Pain killers and medication doesn't seem to help all the time .
I'm really struggling with the Pain a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I'm really struggling with the Pain and spasms . Any help to ease please.

I have had fibro for 26 years, but diagnosed for 22 years. I was basically a guinea pig for all different types of pain meds early on before a total diagnosis and I blame that for the fact I now suffer with stomach and duodenal ulcers. I cannot take any pain meds at all now and the GP won't even let me try some of the pain meds available. Sometimes I am writhing in pain. As for pain and spasms, my fibro is chronic so I am in pain all of the time. I get awful spasms and I was given Amitriptyline to try and combat this and it does not work. Sometimes my spasms and cramps are so bad I lose total control of my body and look like a puppet on a string before collapsing on the floor, legs and arms flailing everywhere. Even my head joins in. I can only descirbe as 'having a fit whilst being fully aware of it'. I expect there will be afew people along shortly that may be able to offer more advice xxxxx
The only thing i find that helps is heat hot water bottles baths ect but i have them so hot i have got burns all over my body and the docs wont help. I was on morphine oxy norm, oxy contin , pethadine but none of it works now. But it myt be worth going to see doc again see what they can give you. Are you under a pain management team ? xx
Hi HG, so sorry to hear about your pain and spasms, they are horrible things.
While spasms can happen to anyone, they are more likely for sufferers of Fibromyalgia because of the common occurrence of muscle spasms as a symptom of the disorder. Neck and back spasms are treatable, however, with a combination of posture, stretching, physical and massage therapy, heat and supplements.
If you experience spasms, when your neck, arm, leg or back muscles suddenly tighten uncontrollably, your GP may prescribe a short course of a muscle relaxant such as Diazepam.
To help relieve spasms apply heat to the back, arms, legs or neck using a heat compress or heating pad, or by taking a reasonably hot bath if possible, to stop neck spasms that have just started Keep your neck warm with a scarf to help prevent another spasm, or try to keep your back as warm as possible.
A physiotherapist or a massage therapist may also help if you're prone to neck and back spasms. The treatment may be massage or ultrasound treatment to stimulate the muscles with deep heat.
If you are at all worried about spasms in your neck, arms, legs or back or anywhere else, please speak to your GP who will advise you how to manage it etc.
Also rest sometimes help along with anti-inflammatories, please seek medical advice first though.
I hope this helps HG! Take care, Hope you feel better really soon!
(((hug))) xxx
Try Bowen Therapy. It's a very gentle hands on holistic technique. My husband is an amputee and has suffered stump spasms ( he says it's like being tasered periodically over 48 hours). Bowen can stop these spasms almost immediately.
I find a tens machine helps, it disrupts the spasm muscle rhythm or something like that!
I've found a massage much to painful & didn't help at all.
Gentle hugs xx