any body else struggle to walk and have pain and swelling in hands after use, this is becoming very annoying, not been able to take the dogs for a walk or shopping with my children, tingling and movements in the face, feel like its only me, no one i know gets the pain i'm in apart from husband, i have no one to talk to about fibromyalgia.
legs and hands and face: any body else... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
legs and hands and face

Not a medical person at all but what you explain sounds very common to fibro. I have to remove rings at night as my hand swell overnight and my fingers curl into my palms and go bright red. I am constantly dropping things I leave the washing up till morning the hot water helps relieve the stiffness and swelling. My trouble walking is due to arthritis but I have recently developed restless legs which is one fibro symptom I was so glad I HADN,T got.... Geez I hate my body I swear it's got a mind of its own cos it certainly doesn't listen to me
Hugs VG x
Sounds like Fibro hun... I get this quite a bit... however I would re-visit your GP for correct diagnosis and so that it is on your records... When did you learn of having Fibro? And lots of us dont have anyone to speak to about this horrid condition other than here.. so you are in good hands... chat away... hugs x
can i suggest that if it gets so you cannot take your dogs for a walk you contact the Cinnamon trust. (if your in the UK)
they are a voluntary organisation who have people in all sorts of areas (or will try and find someone if not already got anyone near you))who are willing to come and take your dog/dogs for walks /half hour or hour as suits them and you. its for the elderly, disabled and terminally ill.i have 2 walkers for my Hugo (plus his first one that i had before i heard of cinnamon trust. i pay her but can only afford for her to do an hour a week). he is a jack russell so lots of energy. he loves them all. one comes with either her mother or her boyfriend. shes 22. the other is a young mother with 2 daughters aged 11 and 9 who all come to take him out. in fact the eldest used him in a school project recently about helping in the we all benefit plus i see different faces and hear about their doings and we have become friends.nice to know people exist like that.
I get the awful legs, tried to do a bit of kitchen cleaning and walked from the childs parking space to Morrison's cafe for lunch (50 metres at the most), my legs have been like electric jelly eversince!
Over use of my hand and arms means they ache too as if the bones, muscles, tendons and skins have impact injuries.
Ohh this stuff is just wonderful
Julie xx
Thanks guys, I must have Fibo-fog to forgot to mention I got told 2 weeks ago that I have fibromyalgia, memory is shocking, I've had lots of tablets, and just today I've started pregabalin, all the side affects!! And yes I get them would love to have none, but here's hoping with this lot, thanks again feel better in a way for just talking about it with people who are going through the same xx hugs to all
I to have to remove rings at night and sometimes shoes mid afternoon, ohh and definitely my socks as I have train line around my leg and a dent in it from the top of the socks.
Fibro mentality this morning nearly made cup of tea in a jug, which is where Id put my t bag after looking for it for 5 mins because I knew I'd got one out somewhere ahhhhhhh well I had a little giggle to myself.
Ho ho, yes, it's fibro!! My hands are swollen right now, and as soon as I lie down in bed my legs start to burn and tremble. It takes me ages to get to sleep and then I'm waking up every hour or so!!
goldwing dont know if your wearing ordinary socks or not but try looking for diabetic cotton socks. can get in different colours. you need womens tho not mens. i got some a year ago and they dont leave those dints in your leg as badly as ordinary ones do. still there if you suffer from fluid tho. cant do much about that as far as socks go. dont get mens tho. i did that the other week and they are far too big even though supposed to be for my size. didnt realise mens feet were so much wider than womens. got both on ebay.
Hi all well I have had very ad week with fibromyalgia pain all over tender points very painfully, blued vision all day Sunday arms legs swollen and Jew&face very sore voice all over the place memory just awful even toe nail hurt went to see doctor who told me to increase amertripalyn by 1tablet per night until I'm taking 4a night but I'm worried of not being able to function the next day any advice please dubai x