I rang doctors he rang me straight back. He said they cannot give me anythink stronger or different than co/dydomal of co-codamol so he given me disolvable co-codamol to see if that helps stop some of the side affects. As for the sore throught and chocking, iching sensation that feels like I'm drowing. He thinks it coulsd be all down to infection as I suffer from folicalitus and its quite bad at the moment.
Thankyou everyone for your replies. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Thankyou everyone for your replies.

Perhaps the soluable version will be better - hope so. xx
well even though my g.p wont give me stronger thats coz of other illness i have and meds.i think this is a cop out sorry,
they just dont wanna give stronger.i no someone who has morphine patches and thats what im trying to get.
the news ones though will get into your system alot quicker though so good luck.#
I was on the soluble co codamol for years but I found them quite addictive. When you are in pain like we are you just clock watch until its time for the next dose. Don't get me wrong this was over many years of taking them, and short term they will help. But if you find the effect wears off after say 3 hours tell your gp that. I got in a very bad habit of just taking more. I was soon on 16 a day. I know of people who took more. I was still in pain.
Anyway fortunately I did no damage so please be careful.
I am now on Fentanyl after 1 year on BuTrans and they are great! Had to stop using BuTrans as I had an allergy to the adhesive but for 10 month no problems and free from aches and my arthritis pain was eased too.
Can I ask what strength BuTrans you were on? As I have been on 5mg now for nearly 3 weeks and although have had no side effects to speak of, no real pain relief either. I am seeing the Dr.on Monday and am hoping she will give me the next strength up. Have been taking paracetamol with the patch when pain unbareable, but don't really like mixing drugs as never sure which is doing what? Regards Sue.
Hi Ragsaybag have you been referred to a consultant ? they can give stronger pain killers and can send a list to your Gp of meds that can be tried, hope you are feelingmore comfortable with dissolvable tabs x