D.L.A Tribunial One of the worst days... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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D.L.A Tribunial One of the worst days of my life !

sueuk profile image
19 Replies

I had my hearing this morning and to be honest i felt like i was sitting in front of a panel of judges and i was on a murder case ! I had questions firing at me from all three members , One of the male members was the nastiest person i had ever met ,I was in there for an hour and after he made me cried he made a nasty comment that i was able to wipe my nose ok ! Needless to say the sheer stress and upset has left me now in bed with the worst flare up i have ever experienced !

All was not lost though I won my appeal and have been awarded dla for three years ! Thanks to the more understanding lady on the panel ! Dont be put off Its worth fighting will probably take me some time to get over today but so glad i went x

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sueuk profile image
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19 Replies

Sorry about the experience take time to recover and then celebrate in the best way you know how.... And just think .... 3 years of guaranteed money that you deserve

VG xx

hamble99b profile image

how can they justify their behaviour?

rest & recover then rejoice! :)


gillybabes_98 profile image

Ive just put in for dla for my fibromyalgia and dreading it as they took it to appeal last year but I was bed ridden and they closed the claim:(

ladymoth profile image

I'm glad you were successful, Sue, but very sorry that you were upset!

Maybe you should make an official complaint about the nasty guy on the panel - there's no excuse for that sort of behaviour!

Love Moffy x

Devonlady profile image

I wonder if it is permitted to record these sessions as I believe then these people would have to be respectful. I am disgusted by how you were spoken to and you should now you have your award put in a complaint.

Relax now and get yourself better.

Hugs to you


peely profile image

im so pleased you won your case but why does it take your pain to do so. I agree with Devonlady these bullies need filming . Please put in a complaint x

Saskia profile image

Well done for winning. That is one in the eye for the nasty guy! I bet he was fuming!....lol...... Thank God for the lovely lady. Relax now and rejoice that you have 3 years of worry free DLA.

I hate coming up against nasty people and bullies. I am so taken aback as I try to get on with everybody and I can't handle confrontation. You don't need all that extra stress at such a nerve-wracking time. These bully boys should not be employed in these positions as they clearly have no understanding of people and treat those they deal with as though they are criminals.

I am not a trouble maker but I do wonder if you should perhaps follow the advice you have been given above to make a formal complaint about this horrible person. It would serve him right and maybe he would treat other people better in the future.

See how you feel in a few days.

Love and comforting hugs. Saskia XX

pinkblossom profile image

Disgusting way to treat a human being,a criminal would have been treated fairer and with more respect and dignity!

I can well imagine the pain you are feeling know,however saying that you have won!

It's brilliant news and gives the rest of us a bit of hope,I'm awaiting my tribunal date,I know I'm not going to be up to it,and I'm in still in two minds whether to go ahead with it!


Dixiesdaughter profile image

Goodness what an experience. Well done on persuing your claim for DLA :-). There is no doubt that applying for this benefit has become a process which is clearly designed to bamboozle, flumox, humiliate and deter those who need it from claiming. Do these people on the panel really think we would put ourselves through this degrading experience which adds to our stress level increases our pain and generally results in a flare up if we didnt require the additional medical support/cars, aids, or adaptations that the extra money allows us to pay for.

I agree with others who have posted that this is an unjust and inhumane way to treat vulnerable ill and genunine people in order to claw back a few million for the govermental coiffers. The government would be better placed to investigate abuse and missappropriation of funds within both the public and private sectors starting with their own offices. The amount of money claimed by serving government officials for expenses would probably pay the annual bill for disability claims - its a joke!!! Only the disable ill and vulnerable are'nt laughing I wonder why?????

sueuk profile image

Thank-you all for the lovely messages of support ! I had thought about making a formal complaint but right not i am still traumatised ,Stressed and exhausted from it , I havent felt this bad in a while ! I am actually for once looking forward to spending the whole day in bed ! Hope you all have a good painfree day today xx

ArctoLindy profile image

I'm so pleased you won! :) But I'm sorry for what they put you through :( I've been through two DLA tribunals in the past and I dread the thought that I might have to go through another one soon for ESA, they're such an ordeal aren't they? Made me feel like a criminal too.

Allpainedout profile image

Nobody should be treated the way you were !!! Ther should be a way for you to complain , I understand why you wouldn't want to it would be too upsetting and you maybe would be afraid of them taking it off you ?? That's why that person gets away with it , you were bullied and even infants schools have an anti bulling policy , d..l.a. Tribunel should have one !!!

I'm waiting to appeal for to be in a support group ! I shouldn't have to because I have d.l.a. Indefinitely ,, we are the people with no energy yet they expect us to go through the mill !!!!

Try and get over this awfull experience and at least the other ones on that panel understand you have fibromyalgia and they know how hard life is for you ! Take care xxx

Lima6MCT profile image
Lima6MCT in reply to Allpainedout

Unfortunately having DLA doesn't automatically mean someone will get into either of the ESA groups. This is because DLA is classed as a non means tested, "in work" benefit whilst ESA is an "out of work" benefit.

It would also appear that the DWP have been using ESA assessments against folks claiming DLA when they shouldn't be as they're assessing completely different criteria.

joe1966 profile image

Don't leave it too long to complain about the w****r on the panel, otherwise you'll forget bits and pieces. Hope you got his name. Well done anyway sweet cheeks. And relax x x

tivoloschoice profile image

the same thing happened to me last year.. i have been on dla for 5 years & for 3 years i have had a car thru the mobiity scheme.. i notified to advise my condition had worsened and i need help all the time.. i applied for my care component be increased from lower to middle rate, anyway, it ended going to tribunal.. we had the same thing happen, a real nasty man, he was so irate he was standing leaning over the table pointing his finger at me and my husband, i could hardly move and was in floods of tears.. we had adjurn half way thru due rioting in the local area of wolverhampton by the courts... i was petrified about going back there again the thought of it made me so poorly, i asked for a paper hearing, they said it was in my interest to attend the hearing.. last october back we went, the judge advised us to stop the appeal as if we continued with it, it may loose me my claim altogether.. we couldnt risk that so took her advice.. my claim is due for renewal in april & they have already told me that my claim will not be renewed, i loose all my benefit and my car that i have come to rely on so much.. i think they had already made the decision last year.

josieowl profile image

gosh reading this im not sure what to do with my daughter. she finally had a letter today to say she has low rate mobility but no care? she is due 6 ops over next 3 yrs. sees a tharapist due to severe derpression, seeing a neurologist due to absences and poss pettit mals, and has heart palpatations and etopic heart beat ( which is common but like mine can get quite bad under stress and make you feel quite poorly) she is not allowed to be left alone ( the mobility was awarded because she can not got out alone!! but they say she needs no care) they said she can sit down to cook a meal ( only if partner around to lift heavy pans and hot stuff) she needs no help with meds ( has to be watched to make sure she only takes the ones she is supposed to and be encouraged and reminded to take them in the first place) going to ask for a relook thing by letter on friday and send in copys of all her hospital appointments.

Shazzzy profile image

Hi Sueuk, I had a terrible time at a tribunal years ago, the two assessing behaved atrociously and I was not awarded dla. The advocate who was with me put in an official complaint and it was upheld. I was allowed to sit another tribunal with different doctor and solicitor, who were totally respectful and still managed to ask all their questions. I was awarded dla. I would like to know what happened to the original pair though.

SpinalPain profile image

Sorry to hear that you have had to fight for the help that you needed Sue. My sister went through the very same thing. It really hit her hard. She also won her appeal. It's so very wrong that when we are so poorly they pull us over hot coals. Well done for rallying. My heart is with you.

SpinalPain profile image

When I had my home Assesment the assessor said "oh shavey shavey" as my legs needed to be shaved! sarcasism seems to be their bag. If I need a shower perch seat you would realise that shaving my legs would be an impossible task let alone the least of my worries.

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