I always come on here to read the blogs especially Gins and VG they always make me smile but have been really down and well fed up that I decided enough was enough and did a really stupid thing...I took an overdose on tramadol, amitriptylene cant spell oh and a few codyramol ...obviously didnt take enough as i am still here full of pain and feeling sorry for myself...cant do anything right. just spent a night in hospital got proded and poked and guess what I couldnt even get refered to a pain specialist whilst i was in there, typical...so waste of time still got to wait till january. To all out there that feels depressed please kick yourself into gear and dont try what i did as i do not advise it. I discharged myself as did not want to get took away in a little white van..they wanted me see there head shrink. I thought otherwise and came home...so still here sort of....
What have i done?? Can't do anything ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
What have i done?? Can't do anything right!....

Hey Vikki, I know how you are feeling right now, I`ve been there done that and got the B....y TSHIRT as they say only a few months ago... Hang in there you are not alone. I think that i can say for many of us that we are here to read your thoughts ect....
Be kind to yourself
Aww vikki, I have never tried an overdose but did have a breakdown lost hours found myself under police guard in A&E.... Even though I was in pain and obviously not alright my meds were withheld and finally got home in a police van in the early hours of the morning and no offer of help whatsoever, I came to the conclusion that apart from family and a good gp if you have one , no one else really cares ( excluding this site of course) that's why I pop on so much
Take any help you ate offered and know that we are always here
VG x
i know and thank you VG x
hello vikki I hope you feel better soon you poor love you must have been so low I have never taken an overdose but have had and still do get very low times please take care love beth x
I am so sorry you feel the way you do at the moment and I am concerned you are saying you have taken the above medication.
Please can I urge you that you must seek Medical Attention even if you feel it has had no effect. Any ingestion of medication to excess must be dealt with by Health Professionals urgently. You must visit your A & E immediately. This cannot wait and is a serious situation that you should get Emergency Medical Attention.
If the event you have been seen by your local A & E and any treatment they have given you appears to not be helping your low mood. I strongly advise you to make an appointment with you GP to discuss these feelings and how he/she can help you with further treatments.
Organisations such as the Samaritans can be telephoned at any time to listen to how you are feeling. This may provide some support to living with chronic illness and any other problems you may have. Contact numbers below.
08457 90 90 90
We here fully understand the feelings people may have living with Fibromyalgia and we can be here to listen also.
However, in this situation you need to visit you A & E as soon as possible and get the help & support you need from trained medical professionals
I am thinking of you and again I am sorry you have been experiencing these feelings
Warm Wishes
On further reading of you message I see you have spent a night in hospital and this puts me at ease.
I responded quickly with the message above as i was concerned you mentioned taking the above medication today.
I hope you will consider the secondary advice of visiting your GP should the feelings you experience continue. Or talking to the Samaritans .
We are all here giving the best advice we can to each other showing our understanding and empathy. I would like to mention also have you any support groups in you area and if you do not have this information. Please message me and I will find the nearest group in FibroAction directory that you may be able to join that may provide further support .
Sending Best Wishes
Will be going to GP monday taking hubby with me for support so maybe she can see how desperate I am..I recently found a support group held in brierley hill not far from me so think I might go along and see what it is like. thanks again for your support xx
I am glad you are going to the GP with your partner as he will be able to speak for you should you need him to at any point, extra support for if you are feeling fatigued too. I personally think support groups can bring people together living with Fibromyalgia so they can provide local support with empathy and understanding.
I would like to think you will consider going along as it may help to talk to others and some support families / carers too.
Just to say also, we have all needed support at some point learning to cope with chronic illness. I know I had an advocate lady when I was so poorly I couldn't fill in my benefit forms as I couldn't write or concentrate. I guess what I am trying to say is do not think it is wrong to accept a little help from others.
I wish you all the best
Hi Vikki,
I don't really know what to say except I hope you can get some help somewhere so you feel better in yourself.
Sending you much love and (((hugs))) xx
warm hugs to you Vikki hope you feel slightly better now , so sorry you felt you had to overdose and we do understand, please take care of yourself xx
I am sorry you got to the stage where you felt you had to do this but I can understand the thoughts behind it. I have never done this but I have often wondered if anyone really cares and the answer to that is always yes, so in that I am lucky. I have all those items in the house butonly the Amitrips are mine. Overdose of things like tramadol and cocodamol can cause untold damage to the internal organs and I hope you will be okay xxxxx
still alive and blood tests came back ok so hoping I have not done any long term damage, best of it is I thought it would of numbed the pain but it didn't...will get sorted i promise and thank you xx
I hope once your GP hears what happened he or she will be in touch to see if they can do more for you...I would have stayed to see the specialist as they may have been able to get your other referal brought forward seeing how despperate you were and are...Thinking of you though and hoping you have family around you that care xx

to be honest I was scared to stay just in case they sectioned me that's why I did a runner....I new what I had done and wished I hadn't...learn by your mistakes dont you?..will get myself sorted xx
Vikki, please know that we are always here for you, we will do all we can to help and support you through this. Please speak to your GP when you feel up to it, you need more help and support, possibly more effective meds too to help manage your pain better and something to help keep you feeling more buoyant and in control.
Sending you a hug, we care about you Vikki, we all do. (((hug))) xxx

thank you..xxx
Vikki, I am so very sorry that you have been having such a bad time. You really need to have a good chat with your GP as Liberty says so that they can review your meds and find something to help with the pain and depression. If you need someone to talk to, do please call the Samaritans, they are there 24/7 and will listen without judgement of any kind. Depression is all too common and completely understandable with our condition so you really shouldn't have worried about talking to the specialist in hospital. They would probably have just discussed your medications and support network with you. Perhaps your GP can organise a counsellor for you if you think that might help? Please, please don't do anything like that again. As somebody on the forum said recently, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. There are plenty of people who would like to help you if you will let them. Come on here for a chat, a rant or to weep...we are all here for you. PM me if you want a more private chat as I am always happy to help. Gentle hugs. Jane x

Thank you, I will make an appointmaent with my Gp on monday hubby will come with me so maybe we can both get through to her. my hubby's sister suffer with lupas combined with fibro which I didnt know till she came to the hospital at 2am friday morning. She is coming round to have a chat with me so all being well they might get me sorted. thanks again..xx
It sounds like you have a good support network at home with your family Vikki. Make that appointment to see your GP on Monday, it's good that hubby's going with you, a little extra support can make all the difference. Good to hear that you have a lovely sister-on-law too!
We are all here for you! Please let us know how you get on, think positive, you have hubby and his sister to be thankful for and we all care about you here too! Hold on to the positive things in your life.
Take care Vikki. (((hug))) xxx
Thanks liberty, will let you know how I get on fingers crossed. x
Bless you sweetie xxx
off to have a game of scrabble on line see if it will make me slleeppyy as am wide awake, never mind xx
As long as you feel ok, are warm and comfy Vikki, it's all good! xxx
Aw Vicky I send you a positive hug ((((((((((((((()))))))))) my heart goes put to you. Life is so precious and it will get easier so courage to you keep warm stay in the light and we all love you.
I like playing scrabble on line also addicted to Hidden chronicles
gentle hugs xgins
hi Vikki
hop your feeling better.i am feelingthe same way as doctors arent listenign to me.its only my dogs aht keep me goign i need to be there for them .its onlythem taht no how i feel and are always there fro a kiss and a cuddle is it toomuch to ask for some support an dunderstanding from doctors
Dogs are so loving and beautiful I have a mad staffy she is so lovable and almost knows when i am on a low or hurting as she never leaves my side..I hope you get through to your Gp just keep on at them and hope they start taking notice xx
Dear Vicci, I did a similar thing, but went a bit further a few years ago, so I can sympathise with how you maybe feeling, I would just like to say that don't be afraid of seeing the head shrink as that person may be in the best position to help you with medication and referrals etc.
I saw the team at the hospital, (I had to stay in with a drip to counteract the meds I took as they were harming my liver etc,) and they helped me a great deal, and I went on antidepressents and also got help with the pain. They didn't cart me off anywhere, although at the time I would not have cared!
If you feel this bad tell somebody, just realise that you are not thinking clearly and you need help.
I am doing much better now and am glad I got the help I needed.
Take care Cazx

Thats good to hear Caz I am glad you are on the mend, I am too as finally got the gp to see what I have been going through and she is trying to find the right cocktail of drugs to help half the battle when you have the support..THank you and take care Caz. vikkix
I am really glad you are ok. suffering really badly from depression i understand how you feel. i became afraid to go out in case i walked under a bus accidentally on purpose. go back to your gp get them to take ami and onto a proper anti depressant and seek counselling urgently. the pills were good but the counselling was so much better. do i really want to die, NO i just don't want to be where i am. the counselling said i was grieving and between us we worked on accepting the grief and the feelings that came with it. As was for a white van i wish it would come and take me away i could do with a rest in a padded room.
Its not a nice place to be at all, and dont look out for white vans please...treat yourself to some thing go out for the day with a mate or some one and laugh...I did that yesterday i went out with my hubbys mom and sister, mom is in a wheel chair so you can imagine people just dont want to get out the way so we just laughed and told them to move or else they would be going for a ride.. went to merry hell in Reddich and it was packed but must admit enjoyed the day try it, it is good theropy...I hope you feel better soon...take care Vikki xx
I completely believe dogs are the best treatment or medication you can have, I have two cocker spaniels, it's true they pick up on when your feeling really down, they have an unconditional love for you, I'm feeling really lonely at the moment because they have gone for their haircut and the house seems so quiet without them xx
Just checking in to say hello Vikki, I hope you are managing ok and feeling better. We are always here for you at any time, happy to help where we can. Feel free to private message me if there's anything you would rather not discuss on here. I am usually always around.
Take care, here's a hug for you today! (((hug))) xxx

all is ok. on morphine patches and some anti depressants got to see gp in a week. think the morphine needs to be a little stronger but other tha that i am ok got good support from all on here and my hubby and sister-in-law, so am feeling brighter and head seems a little straighter. thank you again to you and all on here xxx
Big hugs xxxx
That's so good to hear Vikki! So pleased for you! Keep up the good work, we're with you all the way!
It's our pleasure, always here for you! (((hug))) xxx
thank you...hugs sending your way x