Does anyone else get random facial swelling? I seem to have only had it since the onset of fibro, and it doesn't seem to have any common allergen triggers when it pops up, but I'm always stressed, so it could be that, too! So far, I've had one or both upper eyelids swell and nearly close my eyes, one or both sides of my top lip swell (like I've had really dodgy collagen treatment), and the area in front of and below my right ear. There's no pattern to it, and very little seems to make it go down when it happens - Naproxen takes the swelling down a little, though. For example, my left eye ballooned up very suddenly at around 10pm yesterday, and appears to have pretty much gone down about an hour ago, but between those times, it looked like I'd been punched!
Anyone got any experience or ideas, or am I off to the quack, once I get the time?