having read all the posts today I cannot give you answers - I wish I was able. Like you all I hurt, my legs my back my neck and everything in between. S leep evades me , my patience is hidden some where, I wish I new where. Oh there is a new aspect wouldnt have thought it was possible but yes my tummy now is sore/ So here we are us Fibro sufferers in this wonderful world so all we can do is hang, on, go a little bonkers, dont give in try and keep smiling I send you all gentle hugs I can do that ((((((((((()))))))))))) Yes we do know where you are coming from xgins
To all my fibro friends read on ple... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
To all my fibro friends read on please ... I find

Hey Gins rest yourself and hope you feel better soon, fortunately for the forum the mad bloggers are all busy today so its a nice normal forum.. Unfortunately I will be popping in and out but it's a sane day today
Take care
VG xxxx
Here here put the footsies up and cuppa snuggled in a nice warm dressing gown forget everything else and relax.
Its so tough when your patience hides and things give you such a trying time.
Dont worry about answers sometimes we all feel same not every post or Q can be answered as it does not always relate to us.
I am home sat in coat and bootsies on sofa TV wotsit sandwich shivering as heating is just not warm enough, i have no central heating and the lovely once very expensive fire i bought few yrs ago is broke :/ and its truly snowing outside so watching traffic slowly up and down , feeling a bit sleepy ahhhh
Fancy a cuppa you 2 ??? How do you like it
I got a couple of buns? Vanilla, slice, scone, donut lol
Whi ever gets donut u must eat without licking lips xxxx
Xxx snuggly hugs
gins, I too haven't been up to help with problems. I can join in the mayhem because it's light and I don't need to give a part of me - I can't do it at the moment.
I love the phrase "rest, relax, recover" it's good advice, look after yourself.
Yes Gins that's how its been for me too and sometimes I cant even read them,let alone comment . The three R's for you my dear x x
(((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and a cheeky huggle x x x
Hehe sorry i went to china i think for tea but hope you enjoyed cakes i went for special tea
Asking me is like asking a snail haha xxx
Cazzie hugs xxx fairy wings around you all
Sprinkling hopefully a easier day tomoro