It would seem the plight of Fibro suf... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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It would seem the plight of Fibro sufferers is to be treated as lesser mortals...........

Ginsing profile image
6 Replies

We may suffer Fibro fog but that does not make us dense and lacking in i intelligence!.Can any one explain how an assessment of whether one can put your arms up or touch your toes means you are capable of working a full shift. Inexplicable the stupidity of these hare brained tests that we have to suffer- these are supposed to say "you are able to work" question what as? Do they honestly understand that some of us cannot walk far - I cannot get to the end of my drive without acute pain in my back- Can we bend ? to touch our toes

or anything else at ground level- personally if I could do it I would not have had to give my business up..

I know there are different levels of disability but even so the tests need re thinking and the amount of information you take with you should have far more bearing on your particular case.

Where did this rant come from well I read and listen to people going for tests to see if they are entitled to disability money and I feel they are given the short stick not just Fibro sufferers but generally -a guy coming back from Afghanistan is not entitled and he has lost his leg beneath his knee. Our world sinks into insanity.

Rant over sorry guys it over took me. (Big Sigh) Now it is nearly day light and time to smile to welcome another day have a good one xgins

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Ginsing profile image
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6 Replies
Extremelygrumpy profile image

Too true I have an iq of 144 and used to teach children with special needs until my fibro got so bad I was in no fit state to teach due to pain but most importantly no sleep and fibro fog... The school sent me on sick leave then tried gradual phase in but it was no use... Couldn't sleep at night but used to fall asleep in staff meetings , breaks, couldn't look after children properly so had to give up work at 35. Spent 10 years in limbo not sleeping struggling along then my gp got me finally on the right cocktail of drugs for sleep.. Alas arthritis hit months later and the fibro got worse but at least I get sleep. Have been a stay at home mother and wife now for years I get low rate dla and a disabled bus pass... I honestly don't know how some of you cope on here with work or the ordeals you have to go through to get benefits that are your right. THis is not me sounding smug it's me agreeing that we should be treated fairly... I have tried for mobility allowance as I can no longer drive .. And walk with sticks a short way....My husband never has so for hospital appts it's either a 5 - 7 hour round trip or 30pounds each way for a taxi... Which is totlally unaffordable. We don't drink or smoke... We get by.... Just.

So yes Gins I wish any assessor had to spend a month living every sort of disabilty they were judging.. And I bet they wouldn't cope,..ha now you get me ranting ..

Ah well good a way as any to start the morning. :)

kathleen66 profile image

Hi everyone, I joined sight a while ago, but this is the first time I have written so here goes- I am waiting for the results of an appeal and I totally agree with what you are saying about how we are judged. Apparently as I can lift an empty box and sit for an hour (which I can not!) , I am capable of work , so if any one knows of such a job , please let me know , sorry for the bitter rant, but thats how i feel... I have every illness under the sun thanks to fibro, and i am currently waiting for test results to confirm i have cirhosis of the liver (i have not drank for at least 10 years, and i do not smoke) My result was negative in 2009, i started taking cymbalta in 2010 and last week my test showed possitive for my liver! on checking side effects of the drug, it states it can cause cirhosis, and it can be caused by an auto immune disease! Talk about banging your head against a brick wall! Sorry again for such a negative message but if the people who judged us walked just one day in our shoes, im sure we d all win our appeals, if it even got that far

hamble99b profile image

the tests are not realistic- if they were, no-one would fail! They would have to acknowledge the most claimants are genuine. I think that the costs to peoples health and minds far outweighs any actual savings from finding the scammers. It is all so random as to who is successfull and so wrong.

I lost my dla for several months and fought to get it back. I was so desolate and have still not recovered. I would not wish that on anyone.

huge hugs to everyone.


I haven't had to deal with being assessed but it sounds like the system stinks. What the hell do they think they are doing? It sounds like the things they get you doing have absolutely nothing to do with how we feel or what we can do. It is rediculous and makes me so angry for you. They sound so patronising.

Rant over!

Piggie hugs xxxx

Ohh I could say so much, but my brain is in the expletive mode!!!!so will refrain>>> I am so sorry for all the pain physically and mentally.. and to me all of this ( meaning what help trying to get and banging heads on brick walls) just creates more stress and we know that stress doesnt help one bit... I am lost for words.. well good words anyhow.

Sending love and hugs to you ALL. x

Cat53 profile image

Was thinking about the ATOS tests today.......based on their tests a two year old would be passed as fit for work! Sums it up in a nut shell!

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