I had an itchy leg the other day and started scratching it only to discover that I had scratched too hard and had started bleeding. I can't really believe I scratched it that hard. Has anyone else experienced this or do you think it must be something to do with my tablets?
Itchy: I had an itchy leg the other day... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Sometimes it is easy to get carried away and scratch an itch until we draw blood, especially if it is unbearable.
You don't say what meds you are on but what suits one person won't necessarily suit another. Skin irritation maybe a side effect but if not and the itching continues it might be an idea to let your doc take a look.
I had a really really itchy foot and it turned out to be a bit of eczema. My doctor gave me some cream and it soon disappeared.
Hugs Karen xx
yes I had an itchy arm about 2 month ago and kept scratching it ,I still have the scars! think it was the tablets as I've had a few smaller patches since
Thanks. Perhaps I should mention it next time I see the doctor. I haven't started taking anything new recently though.
It might be an idea, sometimes we can develop an intolerance to our meds especially if we have been on them quite a while. You may have splashed something on your leg or used a different shower gel or cream?
Hugs Karen xxx
I always get itchy when the weather turns from warm to cold winter and cold to warm summer and I scratch myself to pieces... Once my body gets used to the change of season it goes.... Very weird..had it for years
VG x

I'm getting quite used to the fungal infection I get under my arm in that sort of instance! Never had any trouble with my leg being like this before though.
I'm an itchy person too - I gather it's fairly common with fibro.
It's wise to get checked out at the doc's in case you have a drug intolerance or eczema, but if not, there's a fantastic lotion called 'Eurax' which is very good at stopping itching - I am never without it! You can get it at any chemist.
Yours scratchily Moffy x
I have found my itching has really reduced as about a month ago it was getting unbearable. I tried to pinpoint why, also no meds change etc. The only thing i have done it swapped most of my milk intake to soya milk. Itching is not a common symptom of lactose intolerance but it is a big coincidence. x
When the pain is very bad I take co-codamol and this causes intense itching. I don't know what meds you are on but any codeine based meds can cause itching.
I've scratched the shins of my legs and less fleshy parts until the bleed.but the other areas with 'fat' on have only bleed it I knock a scab off. A crean like Aquious or E45 help me a bit and don't have perfumes which can make me worse. They are also cheap and Aquious can be used to wash with.
I don't know, you could ask your Chemist, they are very good here, or your GP. Its easy to make a boney bit like the shins bleed when scratching but harder the soft, fleshy bits! If it doesn't go, it might be best to see your GP.
I have Tramadol. I can't take a lot of the non steriod antie inflammatory meds as I had a perforated duodenal ulcer and I have to be careful with my meds and take a special med for that!
When I first had it I itched really bad. I discovered quite by accident that anti acid tablets relieved the itching within about 15 minutes. I knew it isn't good to take those on a regular basis so I started taking a balanced calcium/magnesium/potassium suppliment whenever I started to itch and that helped too. I have no idea why that helped me but it did. I still take them occasionally but I almost never itch anymore either.