any fellow friends ever tried a 'mindfullness' course? and if so i would really like your opinions.
I have been on my second course and have mixed feelings. Its all about 'practicing' taking in the hear and now, along with 'practicing' doing a body scan - taking in all the different parts of your body and feeling how they feel. You have to concentrate and try not to let your mind slip into any other thoughts. I found that because of my back pain, it actually caused a negative feeling as i was concentrating on that part, but what i find is that, all through my life with pain ive always tried to distract my mind away from my body, as to try and detatch myself, so i can try not to feel the pain.
Im thinking this course is quite difficult due to having fybro. But i do want to stick at it as its early days plus there is a relaxation part to it aswell.
Love to know if this has ever been offered to you guys or if you have actually tried the course. xxx