hi hope you are ok out there x I was wondering if any of you gets leg pain and my leg muscles feel tight and like they are cramping up and going into spasms or something it is a bit painful x any advice welcome x
Leg pain and muscle spasms: hi hope you... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Leg pain and muscle spasms

Yes, I get this daily - especially bad at night. Cbd, heat, weighted blanket, massage help take the edge off it sometimes but not always
Hi Fibrogirl41Yes, I have noticed it happens more when I have over done activities. Epson salts bath and sleep helps me a little
Take care
You could ask your gp if you can try a muscle relaxant. I had awful pain from muscle spasms in my thigh for 7 weeks. He gave me Baclofen which stopped this.
Do you know if this would stop your fingers swelling up whilst having a flare up also tighten of the jaw .
1Whitestardo you have any heart or kidney function problems? i had no idea swelling was happening i thought it was a few extra pounds. i was diagnosed fibro then MS. my swelling is heart but spasms etc the MS. things auto immune like arthritis ..look at familial things as well...i do not add salt to any cooking....hope you feel better soon!jj
Hi yes I get this with fibromyalgia. Any part leg arm knee etc go like tingling cramp then tight and painful and puffy also my fingers
Hi there I get that too it's really horrible and as well as my usual medication I rub green lipped mussel gel in to my legs to help with the pain and it is very effective 🙂 it's worth a try if you are able to use it x
I get this pain all the time also lazy leg syndrome i use epson salts and a warm bath feels amazing good luck hun xx
am the same as HazeI , nightime is the worst. Sleep with a pillow between the legs help
My Doc gives me quinine and trusts me not to overdo it. Often hot summer weather or the wrong exercise brings it on in my inner thigh/(s) so I have a quinine with me to take and it stops it progressing. Sometimes I grab the bit of the muscle very tightly until the pill starts to work. Have just started a course of dry needling, hopefully, to stop it happening at all. Hydration, enough salt and potassium all play a part as well as magnesium. Not a nice pain at all. Remedial massage may be another route to go down. Good luck.
I have this, my calves are constantly spasming, I am using etoflam gel for it, it's starting to affect my balance and walking.