As anyone been told to lose weight to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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As anyone been told to lose weight to help Fibro ?

mystic profile image
13 Replies
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mystic profile image
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13 Replies
emjane4465 profile image

I have lost a stone and a half and i have got worse since I lost the weight and am 10 stone now x

fleurmp profile image

When I was diagnosed first I was told to lose a stone and a half and I have to say I did feel better for it. Unfortunately I have put about a stone back on. I need to lose the weight again, but it's really tough. Well done you for losing the weight.

Gailbt profile image

I am over weight but my Doctor has never suggested me losing weight but I have decided to try and lose weight anyway. x

I was very slim before Fibro, I have put on about two stone, I can still get into my jeans thankfully but yearn to be my weight before. One day I will get back there! Hopefully I won't put on any more weight.

I've looked into Jodie Marsh's Semtex and it really is not advisable for anyone to take something like this with a medical condition/s. It is a weight loss aid for people who are extremely fit and active and who energetically workout in a gym.

It is an extreme fat burner that is claimed to contain ingredients that allegedly can cause a process called thermogenesis to occur within your body. This process is when your internal body temperature increases leading to an increase in your metabolism too. The claim that it increases energy levels is based on weight lifters and athletes who virtually live in the gym and are super fit.

WARNING - it could be extremely dangerous trying something like this when a person is ill and not extremely fit. We strongly advise everyone not to take products like these as they could exacerbate your symptoms and there is absolutely no proof medically or scientifically that they work at all.

If anyone is concerned about their weight it's always best to discuss this with your GP to review your meds or put you in touch with a dietician if they think this is the best route to take for you.

nanatre profile image

I agree sorry, didnt think about what I was putting. I thought it might be dangerous if you have a medical condition as they wont answer questions from me. Sorry guys, I think i might have brokem a rule, can you remove my post please??

in reply to nanatre

Please don't worry Nanatre, it's fine. We discuss most things here and that's how we gain knowledge and learn from each other's experiences. We have to post warnings especially with a product that is specifically designed for sportsmen and women. :)

nanatre profile image

OOh thats ok, i did it myself xx

Ginsing profile image

Morning Emjane,, back to weight I have a weight problem which is not helped by Fibro and osteoporosis and severe back problems. I have been told to try and i HAVE LOST 15LBS it is very difficult as I get the barest amount of exercise. So now I look at it long term trying to stabilize weight and to loose a little more to give joints release. Good luck xgins

ptolemy profile image

I was lucky I was pretty slim when I was first diagnosed. However I was post menopausal and had given up smoking so weight was starting to go on. I was nearly ok with this but was advised to keep the gain under control with diet and exercise as it could affect the fibro. It has not been easy but I am glad I took the advice because although not putting it on is hard, it must be so much more difficult to take it off.

dizzyduck profile image

Oh yes, all the time even when I was younger and slimmer, it seems to be their answer to all aliments, even panic attacks!!!! I have tried for years now, however the depomedrone injections don't help for weight loss. I would try anything at the moment, may ask GP for something apart from a diet sheet!!!!!!

ladymoth profile image

There is NO illness known to man that is improved by overweight!

Whether you're fit or disabled, it's always good to maintain a healthy Body Mass Index.

If you want to find out your BMI, then just tap 'BMI calculator' into your search bar, and you will get numerous answers.

Most of them will then try to sell you some diet product or other, but personally I wouldn't go there without professional advice.

julieevh profile image

Actually Moffy there is! People who are overweight are more likely to recover from Chronic Pancreatitis than those who are slim or underweight ..... that is the only condition I have ever heard of though so on balance it is better not to be over-weight. I discovered this about Pancreatitis a few years ago when a very dear friend and collegue died after a one month fight of this awful condition (30 days from "ohh I have a terrible tummy ache" to death!).

Julie xx

julieevh profile image

I am losing about 1kg a month by saying no to sweets, biscuits, cakes and crisps and watching my refined sugar intake ............. well most of the time - but not letting it rule my life.

I don't have big self-image problems and I do have an aversion to the whole diet industry but this slow weight loss is fine for me and is much more sustainable.

I've gone from a size 32 to 24 and think I'll try to stick when I get to a size 20.

I'm told weight loss will help my diabetes - but no one has mentioned CFS or Fibro specifically.

I must admit I think slimming diets is the most boring topic under the Sun; I'd much rather watch paint dry!

Julie xx

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