i find it a struggle every day just to do simple things and have tried to go back to work but just cant get past the pain and tiredness so im not sure were i stand on a claim any help advice would be fab thank you x
hi all this is my 1st time on here an... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
hi all this is my 1st time on here and was wondering if any one could tell me if i could claim DLA for fibromyalfia and CFS/ME? thank you

yes you can claim it but whether you get it is another thing, I was refused 5 yrs ago and was too ill to appeal. I have just applied again as I can't work but I am not holding my breath.
there appears that some get it and some don't so it is worth a try.
I contacted age concern and they filled the form in for me ( I just couldn't deal with it) they do it now instead of welfare right due to budget cuts etc
hope his helps?
Hi, I have both cfs and fibro and I get DLA, I get low rate mobility (although I think i should be on high rate) and low rate care, I had no probe getting these but when I asked them to reconcider the mobility rate they told me no it stays at lower rate, I could of appealed but I don't have they mental energy at the mo so for now i just think of myself as lucky as alot of people on here are being turned down for any DLA. Gentle hugs. Hilly xx
Hi, yes you an definately apply and I for one shall keep my fingers crossed that you get it x
Hello and welcome Lizzy to our lovely forum! Take a look around through the Questions, Blogs and Tags - there is so much information here. There is also help, advice and support, personal experiences, friendship too! We are all in the same boat here, we all understand. We are all here for you as we are for each other - if you have any worries or concerns please let us know and we will do our best to help you wherever we can.
If you type in DLA or ESA into the search bar at the top right and then hit "enter", threads will appear regarding these two benefits, also discussions we have had about them too. Also have a look through Tags as there is lots of info on benefits there too.
Anything you are unsure of please ask, always happy to help!
Welcome & good luck with your claim - the more people with FM & ME etc that raise the general awareness & make claims the better for us all!!! This is a wonderful site full of information, help & friendship.
You don't get ESA or DLA for the illnesses you have, you get them for how it affects your ability to work, your mobility and the care you need.
I have CFS/ME as well as Fibro and a few other complaints, I get ESA, Higher DLA Mobility and Lower DLA care.
It is well worth applying, the forms are horrendous and I really advise you to make use of the benefitsandwork help sheets that you can get from Admin. Just send them a message with your email address and what you'd like help with and they can email them to you.
Julie xx
Yes it is most definitely worth applying. But do note that a very high percentage of applicants get turned down straight away, but win at appeal. It also can help to get a welfare assistant/social worker/ or C.A.B to help fill in the form for you. There are certain words and sayings that DLA look for when reading the forms. Good luck. You have nothing to loose and plenty to gain. Peace of mind for one. x
wow was not expecting so many replys lol thank you very helpfull i think i will get the DLA forms and see how i get on fingers crossed and thank you libertyz i will have a good look around xx