Hi there, im wondering if anybody gets frequent pain in their breasts which feels as though its a sharp/dull pain. It comes and goes when it pleases. Thank you 😊 x
Fibromyalgia pain?: Hi there, im... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibromyalgia pain?

Hello do you mean in the breast tissue or in the chest wall they are sitting on?
I have always had chest pain with my fibromyalgia but recently been getting breast pain in the breast tissue x
Whilst the pains that Fibro can come up with can be weird and varied, I’d get it checked out. Any kind of breast changes need checking (male and female). Usually its fine but if it isn’t, early action can make all the difference. I certainly wouldn’t relax if someone here says they do too. Good luck!
Thank you so much for your reply I will get it checked out deffnately as the pain is quite alarming and wasn't there before x take care x
Sometimes these things can be just a painful cyst. I also once knew a person who had very painful areas on her chest. It turned out she was sleeping on her front with her hands tucked under her chest so her knuckles were digging in and the tissue became unhappy. While you’re waiting see if there is a pattern of worsening or improvement with times in the menstrual cycle. Also, don't keep poking it like my daughter did! 🙂

Glad you are getting this checked out for a piece of mind x
I get a lot of chest wall pain but - announcement of the week - I slept all through last night and did not awake with chronic hip pain. What a difference!
I have pains in mine too. I was at my rheumatologist appointment and mentioned that I was worried about the pain, thinking the worst but he confirmed that it was one of the tender points for fibromyalgia
I used to get very tender breast and would last for a few weeks. Couldn't hug anyone as it was so painful and uncomfortable.
I started taking folic acid and within 2 weeks it's stopped, still taking them for about 8 months now and haven't had no recurring problems with my breast..
Hi, yes I get sharp pains in my breasts, I have had a breast screen and all clear so it's definatley Fibro related.
Hi yes I do as well it comes and goes
Exsactly the same as me ! I have just came off the phone to my doctors and she said she can reassure me because of my age she doesn't think it is anything serious to wait until I have my cycle and see if the pain goes.. otherwise she isn't concerned and she is happy to examine me if the pain does not subside after a few weeks x So I'm unsure if it's fibromyalgia related yet 😑 x
Hi Sas
Yes it could be fibro or could also be due to your cycle. I've had a full hysterectomy and still have symptoms as if I knew I'm due on my monthly unicorn 😂.
But yes for sure if ur worried go see your GP asap xx.
Yes I get that and sensitive nipples too. My late husband would get frustrated because of them being so sensitive but yeah sharpe shooting pain will go through them and cramping pain too.
Yes shooting sharp breat pain some days it's awful ...