I attended my second session of Advanced Rehabilitation Physiotherapy today. I felt much more comfortable with others this time, and I thoroughly enjoyed the hydropool again, but tonight I am hurting all over. I've got terrible burning in my groin muscles, I have a throbbing ankle and knee and my chest feels although it's being sat on. I don't think I recovered properly from Thursday's session and I am worried that I have to do this up to four times a week for eight weeks.
I LOVE exercise, sport and Yoga, and I am completely thrilled to have a target to work towards. However, this pain is very severe and nothing like I have ever felt before. I have tried ice on my ankle tonight, but it was very painful and, three hours later, my skin is still freezer-cold. I would love to know if ice benefits anybody else. (?)
I told the physio that I will be back Thursday next, but I'm not sure if I am supposed to rest until the pain eases or work through it. I'll be gutted if this is not for me as it really is enjoyable, I really like the group of people I am with and I am looking forward to making a woven stool in Occupational Therapy.
I have maxed out the daily limit of painkillers already, it's very late and everybody is asleep and I can't even lift the kettle to make myself a cuppa.
So, that's day 2 over with. Only 22 days left to go lol.