+how effective is it? My GP would like me to try Morphine- I'm a bit dubious about it, but the pain I'm experiencing is unbearable. I'd be very grateful for any advice or help please. Thanx in advance!
Does anyone take Morphine for Fibromy... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone take Morphine for Fibromyalgia pain?

Morning amongst other things I take it on a slow release format through out the day and then I have break through pain tablets as well - great difference - go for it helped me enourmously x gins
Morphine made me incredibly constipated... Patches and liquid ... 3 weeks of constipation... I think that's probably what has spiralled me into a ibs flare up
My brother has been on it for years using patches. I have seen the side effects of it with him and I wouldn't ever have it.
It can't be good for your internal organs, and my brother is still not pain free (actually he is struggling more than i am most of the time) He is trying to wean off it but he is really struggling.
the problem with western medicine is they treat the symptoms not the cause and meds cause more symptoms so you get other tablets to treat that and so it continues.
I use hot baths, wheat bags, and best of all I have a massage once a week which helps break down the knots and relax muscles. I don't take pain killers often the side effects are worse than the benefits I have found. i also do gentle stretch yoga to get rid of tension and strengthen muscles.
I have found the holistic route a better one for me.
If you can handle the pain better than your brother then your pain is simply not as bad. Hot baths and massage are definitely not going to cut it for some sufferers. I don't take morphine personally but I BELIEVE your brothers pain even though I can't see it. It really upset me reading this post because it's hard enough to get others to understand when even other sufferers think it's just a matter of pushing through the pain. I hope your fibro never flares to the point that you start screaming "bring on the morphine", you might have to eat your slightly smug words.
I would strongly recommend the slow release/7 day patches. I have been able to cut down oramorph (liquid) as well as the codeine, which for me the benefits have been reduced dry mouth, improved constipation/stomach upsets. Sometimes it's a matter of trial and error and what helps some may not help others. At best, sometimes even if it takes the edge off the pain to make it more tolerable it's worth a go. Good luck!
Hi, I dont take morphine for fibro pain, but for my most recent brain tumor, I was on it, and it was great! I never had any fibro pain what so ever! But I dont think you can take it, certainly no continuously, it does mess up you mind. My GP said taking it for fibromyalgia pain, would be like "killing an ant with a gun!"
Can't help but wonder if your GP doesn't have too much experience of fibro pain! To say it's ineffective or even not recommended for fibro pain is one thing, but to suggest that fibro pain is too insignificant to require it might not be the best approach!
Sounds like you've a pretty chequered medical history, hope you're fairly well at present.
Hugs xx
Yes I am on Morphine. I have worked my way through all the pain meds and ended up on this. I am on slow release capsules and have 10mg to top up at bad times. I have to say its the best pain med I have been on.
I get the dry mouth but thats from Nortriptyline. Its only in the mornings when I wake.....I have a glass of water beside the bed and suck a fruit sweet to get the saliva going then I am fine.
I take morphine for pain and have done for nearly 10 years now. Currently I am on Fentanyl patches but in the past have been on the Buprenorphine Bu Trans patches. These were given to me after a few years of liquid morphine (which doesn't suit me) and MST tablets (slow release stuff), which were very good for a while.
I have to say that I agree with SootyB about the GP who likens Fibro pain to being "ant" like!!! Unbelievable!! My pain (& I'm sure many others would say the same on here) is certainly not insignificant or tiny, and morphine stops me from ending it all. Sorry to be dramatic but I really could not tolerate the level of pain that I get without the morphine and Tramadol that I take.
I've been told that, for me, morphine (& Tramadol) offers the best cover and although I'm on extremely high doses have been reassured that this won't present any long-term problems. To be honest I do still worry about taking such a lot of meds but don't feel I have any other choice - I'd really like to "share" my pain with people who say things like using morphine is "killing an ant with a gun!" as after an hour or two I'm sure they'd change their mind... At times I feel like I'm trying to control a raging ravenous tiger with a cream bun... ... ...
In the beginning, when I started taking morphine, I used to feel quite zonked out but you do get used to what you take - it may take a while but you do. My sleepy times are, I believe, more to do with my CFS/ME than the medication I take as some days I'm bright and able to function well!! Other days see me not being able to string 2 words together and actually not being able to do anything at all... I'm on permanent patches so this is NOT due to that but my condition.
I hope that helps you..? Please ask any questions you have.
Hi Celticmoon, I know this is a very old post, I've just come across it via another post. Must say that I agree 100% with what you said, I also take morphine, (Oramorph) and would be lost without it. For a GP to say what he did is unprofessional. And like you, the number of times I've thought to myself, just put yourself in my shoes for a few hours and then see if you have the same opinion. People who don't have fibromyalgia, CFS/ME (I do too) and all the other debilitating illnesses we have here on HU and those not on here, and don't see us with bandages or guide dogs or permanently in hospital look at us and poo-poo the idea that there might really be something wrong, have no sympathy for us, all I have to say to them is ..........thank God it's not themselves, they wouldn't know how to get through the day. 🙁
Strange how different things work fr different people I tried the patches and felt just like they were sticky plasters.they didn't do anything fr me x
Ora morp doesn't always take my pain away but it helps
Hi ive been on oramorph ( oral morphine ) since january and really didnt want to go done that route but id tried everything going, i take it when i carnt stand the pain any more, i have the most awful pain i have ever felt this is every day now and when i have my morphine it gives me a couple of hours release with tramodol. So if i was you id give it ago, when i first took it it really made me relax and a bit out of it but now i never have any of this. I do sleep a hell of a lot but that is down to my M.E and i slept like this before i was given morphine. gud luck xx
Here is a link to a thread where we discussed morphine and Fibromyalgia, it might be of interest to you all -
Very strong opiate painkillers such as morphine are not recommended for Fibromyalgia. This is because Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition. It is unwise to take strong opiates long-term, due to problems with medication dependence and also long term damage.
Here's some more info taken from our main site. Please click on the link and scroll down the article regarding the use of morphine -

Many thanx for the advice+info
I have Oramorph for breakthrouth pain and MST continus slow release morphine.But I do also have degenerative disc disease which makes knowing what is fibro and what is spine very difficult.
Also because of an auto immune problem I don`t tolerate meds very well.All the ones for fibro so far no good and 2 landed me in hospital.
For some unknown reason I can tolerate the Oramorph but can get migraines with the MST.
No Doctor as I was told would hand out morphine willy nilly.
I would try to talk to your G.P in more depth about it and your worries.
The thing I try to do is take another analgesic first before resorting to morphine and try very hard not to take evey day.
It is very addictive do you have other health issues also?
Hugs Butterfly54 xxx
After trying all sorts of pain relief medication over many years, for last 9 months I have been on MST slow relief morphine sulphate tablets 60mg at morning n 12 hours later, and Oramorph liquid for break threw over doing it pain, it is the best pain killer I have ever tried, it doesn't take pain away nothing will, but I would say everything works different for different people, so if as you say you have tried everything and are desperate as I was also give it a go, they usually start on lower doses. With regards to long term "addiction" f" for want of a better word, I would say if it works we stay on any drug and some of those are as bad as morphine, so think about you own illness and how you coping or not, and make the decision. Your dr is suggesting it and wouldn't if they didnt think it would help
Gentle hugs Karen

Thanx everyone for replying+for all the help+advice-very much appreciated..such a mixed bunch of opinions so I am none the wiser hahaha!! I know that morphine is highly addictive, but so are 'normal' painkillers esp codeine.
I will discuss further with my GP, but really appreciate everyones help
Thanx everyone for replying+for all the help+advice-very much appreciated..such a mixed bunch of opinions so I am none the wiser hahaha!! I know that morphine is highly addictive, but so are 'normal' painkillers esp codeine.
I will discuss further with my GP, but really appreciate everyones help
Please do not let your gp give you morphine. I have just spent 2 weeks cold turkey after morphine was wrongly prescribed, and the gp just kept increasing it. In the end I was taking 140mg per day plus 60mg of prozac or fuluxatine. Believe me if I'd have known I never would have taken it, as above all else it DIDN'T help the pain, just left me numb. No life at all. Please be careful. I know I don't know you but I would not wish the withdrawal symptoms on anyone.
Can I just say I went cold Turkey with morphine once and it is horrendous... But when you come off it slowly guided by your doc its fine I chose to go cold turkey but you should never just stop any medication like that.morphines like any meds what works fr some doesn't work fr others I know the downsides of it,but when you tried everything you just weigh up the pros an the cons and its a good pain relief med used correctly
I have degenerative disc disease and Fibro, plus migraines, and IBS ... I've been on morphine for years, being allergic to most other pain regimens. I've taken as much as 230 mg Morpine slow release daily, but am now on 75mg instant release. I also have a battery/wires (like Tens) implanted for pain management.
Both morphine regimens help(ed) me, but on the larger dose, I slept my life away ... was not participating in anything. Hubby and I both hated that, but I needed the relief. I decided it had to stop/I had to get my life back. Now on the smaller dose, I find less, but mostly tolerable, pain relief. Any constipation issues with pain management are counteracted by previous IBS problems, so for me it's now "normal" ...
I think this morphine level has been an answer to give my "life" back to me ...
I take morphine for fibromyalgia as nothing else worked for me.I think you need a specialist to prescribe it for you as I don't think G.P's can.xx
My GPS prescribe it
Over the years I have been prescribed pretty well all the standard drugs to combat Fibromyalgia pain, all with unpleasant side effects. I have now been on ZOMORPH, slow release morphine for over 12 months, and find it very effective - not entirely pain free, but overall the best I have had. We are all different but ZOMORPH every 6 hours (100 mg PD) has been good for me. Am just up for the 2am dose.
It's me again. Still on 6 hourly Zomorph - only change Midodrene for 0200 dose. Yes , it keeps me ticking over - couldn't be without it. Junkie? perhaps, so what if it helps. No GP support anyway - Pharmacist thinks it's OK to continue.Nearly 0430, back to bed, hopefully to sleep. Good Bye.
Hades, alias TIDEWATCH, 03/10/2021