were bought Mail Order from a 'Freemans' catalogue. Must have been mid 60's They did tie on like roller skates with those little laces at the front, and an ankle strap at the back. If you fell off them (which I frequently did) those straps would cut in.

I also recall Stilts. My older brother made me a little pair from old wooden bed posts, but I coveted his BIG stilts. One day he was out and I 'borrowed them' only trouble was once I leaned away from the wall and got going, I couldn't get off them again, the floor was a long way down. So was staggering up and down the road yelling 'get me off these things' lol

M xx

hamble99b profile image

I was a child of the late 50's/60's.

I had roller skates, a skipping rope, a bike, wooden stilts and a go-kart my dad made, and we made some other stilts from big tins and string.

I also did chinese skipping - interlocked rubber bands looped around the legs of two chairs.

I neverhad a pogo stick, hoola hoop, tressy, sindy or barbie, but my friend did, my dolls were beautifully dresed by my mum & nan.

anyone remember those hoops you spun two balls in and those musical ribbed hoses?


in reply to hamble99b

Oh my those long plastic ribbed tubes . they came in all colours. The faster you whipped them round the better the noise.... They were banned from my junior school eventually as we kept whacking people in the face in the playground... As were clackers The two balls on strings you had to knock together and once you got them going they would suddenly snap out of sync and bruise your fingers... My mum was brilliant at them till they shattered into pieces one day and she refused to buy me new ones as they were dangerous... I think it was my mother who was dangerous....

mistymeana profile image
mistymeana in reply to hamble99b

Oh no, those dreadful hose thingies!!! I had a Saturday job in Woolies in the toy department (not as much fun as it sounds - think that's where my infanticide tendencies come from ;) ). I was given the task of demonstrating them the first week they hit the shelves. For hours on end!!!!! By the end of the day my hands were covered in blisters and there was so much lactic acid in my arms they felt as if they'd been pumped full of concrete. Happy days :( x

Oh I am so glad I had jumping jacks of the two spring variety... A last I can be at peace ,,,, honestly this arguement has been going on in our family for years no one would admit to me ever having any..... Now they know i had them i bet they blame them for my arthritis .....I had stilts my dad was great at wood work and he made me a low pair then a medium pair. Then a high pair....

Though I must admit I am sitting here thinking of you striding down the road at a rapid pace screaming someone get me off these with a huge grin on my face....


I always wanted a go kart :(

Maladjusted profile image
Maladjusted in reply to

I told you before VG you are evil. I was only four foot 6 at the time, and the stilts I stole were bigger than me. I am sure you must have been one of those people peeking from behind the net curtains - laughing (erm, how old were you in 1964?)

My dad too was good at woodwork, but deemed stilsts dangerous and wouldn't make me any :(

My brother had a go cart, and I regularly stole that too. It was made with the wheels of an old pram and didn't steer too well, but it was great fun.

I only learned to ride a pushbike when having wrecked his, my brother took the bike that had been reserved for me. It was smaller than his, but had a crossbar which I couldn't manage - that is until he took it. Once again I was riding round and round the road yelling h-e-e-e-e-e-ll-p. Yes I had managed to get on the bike, push myself off from the kerb, but then my little legs couldn't reach the floor to get off again.

My goodness I can hear your fishy chuckles from here

in reply to Maladjusted

Ummm looks guilty ... I wasn't born in 1964.... Sorry :(

Maladjusted profile image
Maladjusted in reply to

Must've been your gran then, bouncing up and down behind her curtains on those Jump Jacks

in reply to Maladjusted

Yes except my family put her in the attic when she had these mad outbursts.. Till she bounced through the ceiling... Aha that's why they got passed on to me.. My gran was obviously. Banned from wearing them

Maladjusted profile image
Maladjusted in reply to

I am wondering if the Jump Jacks are all she passed on to you? They do say that insanity is hereditory. ;) Watch out VG before you get stuck in the attic.

in reply to Maladjusted

Haha I prepared for this eventuality ...

A ) we live in a bungalow

B ) Our loft room which is my sons music room, which I will have to be carried up the stairs... Has no door so I can just throw myself down the stairs

tettridge profile image
tettridge in reply to Maladjusted


Just had to but in about the insanity thingy - I was told and am a firm believer in the insanity in inherited as you get it from your children. We (my Wife and I (I couldn't leave her out of this one could I after all it does take two)) had four so that should explain a lot

Kindest regards


Just a thought, do all fish need another to breed?

ladymoth profile image

I still want a go-Kart! ;)

Maladjusted profile image
Maladjusted in reply to ladymoth

If we 'borrowed' the wheels off VG's mobility scooter, I am sure we could make one Moffy.

Fancy tearing down Winter Hill on it tomorrow?

in reply to Maladjusted

Pfftt I have carefully sorted through my sons things and found his old pair of healys remember those trainers with wheels that popped out ..... Stuff em with newspaper to fit and off you go....

Maladjusted profile image
Maladjusted in reply to

Nah, I'd overbalance.

Got a pair of Inline roller skates somewhere, now if only I could manage to stand up on them.

Now Fibro has arrived I don't somehow think I will be getting any use out of them

in reply to Maladjusted

Get out her mobilty scooter and a skate board with trainer glued onto them .... Now just put your feet in them M


Maladjusted profile image
Maladjusted in reply to

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .....SPLAT

oh that was fun VG but please turn those corners a little more slowly next time

in reply to Maladjusted

Ohhh I wonder if it would work if I tied a whole row of skateboards behind my scooter got the forum on them shot off quick then whizzed round a corner and would the last in line get thrown off like we used to run round the playground and turn suddenly

Maladjusted profile image
Maladjusted in reply to

dons crash helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. I somehow think 'Skateboarding' with VG could become an 'Extreme Sport'

Be careful what you wish for ;)

ladymoth profile image

i wonder if we could reach 'terminal velocity'? ;D

Maladjusted profile image
Maladjusted in reply to ladymoth

errrggg I think we just did! drags head out of sick bucket to reply to Moffy as VG tries to talk her way out of a speeding ticket

I wonder .... I did time travel over Christmas to 1984 on my mobility scooter , ironing board and kite, perhaps we could go into the future on roller skates pogo sticks and M on stilts attached to the back of my mobilty scooter 2070 here we comeeeeee

jom277 profile image

I was a 70s child too. Will be 42 tomorrow. God we had great fun growing up. It was in a small village surrounded by farms and we were out all day unless we became hungry.

The chopper, well my friend inherited hers when her brother grew out of his. We had great fun, se would ride it and I was on a backie, facing backwards. Our friends built a go cart that they forgot breaks. I was eventually banned by my mother after going through so many trousers and socks, lol. Remember the fold up bikes. My sister had one and I took it without asking. As I was a lot smaller, it tried to fold up on me and I went flying, hurting my wrist. I was too scared to tell until the next morning when it was double size and broken.

I had skates and the roller boots when they came out. Sindy was the best then. I had pippa, Sarah Jane, etc but I still tell my mum that I had a deprived childhood as I never had a Mr frosty.

We didn't have much money in the early years and me and my 2 older sisters had to take it in turns to have the big present at Christmas but we never complained. Imagine that now.

We used to holiday at relatives in Wales. It used to take between 4 or 5 hours, we went one Christmas and the car broke down on one of the highest points, called the bulch, it cooked the bloody turkey. Now it takes 2 to 3.

My daughter couldn't believe that we had an hour max of tv after school and a couple of hours during the holidays and 3 channels. We knew no different.

God I could reminisce all evening, amazing times.

Thanks for the blog, cheered me up.


in reply to jom277

Happy birthday for tomorrow

VG x

jom277 profile image
jom277 in reply to

Thank you x

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to jom277

happy birthday tomorrow jom! :)



jom277 profile image
jom277 in reply to hamble99b



charlii profile image

I used to cut the legs off my mums tights, put a tennis ball in the foot bit and stand against a wall banging the legs bit signing these rhymes. I always put the knicker part of her tights back in the drawer tho....dunno why she used to go so mad at me....hehe xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image

Why would a fish need bouncy skates? xxxxx

tettridge profile image
tettridge in reply to Ozzygirl64


I can picture the poor cat sitting by the fishbowl and a mad fish with bouncy skates on flying out of the bowl and the poor cat trying to catch the fish going at 90 smiles an hour with a cat after it and landing deftly back in the bowl with the cat falling off the sideboard after missing the fish and clawing his way back up to the fish bowl and it all start again with the flying fish (and the cat getting told off for scratching the furniture)

Kindest regards


Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to tettridge

lol :-P

fairycazzie profile image

Ooo just noticed this i miss so much ohps.

i was born late 60's (very late 60's haha) so was a growing kid in 70's when mojo's and black jacks were hapenny lol

loved refreshers and the crackling on your tongue of those pop crackle sweets cannot remember name now though.

i loved roller skating and ice skating and like gins i would pretend round the kitchen.

chopper bike with tassels and gears in centre was ace ! they are a fortune now.

i lived in a cul-de-sac opposite a school and my neighbour (male) a year older than me whom am still very very good friends with known since i was 1yr old he was an influence by far.

We had a tree house and a rope to swing on.

we would go in the school under ground along pipes and be so naughty come out looking black as soot and mum had police out looking for me.

ok so thats enough i will lead you all in to dungeons of disaster and get you all into trouble hahah xxxx

fairycazzie profile image

ohh ps i had them skates that extended you put on over yur shoes. then later boots came out. x

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