Hi everyone ! I have not been on here for a while as struggling to taper from pregablin so in constant withdrawal pain. Have got tramadol for servere pain but not used yet. I have not tried anything else but I would like to try another fibro drug or treatment and wondered if anyone had any thoughts re anti depressants and treatments including private consultants ? Am willing to try anything and don’t mind paying. What is working for you ? My GP suggested amitripline or GABA pentin but they are both difficult to withdraw from ? Am taking hot baths with Epsom salts and lots of supplements as I need to be functional for work. This post is not intended to promote any drugs but just to get a feeling for what’s available in the U.K. and what works for you. Thanking you in advance 😀 PMs are welcome !
Suggestions for fibro drugs and treat... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Suggestions for fibro drugs and treatments please. Will consider private alternative suggestions.

What supplements are you taking?

Amitryptilene or duloxetine are the most commonly used antidepressants. Gabapentin is an earlier version of pregabalin.
Hi Fificat50 ,
All the drugs that people use for Fibromyalgia ie. Tramadol, Codeine, Co-Codamol, Dihydracodeine, Nefopam, are Opioids and you have to wean off them gradually.
Pregablin, and Gabapentin (Anti-Epilectics) also have to be weaned off.
Any Anti-Depressant, Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Duloxetine etc. have to be weaned off. All of these drugs are currently used for Fibromyalgia.
After many years of trying to get a method of Pain Control, I finally got one about 6 yrs ago and I take Nefopam 30mgs X 3times a day, Paracetamol 2 500 mgs X 4 times a day, Amitriptyline 50mgs at night. That works for me, but everyone is different, and you’re never going to get a pill that makes you pain free.
Hot pads, Epsom Salts in bath, Magnesium sprays all help. A Tens machine also helps some people, Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture also help.
You could ask your Dr if you could go on a Pain Management Course, which teaches you ways to control pain without using drugs. or alongside side them, The problem with all off these things you have to wait a good while before you can get an appointment.
If you’re deficient in any Vits or Minerals, as some people are, you could take supplements.
I hope you find a way to ease your pain, but you have to try different ways and methods to suit you.
Good luck. GP. 😊😊
Hello. I have only recently a few days ago been diagnosed but have had symptoms 10 yrs plus. I too work 40 hrs plus and the last 2 years have been very hard whilst poorly with fatigue, brain fog and pain. I started taking a megavit supplement from holland and barrett as my hubby gave me a few if his and i was amazed how it have me an energy boost for at least 5 hrs. I also started taking the supplement gingko biloba which we were giving to the dog for doggy dementia! It apparently opens the blood capillaries a bit and generally improves blood flow. I have to say this has greatly helped my awful brain fog which i know know is " fybro fog" . Iam more alert and have more energy 9am to 2pm. Then it all goes down hill after that. But i at least manage to get most of my work done in that time and " coast the last few hours..hope this helps ?
Hi I've tried lots of different medication sm now on morphine patches which seem to be helping a bit only recently started them and am gradually upping the dose also been on citalopram for about 18months which helps a lot with my mood tried duloxetine gabapentin etc but wasn't good on any of these but citalopram I have no problem with i also take naproxen when needed hope this is some help to you take care 😊 xx
Hiya! I think I’m in a similar position as you. I’m desperately trying to keep working and have been trying various medication etc. I have been looking into and I am about to start low dose naltrexone privately. It may be worth looking at?
Hi I have fibromyalgia for about 5 years and tried Gabapentine, tramadol, fluoxetine combo and was constantly very tired and had to have a naps 🙁 weaned myself from them two and was just on fluoxetine but was on Fluoxetine for years so decided with doctors to change it as didn’t feel was helping anymore, they put me on sertraline which didn’t agree with me at all, so changed it to Duloxetine!? What a mistake! If I forgot to take it the side effects were like buzzing through my mouth and weaning off them was much harder too! Now trying citalopram and so far ok even though I still get pains but get those anyway even though on drugs. If is manageable then I just have to get on with it but if I overdo it I really suffer for next 2 days which unfortunately happens quite often 😭 my pain goes the most in my hands and feet and got bulging discs which hurts every day too and week before period the pain goes much worse, so I try microwaveable heat pad and ibuprofen, hope my little bit of story helps but everyone is different. Oh and also very recently trying cbd oil vape 100g so 🤞🤞🤞 it will help 😊Take care and good luck hun x
I have among other things morphine patches I swear that is what keeps the pain bearable. I’m also on a strong dose of anti depressants due to having chronic depression for years, have been told I will always be on medication for it. Also on pregablin nortriptalin
Hi, I am very new to the site . I was prescribed tramadol and have been taking them 10 years now for pain. I was told to take them every day so as to keep my pain threshold up and it worked. I have also taken amytryptoline and that is good for nerve pain, I had no trouble coming off it. Gabapentin made me feel horrible so now I take pregabalin plus tramadol. I hate taking these drugs but it's better than constant pain. Hope this helps a bit 🙂.