Hi I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to relieve pain or manage it please
Fibromyalgia pain: Hi I'm just... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibromyalgia pain

Different things work for different people.
For me, I find heat helps. Electric blanket in bed, heat pad, hot water bottle etc.
I also find some types of heat rubs help too.
I try and have a hot stone massage or an aromatherapy massage when I can, and reflexology also helps.
You could also speak to your GP if you're wanting to try medication.
I'm on naproxen but as it contains ibuprofen and it feeds covid 19 I was told not to take it for now so I'm struggling atm
I'm wondering who told you that Naproxen contains Ibuprofen, as it doesn't. They work in a similar way, but Naproxen is slow release, whereas Ibuprofen isn't.
I'm also on Naproxen, and have been for years, and have been told to continue taking it. The talk around Covid19 was to warn people not to take Ibuprofen if they had a fever to try and bring their temperature down.
There are other meds you can try like Amitriptyline and Gabapentin and Pregabalin.
I hope you can find something that helps. xx
Would be ok to ask you a question in a private message please , its not related to this post, i was just looking for an admin, thank you
Hi Kittykat86
A few tips from me:
1. Meds - speak to the doctor about changing from Naproxen if it’s not working for you.
2. Gentle exercise - this is really important in managing pain. Google “exercises for fibromyalgia.” Try to keep active, even when it hurts. Stretching is great too.
3. Diet - eating healthily can help reduce pain. Keeping a food diary can be helpful as you can start to see if certain foods make you feel worse. Often wheat, sugar and dairy cause fibro sufferers to feel worse - but it varies from person to person.
4. Lower your stress levels - emotional and physical stress can make fibro pain worse. Try to keep on top of your stress - talk through issues, try mindfulness etc.
5. Baths with Epsom salts - warm but not boiling water! Soak for 20-30 mins.
6. Gentle massage - from someone else or you can do it yourself using massage tools or even a tennis ball! You can also get TENS machines that do massage - these can help relieve pain.
7. Try a hobby - like painting or reading. Anything to take your mind to a different place.
Hope that helps xx
I do diamond paintings which helps a bit I cant use a tens machine coz of the condition in my back do you ever get night sweats x
Yes, night sweats are common! Sometimes I have to change my PJs in the middle of the night.
I find it helps to drink a lot of water. And then I sleep with the window open a crack, but have a hot water bottle if it’s too cold (before the sweats begin)!
I'm only experimenting in responding, I'm no expert, but I spoke to a guy in our shop that had struggled with pain (sciatica) for weeks.
I told him that my opinion on pain was that it was subjective, I don't even know why I said it! But he asked me to explain.
I thought I'd offended him so had to explain:
I don't think that your back/ leg is feeling the pain, your sciatic nerve is probably trapped and sending the message to your brain which in turn interprets the message as pain.
Now I'm not telling you (the guy) that it's in your head, but it's in your head!
It must be, because there's only the brain that knows anything.
Surprisingly, he couldn't disagree, he pondered on it and went.
As the days passed I forgot all about it, until he came in to thank me, the pain had gone, I just told him it was probably just a coincidence!
Well I have fybromyalgia and my spine is crumbling it's not sciatica had that before
I can sympathise with the spine problem as I have a scoliosis, but thankfully I don't seem to associate pain, I'd be a wimp if I did get pain my threshold is low.
I think you are a stronger person than I if you tolerate the pain.
On a scale of 10 to 1 I hope you can dial down the pain by associating nice memories as a distraction.
Best wishes. x.
It’s definitely not in your head! Fibromyalgia pain is caused by an issue with the central nervous system.
Anyone who says it’s a case of mind over matter has clearly never experienced proper fibro pain.
As a Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis battler for 25yrs I can say with a degree of experience and possible expertise that Fibromyalgia is partially "mind over matter" as our state of mind has VERY significant impact on our physical symptoms. I am certainly not saying that pain is all your head. Hell no! But changing your perspective on the pain, COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY, is a very useful tool. Discuss with GP. Hobbies, gentle exercise (essential) and treating yourself to an nice pampering session once a week,Or doing it at home, also great. You are strong and empowered. Be safe.
Hi I take Amitriptyline and Gabapentin and also am prescribed Co-codomol, I found I was taking the maximum dose and really felt that was not good. So I have weaned myself off them and mostly take Paracetamol for the pain, but if it is severe I will take the Co-codomol. I started soaking in warm baths and found that they really helped. I am not without pain, but it is easier most of the time. I realise this won't work for everyone as we're all different. Hope you find some relief soon.
Staying active definitely helps. I find once I’ve been sitting for more than 20 minutes it’s agony to start moving again but once I do I’m fine.
But when I rest, I find it’s important to keep my muscles warm also I tend to lie down during the day for half and hour an hour to rest my spine.
I have taken up walking recently and although it was really hard to start with (I used to spend all afternoon in bed recovering) , I now can carry on my day without taking to my bed.
I cannot stress how keeping my muscles strong has improved my fibromyalgia

Like MOAL61 I do tend to use my hot water bottle, rub in gel, Epsom salts bath soak each day, not really one for taking many meds as gives me other problems with stomach , but we are all different, my husband uses a tens machine for pain have you tried one of them at all. Stretching gently especially in the morning when you get up, I’m differently looking forward to warmer weather as my body differently responds better I find xx
I cant take and prescribed medication so use CBD balm, capsules and patches. It works really well for me.
Where can I get them from
Love CBD is a good company. They don't do patches. I get them from a company called cannacare. I use the entourage ones from lovecbd.org
Hi, I am also finding help from CBD using Love CBD entourage oil 1400 mg. not spoken to any other users. find it quite expensive to buy but it certainly has an positive effect. did you use at regular intervals or as needed?
do you buy direct or in a shop?
sorry to bombard you but useful to compare, thanks, Mav
hi Kitty kat, I find warm damp helps - a bit water bottle covered with a slightly damp towel applied to most painful area helps me. Hope this is helpful. Stay well and safe xx
Hi kitty I too have fibromyalgia and the only thing that helps me is drinking 2-3 litre of bottled water, living on juices and smoothies and cutting out sugar, gluten, salt, dairy and wheat. If I am ultra strict with my diet the pain stops. I also go to a steam room have a heat pad and electric blanket and have hot herbal teas with Manuka honey it’s the only thing that will work for me. I also take Ashwaghanda and several other herbs and vitamins and it eases the pain but as soon as I eat what’s not right for me then the pain starts flaring you. Try keeping a food and symptoms diary and earring lots if herbs and sliced as it will help with pain you will start to notice what’s triggering it. Good luck ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you x

Hi, you do realise that juices, smoothies and honey are very high in natural sugars? Much better for the teeth to eat whole fruits as we need to use them and if we don't bite on food it can have a negative impact on the teeth longterm.
With fibromyalgia it is natural to not want to move due to the pain and so diabetes can often become yet another health condition for us. Living on a juice and smoothie diet isn't good longterm either. Better to go low carb, eating proteins, fruit and vegetables, non dairy yogurts in your case plus nuts.
Sorry, I don't mean to preach, I just wasn't sure if you were aware.
Thank you so much for your advice as I am piling the weight on and it didn’t even register about the sugar content and yes your is rugby it’s no way to live. I struggle as I have multiple conditions especially fibromyalgia, M.E ( chronic Fatigue syndrome) Gerd, Asthma, reynauds, problems with food intolerances and allergies plus suspected auto immune lupus, scleroderma or Sjögrens disease. Will definitely cut back on the juices as my teeth are another issue have just lost 4 and had them all pulled out. Thanks for the advice it’s greatly appreciated. Have a lovely evening and thank you for taking the time to reply. Cheers. J
Sorry my dyslexic brain it’s meant to read your so right it’s no way to live. 🤣😂🤣

Hi Jeromicus
Just noticed your answer & wondered if you'd ever tried a nutri bullet?
You use half green leafy veg & half fruit, loads of recipes online but the point is the veg somehow balances the sugar in the fruit.
Great for getting all the good stuff if you're not up for making a meal.
I have never tried the nutri bullet that sounds better adding more veg as it sounds a lot healthier to bring down my sugar levels it is what is making me pile the weight on. On my next shop I will balance things out. Thank for the tip as I really want to be slimmer and also more healthier. I can’t eat a proper meal as I have Gerd, gallbladder and stomach issues with multiple intolerances and allergies I do cheat now and again but it’s never worth it. 🤣😂🤣. Thanks for taking the time out to let me know. I hope you are doing ok and keeping well and safe and sound indoors away from all this worry about corona. Have a lovely day. Take care. J 😀

You're welcome, one of the many key workers so still busy. You take care too! 🤗🤗
For me, strong opiates such as buprenorphine or couple of tramadol. Electric blanket sooths it but I sweat too much now