Fibro Land
Why do the people out there not try to understand? The pain and anguish we go through who live in “Fibro Land “
“You look so well, you laugh and joke “is what they always say when will these people realise that is my only way?
My days are long and filled with pain my body tired and weak and when I have a “Fibro Fog “, it is difficult to speak
Oh yes, I may look normal and seem to cope so well however, how I want to shout at them, “This is a living hell “!
The tears I shed when all alone because my life has changed the things I took for granted now have to be arranged.
Oh, how I would love to dance again and be alive and free or stroll along a country lane that is how I want to be.
I watch the birds as they fly and soar away up in the sky and wish that I could join them, maybe one day I’ll try
Just to have that feeling of freedom and peacefulness However, these will only stay as idle dreams I guess
That is all my life consists of now just dreams and wishes too and I will go on coping and seeing each day through
I will listen to the comments and try to understand That normal people will never know what it is like in “Fibro Land “
How much I would love a hug or two but of course, this cannot be because those hugs I want, so much would be a “pain” for me
I feel so very lonely which must be hard to understand However, not to those of us who live in “Fibro Land “!
© By Maggs Parris