I am having all sorts of health issues and numerous blood tests, all coming back satisfactory. I am 75 years old and expect to feel the effects of advancing age, but everything seems to have hit me all at once. I looked online for perhaps some indication of at least one of my symptoms and came across fibromyalgia. I was beginning to feel that the doctor hadn’t really listened to me and so I made an appointment (not that easy!!) with my doctor to perhaps look at the possibility of my having fibromyalgia. I was almost pleased when she said “that sounds likely “, although I am still not convinced.
I am I would be very grateful if anyone who suffers from fibromyalgia will read my symptoms. I trust one who lives with this multi faceted illness, over that of my doctor. I have been given no treatment. Extreme fatigue…. Burning flushes in legs, together with deep aching pain radiating from hips down my legs….. Difficulty in walking due to that pain….. Bloating…..Lack of concentration….Stinging pains on right side of my head and bad of skull.
I hope someone can give me some advice. Thank you for reading this. MKF