I am new to all this blogging business but have found this site a great incite to my diagnosis of FB and learning to come to terms with the way my body is now behaving! I feel that some of the symptoms have been with me for many years (after being hit by a car 27 years ago) but it is only now that they are really having an effect on my life due to the severe pain and fatigue i endure on a regular basis, Mr first appointment with a specialist is next month and i hope that they have a good understanding of FB and i will feel even isolated. Have bought a few books on the subject and i am really trying to understand it all but like many of you have said along the way i am worried that everything will be put down to FB and my GP won't take it seriously! Enough waffling look forward to speaking with you soon
Hello Everyone: I am new to all this... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hello Everyone

welcome Trosh, this is a great site and people are very helpful. There is also a lot of useful info in the archives.
Hi Sandra thank you for your welcome
Hi Trosh
Like you I found this site a great source if information, when I first found it, even though I had been diagnosed several years before. I do think I manage the illness better now, and a lot of that is down to ideas, inspirations, and information I get from here. Good luck with your specialist, I hope you find someone helpful.
Hi Trosh
Welcome. As the guys above said this is a great site with lots of information. Below is the link to the website where you can check it all out. We are here to try and help and support you. You can have a rant or tell a joke. Some even share recipes.
Also could make sure you read the guidelines? I have put a link below,
Many thanks and we are looking forward to getting to know you.
Piggie hugs xxxx
Hello and welcome to our lovely forum Trosh, you are most welcome here!
Take a look around our Questions, Blogs and Tags, there is a wealth of information there, advice, support, personal experiences and friendship too!
As Piggie mentions above please read our FibroAction Guidelines. We ask all our new members to read these, many thanks.
If you have any worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask us, we are always only too happy to help. We all understand, we are all in the same boat here.
I hope you enjoy your time at FibroAction!