Written in one of my quiet, thoughtfu... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Written in one of my quiet, thoughtful moments - mainly feeling alone and very lonely

angelhugs profile image
12 Replies

Fibro Land

Why do the people out there not try to understand? The pain and anguish we go through who live in “Fibro Land “

“You look so well, you laugh and joke “is what they always say when will these people realise that is my only way?

My days are long and filled with pain my body tired and weak and when I have a “Fibro Fog “, it is difficult to speak

Oh yes, I may look normal and seem to cope so well however, how I want to shout at them, “This is a living hell “!

The tears I shed when all alone because my life has changed the things I took for granted now have to be arranged.

Oh, how I would love to dance again and be alive and free or stroll along a country lane that is how I want to be.

I watch the birds as they fly and soar away up in the sky and wish that I could join them, maybe one day I’ll try

Just to have that feeling of freedom and peacefulness However, these will only stay as idle dreams I guess

That is all my life consists of now just dreams and wishes too and I will go on coping and seeing each day through

I will listen to the comments and try to understand That normal people will never know what it is like in “Fibro Land “

How much I would love a hug or two but of course, this cannot be because those hugs I want, so much would be a “pain” for me

I feel so very lonely which must be hard to understand However, not to those of us who live in “Fibro Land “!

© By Maggs Parris

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angelhugs profile image
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12 Replies

That is amazing and I think alot of peeps will agree it sums up how we all feel, but please be assured you are not alone. We are all there for you which hopefully will bring you comfort in times like when you wrote this.

You need to get this published so we can spread the word.

Hugs to you xxxxxxx

Dixiesdaughter profile image

Omg!! this made me cry it really puts into words the awfulness of living with a hidden condition that has robbed you of your health and vitallity and left you feeling isolated and alone. I'm sure everyone on here can empathise with this beautifully writen poem as we've all felt the same way at some point on our fibro journey.

Its often feels like were grieving for the person we were b4 fibro struck and stole away our ability to do the things in life that give us such joy { walk run, dance, work, hug our family and friends, sleep and wake refreshed, laugh, enjoy the feel of the sun wind and rain} you have put into words our grief and also perfectly described our isolation; that horrible feeling of inhabiting a different world.

Thank you so much for sharing with us your creative and very moving snapshot of living life with fibromyalgia Your such a talented girl :-) I totally agree that you should get this printed perhaps the main uk fibro association could use it as an awareness raising poster?? Please look into it :-) your poem could make life so much easier for those living not only with fibro but also with the associated ignorance it breeds :-)

Absolutely fantastic work :-) - love it !


Teddysmum43 profile image

Beautiful poem so well writtenthankyoufor sharing it

renrobin profile image

You are so gifted, this should really be used as an introduction to the explanation of this horrid illness.

I hope someone in Admin will use this?

Soft hugs to a very special, gifted fellow sufferer.

Ren Robin...xxx

Absolutely brilliant! This is an amazing insight into the life of a Fibromite!

I feel your pain, I am sure we all do. I hope it is cathartic for you to write your poems, I know sometimes it can be to put pen to paper when no-one seems to understand how you feel.

If you are agreeable Maggs, please could we copy this and use it within FibroAction. It's a brilliant way of explaining how we face each and every day.

Bless you and thank you. Take care. Here's a hug for you. :)

angelhugs profile image
angelhugs in reply to

Thank you so much for your lovely comments LibertyZ ... Yes, I do get a lot out of writing down my fears and problems ... I find it so much easier than trying to explain things to someone and getting that glazed look!

I would be very proud to have this poem used if it was going to help others to understand or help them in anyway :) Please feel free to use it.

Take care, soft gentle hugs, Maggs x

Speedqueen9 profile image

Brilliant !! It really does describe our fibroland so well. Would you mind if I "stole" it to send to some of my other fibrofriends on fb?

angelhugs profile image
angelhugs in reply to Speedqueen9

Thank you for your kind words and yes it is ok for you to steal it ... just remember it's mine really though, lol If it is going to bring some comfort to our fibrofriends I don't mind :)

Take care, soft hugs x

angelhugs profile image

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments .... I find it so easy to write my feelings down rather than trying to explain them to " normals " ... they must find it so hard to understand this crazy illness we endure everyday, let's be honest it's even hard for us to understand, lol.

I hope you all have a day that is not too painful or stressful .... it is a lovely warm feeling to know that you are all here to share and understand the feelings each one of us is going through :)

Hugs and blessings to each and everyone :) x

Abbeystead profile image

You,ve put that In a nutshell. We just dont have the energy to explain how we feel to everyone. What a shame this illness is not as well known to everyone, as it should be. When my family ring me up to ask me how I am I answer "Oh just the same!. Takes too long to explain and even worse to those who don't know you.

Anyway congratulations on your writing skills.. Very good.


You have certainly captured all our feelings with this piece of work.....it is very good ..well done..x

rainbowdancer profile image

Hi Angel

I am so grateful to you for writting this beautiful Poem, It gets it out there to people who dont understand just what we go through.

My family especially don't and I am hoping this will enlighten them. It is so bad they dont even speak to me as they think I am a moaner,and a winger,even saying " Oh what have you got now some high falooting illness,wonder what you would do if you were really ill " I have grown to learn to live without them,and good friends say well it is their loss!!

Thanks again

Gentle hugs x

Rainbowdancer x x

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