can fibro be passed on to your children - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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can fibro be passed on to your children

cj72 profile image
9 Replies

i was diagnosed with fibro four months ago i have two children one is having problems with painfull knees nd vit b12 deficiant(not sure how to spell it) could i have passed on fibro to my kids

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cj72 profile image
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9 Replies
wiccamom profile image

hi cj, i am no expert but none of my relatives have this condtion hun. I have 3 kids an none have health issues. I went to a group at hosp and they expainled it was to do with transmittrs in the brain which cause pain and fatigue. They say my trigger was falling off a horse when i was a teen and then i got worse in my 30's which also seems common.

Hope this helps x

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Hi , don,t think so I am the only one in my family with fibro and my teenage son is disgustingly healthy...

LindseyMid profile image

Having a close family member with Fibro does increase the risk of developing Fibro.

That doesn't mean your kids have to get it though.

Also, there are other issues surrounding Fibro that have a genetic component - for example, hypermobility is often a family trait and hypermobility is a risk factor for developing Fibro.

Ive been told m.e can be .and my kids can be tested when older .but shocked at fybro too.x

lbbksscjcbj profile image

my mum and cousin both have fibro,my poor cousin got diagnosed at 15 she now 30 she also has m.e. and lupus,and i got diagnosed over six months ago with fibro and m.e.

irenegee profile image

No its not genetic from what is known now, My daughter had problems with her knees/legs growing up but she was a dancer and the GPs said it was just growing pains. she is now 21 and doesn't have any health problems.

I am 1 0f 8 children and my brother has fibro but we were both in separate car crashes in the same year. no on else in my very big family has it.

hope this helps x

Mdaisy profile image

I have read that we pass down the same gene but it still takes something like viral illness,

trauma whiplash etc to be a trigger for others in the family to develop Fibro

I am the only one so far in my family

Hope this allays your concerns

M x

irisjoy profile image

no one in my family with fibro xx

fibro profile image

I am no expert either, but seeing that its a condition rather than an actual illness I don't see how it can be passed on. at least that's a good thing.....

I think testing children would be more detrimental to their development. if only I wasn't stopped from doing things when i was a child I might be fitter today. being born withs hip problems I wasn't able to do all the things other kids did at school and I am sure That is what's caused the whole weakness of my body now!

If they had just left me to it, I may have got a few extra scrapes and bumps but I feel what I have now is due to not having any strength as I grew up.

if only we had a magic wand, or a test to determine the cause maybe in the in the future, this such horrible painful condition could be eradicated. ...... I wouldn't wish it up upon anyone.....not unless they are ones. who don't believe it exists xxx ((( hugs)))

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