hi, just wondered if anyone else has a problem with itching every where, esp the head, i feel like i have fleas lol, i am constantly scratching, which is making it worse. iust wondering if its part of fm and what i could do to stop itching, please help xx
itchy every where: hi, just wondered if... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
itchy every where

Have you tried an anti-histamine? It may be Fibro or you might be having an allergic reaction.
Itching is a variation on pain - so try a pain killer.
Lacto-calomine might sooth your skin.
Maybe a cool shower might help.
If your tongue starts swelling up or you throat feels as if it is closing up dial 999 as it could be an anaphalctic fit which is life threatening.
Best wishes
Julie xx
I am leaving this site but saw this blog and wanted to reply. I have had itchy head for 8 months, even treated 3 times for nits (I never found any but as worried maybe that as it), I suffer from psoriases and thought maybe it was that but could not find any scabs, eventually I went docs. She checked my head and said i had a few spots (could be a side effect from some meds) but that is all she could see. Anyway she has prescribed a coaltar/coconut oil mixture cream to put in. You leave in for an hour then ash out. First time using today and not itched half as much so fingers crossed it ill work.
Ask your doc, hope you get it sorted as i know it is awful to live with
kia x
I suffer with itching so doc prescribed me Dermol 500 to shower with which helps a lot. If sometimes (like now in a heatwave) it isn't quite enough then you can apply it as a cream to dry skin as well. The head is the worst bit though for that, if it gets real bad, I have to take an anti histamine. Hope that helps x
The advice to doctors to use this as a cream on dry skin has been withdrawn; studies have shown that it thins the skin when applied as a cream. Many GP's don't seem to have taken this on board (my GP prescribed for my daughter's ecsma (cant spell sorry)), E45 cream is probably as good as anything else and at least doesn't thin your skin.
Julie xx
thanks for all your comments i will try what you all sugested xx
I get a itchy head at the back. It's worse in the morning and so annoying. I put it down to fibro as I never had it before.
This heat has been unbearable. My skin has felt like it is crawling and I got a patch on the inside of my elbow that felt like it was on fire. And as for sleeping, it takes me at least two hours to drop of as Its so muggy and the itching driving me mad!
I hadn't thought of the itching but now you mention it, I too get an itchy scalp. Thought it was my shampoo so changed it but no, not that. Tried washing my hair more often, but that didn't help either! I also get itchy legs which drive me mad sometimes. I think it must be the medication as well as fibro, it all interacts. It i drives me mad in the night, I get up and pour cold water over my legs to cool down, I can then drop off to sleep.
I get very itchy but my doctor thinks its my tramadol,if I take more than two tabs a day it gets very bad usually at night.
i get itchy scalp and itchy legs and arms well can be all over really! i put it down to having an underactive thyroid as this causes dry skin. recenntly its been really bad and as i just dont have the energy or incline to do my hair i always tie it back so no hair products but still itchy legs etc really itchy recently and like the above its driving me mad! have even broken the skin scratching so much didnt think it was connected with fm thou! will try some anti hystamines and see if that relieves the itching any xx
Hi, yes I get itchy, as you say, just feel like your skin is crawling, I shower with E45, (if I use something else, it's only for one shower before I'm back to that), and use doublebase cream, (virtually the same as E45, just cheaper I believe. I then sometimes have to use an anti histamaine, interesting though what someone said about about it being a source of pain, as the itching is worse when I have a flare up.
Hi All,I sometimes have an itchy scalp drives me mad.I am always asking my sister in law to see if i have head lice,but no they have never been found lol.
Like Teddysmum43 i took tramadol it didn't help my pain but i could have scratched myself to bits.My GP told me it was a side effect to the tramadol and to stop taking it.
I also have very tender skin,if someone taps me on the back i could squeal with pain,my husband is now very careful when he gives me a hug.
Carol X
I don't know if this will help but I have been told 2 reasons why peoples scalps itch at the back. The first being from my hairdresser. He told me that when you put your head forward and apply shampoo, it tends to get rubbed in on the back of the head more. He told me to make sure the product is rinced out and to try to use products without alcohol in them, and to rub jojoba oil on the scalp an hour before you wash your hair to moisturise and protect that area like a barrier lotion (some of it will wash off and take all the chemicals with it).
The other equally plausable reason is that the back of your scalp is rubbing against a pillow for at least 7 or 8 hours a day, and the material wicks away and rubs off any moisture and oils from the scalp. Double that up with irritant washing products still left on the pillow slip......
I found that to replicate the softer feel of a fabric conditioned pillow slip, don't actually use conditioner (also double rince the wash) and iron the pillowslip, which does break up the stiffness.
Tight clothes and warm areas of the body just wick away any moisture in the skin, which lifts up the top layer of skin, causing discomfort and itching
General itching can be caused by stress which increases the histamins in the body, and can really start the itch/scratch cycle to go crackers. Heat can make it worse too - I use a cold pack on my worst bits, and the sensation blocks out the itch.
Also try to reduce using products that contain Cetyl alcohols and lanolin (which is a type of alcohol derived from sheeps wool (which can even be diprobase, E45 and sudocrem), if your rash/itch isn't going even though you are moisturised, as it could be that which is stopping you from healing - even though it gives you initil relief. Ointments are best in that case, so ask the doctor if you could change from a cream to an ointment if you think that might be the problem.
Scatching can introduce fungal infections under the skin, and cause a rash to linger, so a doctor can prescribe a ointment that treats that too.
Liquorice - I also had this in my feet, and had really hot feet at night. It was worse on a cold evening when my feet got cold, they would heat up real quick and itch so bad, I would have to douse them in cold water. Doc told me it was a form of Reynards, to keep mobile and to help with the itching, stay hydrated inside and out :-). Also to notice when my feet were gettin cold in the first place and stop them getting any colder to break the cycle. This did imporove as the weather got warmer, would you believe??!!
Hope this helps
thanks glenys and everyone for all the great info, im going to work down the list and find what works, thanks again xx
Dear Wiccangirl,
I wrote a post last week regarding the itching. I too suffer from this and it drives me crazy, there are no spots or rashes but I even itch and can't find where to scratch.
Luckily it's not every day it happens so I do get some respite.
Night times are the worst as sometimes it keeps me awake all night. Just as I'm falling asleep I'll get an itch in my ear then my toe, then.....and so on.
I blame the fibro and just have to put up with it.
I haven't got a remedy but it's good to know I'm not on my own and I sincerely feel for you...
Hope it goes away soon, soft hugs
Ren Robin...xxx
Here's some more info on Fibromyalgia and Skin Problems, please click on the link below -
Thank you Liberty good reading, it's awful isint it? xxxx
I posted a comment on itching on someone elses question. I too itch like a bitch, it drives me insane! the same as lots of you i thought I had nits. I would drive my daughter mad asking her to keep checking. My poor hubby at night, I must wake him 100 times a night to scratch places I cant reach. The soles of my feet are the worst, you just cannot get in there with a good old scratch. I also have the ones where you just cant find the spot you want. My ears too! I have to take an anti histamine everyday, I have severe Urticaria and no they dont help the itching!
Try a salicylic acid shampoo to remove the flake build up. The itchiness? I wish I knew because I deal with the same. Antihistamines in the evening take the edge off.