First thing in the morning, after being up all night
I walk right past the mirror and get a blinkin' fright
I thought I saw a Panda there lookin' back at me
But no, just two dark circles where sparkling eyes should be.
I get into the bathroom before anyone even knows
And I get into a pickle just picking up my clothes
A little space is all we have, you couldn't swing a cat
And then the soap goes down the loo, oh darn oh damn oh drat.
As I try to go in boldy where no hand dares to go
My hand is down there longer as I'm too flippin' slow
I catch the soap and wonder why, I really should just flush
Easier to use another bar, my body's not in any rush.
I look and look, and look again, at the toothbrush sitting there
Cleaning teeth is major work and do I really dare
Up and down and side to side, my arm is dropping off
And then I choke upon the foam and now I start to cough.
Dressing up was once such fun but now it's just a chore
I try to get my jumper on and my head, it hits the door
I try to rub my head and my fingers get caught up in knots
Fibro is like having flu and yes now I have the snots.
So now I have a major job to train and beautify my hair
That means raising arms again, I wish there was none there
So where's the brush, it's gone again, sure I brought it in
I know I aint gone crazy, oh look, it's in the bin.
So once again I have to bend and that really packs a punch
By the time I get the groundwork done it will be time for lunch
So now I have done in here and there's a queue there for the loo
I have to think about all the things I really want and need to do.
The house is pretty busy, the family rushing around
And I don't see the ruddy dog and go hurtling to the ground
Two pairs of eyes they stare, and the dogs too, that makes pair three
And hubby says I'll make a brew, to save you doing it, oh yes and one for me.
My body it is aching and it is only half past ten
If I could get back up those stairs I'd go to bed again
But alas that will not happen, I won't let this fibro win
But some days I really do feel like jumping straight into the bin.
How many aches and pains can we cope with in one day
And how do we get all these people to listen to every word we say
No one understands how very hard and real this thing really is
And no it's not just us having a bad day and us getting in a tiz.
My hubby has even noticed I constantly watch the time
To get back up those stairs at night really is sublime
We may not always be comfy, and we will always be in pain
But I would rather be on my own at times in case I go insane.
So if you want to add a verse to make our plight seem stronger
Add a verse of your own, just four lines and we can make it longer
I say to you that you can pass this around to everyone you know
But now I have got two numb hands, that's Fibro, so there you go.