Dieting: So...need to lose a stone and... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Jezobelle profile image
16 Replies

So...need to lose a stone and a half. Incentive is a week in Sardinia in June, thanks to my lovely and generous other half.

Weightwatchers or Slimming World, anyone done both/either and do they work, or is it just a case of not having any money left for goodies by the time you've paid your subscription?!

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Jezobelle profile image
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16 Replies

I have lost 10 lb in 5 weeks just by cutting out junk food of which I mainly lived on and eating 3 slightly smaller proper meals.. Can't guarantee I would get to any meetings so I am just doing it on here with KazF my diet buddy who keeps me on track...

VG x

ladymoth profile image

I found Slimming World very good, and it's a lot less expensive than Weight Watchers! xxxx

ladymoth profile image

PS - I don't go to meetings, 'cos I'm not a 'clubby' sort of person, and they are a bit pricey.

I just went once and bought the books with instructions, and I do it myself.

I also buy their bi-monthly magazine which has a heap of really good recipes and meal ideas.

Moffy xxx


I have done both and lost with both but to be honest I think weight watchers has the edge. It is so easy counting points and lots of things have their pro points on. My problem is will power. I start out with all good intentions but then have a bit of a hick up and never quite manage to go back on it. I have been doing WW on line as like Moffy I don't like going to the clubs. They expect you to sit and discuss why you have or haven't lost anything.

I will start again soon honest I promise. ;-)

Big hugs Karen

Jezobelle profile image

VG that's fantastic - can I borrow some of your willpower please??

Ladymoth that's a really good idea, I could then save the money I'd have spent on membership and treat myself to some new clothes in a smaller size!

peely profile image

i bought slimming world stuff second hand on ebay and im going it alone lost 7 lbs in two weeks and i feel quite full too x

Jezebelle its not all will power I buddied up with KazF on here and it's part willpower part fear if I give in having to read her email and it really works

VG :)

honey25 profile image

if your bmi is over 30 you can get slimming world free for 12 weeks if you ask your GP to refer you to dietician i did this and lost 2 stone hope it helps xxxxx

Paxtonie profile image
Paxtonie in reply to honey25

Unfortunately not all health authorities offer this scheme. My SW group has alot of people from two different health authorities due to where it's situated one of which offers the scheme whereas the other one doesn't XXX

Amanda profile image
Amanda in reply to honey25

I was referred to weight watchers by my GP I've lost a stone since 2 weeks before christmas

mistymeana profile image

I tried several and finally ended up at Slimming World which suited me and I managed to lose the final two stubborn stone without feeling starving and "deprived". LIke Moffy, I'm not really a clubby sort of person but did find going to the meetings helped spur me on and gave tips etc that I might not have otherwise got. They weren't the highlight of my week but they got results and taught me where I'd been going wrong while trying a DIY approach. Good luck with getting the holiday body x

Paxtonie profile image

Over the last eighteen months I've lost thirteen stone with slimming world. It's changed my life and i've clearly found it a lot better than I found weight watchers. With slimming world, they don't con you into buying all the gimmicky rubbish. literally all they have for sale are cereal bars, crisp breads and cook books. It's so easy, not faddy with very little weighing and measuring. There are soooooo many free foods it's unreal and you can eat so much. In my first week, I ate so much food, more than before I joined and I thought how the hell can I loose weight eating all this and that first week I lost a stone. I really would advise you stay to group sessions though and they're so informal and such a laugh which helps you get more out of it... Slimming World all the way! XXX

Grimbo profile image

If you like bread, try eating gluten free. It is a little more expensive; you can find it in the Free From aisle in most supermarkets.

Deebee17 profile image

I'm currently going to Slimming World. I've never tried Weight Watchers so can't really comment on that. I have set myself a challenge to lose 2lbs a week for the next year. That will give me an 8 stone weight loss and it is an achievable amount. The plan is easy to follow (in my opinion) and last week I lost 2lbs. I weigh in tonight and I am hoping to see the same.

I stay to the group after weigh-in as there are so many bits of info you can pick up and I need the support there. My hubby is 8½ dripping wet and eats like a horse (mostly chocolate and other rubbish). Needless to say he doesn't quite get the struggle I have.

With any diet though the key is planning and sticking to it. If you know what you are going to eat and stick to it it will work.

Good luck

Deebee x

Teddysmum43 profile image

Paxtonie just want to say well done on a massive weight loss! How inspirational! I lost 3.5 stone with slimming world but I stopped going on put a stone back on,just proves you have to stick at it for life,I just lost my willpower along with a bout of depression,I just craved chocolate again. I'm back at SW and haven't lost anything in 4 weeks,well I did then I put it back on again,I just do not have a clue whatis going on with my body. The only thing I can think of is my doc doubled my amitriptiline when my depression got worse,that's the only thing that's different. I would say go for slimming world,they are much healthier than what weight watchers advocates but steer clear of any aspartame containing foods like the muller light yoghurts,it's so bad for us.

Paxtonie profile image
Paxtonie in reply to Teddysmum43

The Amitriptyline shouldn't really make a difference. It's only weight gaining because it makes you hungry so if you eat free, super free or low Syn foods it's should be ok. For most of my SW journey up until about a month ago I was on 25 mg Amitriptyline lunchtime and 200 mg at night and have been fine. Have you NY any chance recently started pregabalin p or nortriptyline? I have and have found weight loss a struggle. Whilst body is getting used to pregabalin, your metabolism slows down and nortriptyline causes residual water retention ugh so unfortunately I've got a double whammy. I've increased my exercise and been drinking 3 cups of green tea a day to speed up my metabolism and have tablets for the water and this week saw a 2 lb loss :-). You go for it! I'm sure you'll be fine! XXX

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