I found a voucher on Groupon that offered an initial consultation, muscle scan, findings and two treatments for a chiropractor around the corner for me, so I thought why not. Well I had two xrays and was told I have a twisted pelvis and phase one of osteo arthritis in my neck. I had my two free treatments then the results of the muscle scan. Its amazing what it shows. I had some inactive muscles, some ok muscles and some that were working overtime, mainly the ones by my left hip. I was advised to start an intensive 24 treatments over 3 months, including Accupuncture. Well I am one month in and I feel so much better. I no longer use my wheelchair, just a walking stick. Which is fabulous as I am only 36 and did not want to be in the wheelchair. I've had chiro adjustments twice a week and Acupuncture once a week for the last four weeks and have made amazing progress. I had an assessment and the chiropractor said I have made a 55 - 60% improvement in just four weeks. I am now going to be having two adjustments a week for the next 4 weeks. Its not cheap but then I can't put a price on my health. My employers can make a decision on my job in the next 7 weeks so this is a last ditch effort to get myself well enough to return to work. Oh and also I have stopped taking pain meds, including pain patches (because the bloody things won't stick to me in this heat), so that wasn't a conscious decision, but I haven't needed them. Also stopped taking morphine and diazepam. I'm not pain free by any means but I can handle it and if it gets bad, a couple of paracetamol and heat pad do the trick. So I am cautiously optimistic that I will be back to work sometime in September or October. As I said, its not for everyone, but its working for me so far. Fingers crossed!
It's not for everyone but . . . . . .... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
It's not for everyone but . . . . . . . .

Hi JT, Well done you . I'm so pleased for you, as you say it may not be for everyone but sometimes anything is worth a try. I did not think that accupuncture would work and was very sceptical about it. but I am so much better for having it than I was. I hope things continue for you as they appear to be working in your favour. Good luck n Hugs xx.
Thanks Tupney and Julie. The Acupuncture has had mixed effects. Mainly on my emotions. Sometimes I can't stop talking, sometimes I cry. Its bizarre what it does but for my body it does help. Hugs all round xx
Hi JT,
Well that's good news for you i'm so very pleased. if you find something that works go for it.
I had massive problems with my knees and hips a bout 3 months ago, saw the orthopaedic consultant at the hospital who confirmed arthritis in my knees and left hip. (just waiting for the other hip to join in the party!!) I told him about the crippling pain in my left hip, back of my left leg and the fact my right knee kept collapsing, nil response was the answer to that!!! I had a cortisone injection 23 weeks ago Wed to reduce the inflammation in my left knee as that was the worst one and have to go back in 6 weeks to see how things are.
Well...on the Friday i bent down to turn the tv on and had a massive pain shoot up my back and down my left leg...really made me feel sick and shaky.
On the Monday i was no better so thought blow it, i couldn't get in at the docs (been there before, just keep taking the painkillers..hmmm defeats the object really) so i phoned an osteopath just round the corner.
What a revelation that was, He took a full medical history and said the muscles in the left side of my spine had gone into a spasm and the big hamstring at the back of my left leg was the same. It was all to do with my knee giving way , putting more pressure on the left side and my body being all out of line, the bending down, literally was the straw that broke the camels back!!
he did some gentle manipulation on my back and leg as they were the worst, and very interestingly explained a few things about fibro and pressure points as he was poking about.
(my doc has never said anything about that).
Felt a bit yuk the day after but the next day i certainly felt a lot better, another appt the next Monday for deeper tissue work on my back, muscles and thigh...well i felt soo much better and after a few days had a noticable boost in my energy levels...that's the first in a long time i can tell you!!
Another appt today to iron out a few more crinkles, but i can'rt believe how i feel.
The fact someone explains what is the problem, how they are going to treat it and what the outcome will be is very comforting and i actually felt like i was being treated as a person not a number as it is sometimes at the hosp.
It's a metter of having a go and seeing what will work or not as the case maybe.,yes it can be expensive but as i said after my first appt...the best £50 i've spent in a long time
Keep us posted with updates as this is sooo interesting, wishing you more good progress and less painfree days
Take care
Jan xx
Well done you!
I had 10 months almost pain free using a combination of therapies. They worked and when I am mobile enough to go back to them thats the plan. I found chiropractor was of little use, but accupuncture, energy therapy, sunshine, swimming and muscle training sessions all helped greatly increase the good times.I like you self funded and was trying to keep my job. I lost that battle due to complications in the court system (advice from health specialists to give up training before court case did that). I now believe that I was on right track and need to go with my own instincts again. I can now fix at my own pace without the interference of any employer, govt benefit office etc. It means I'm strapped for cash, but beholdent to none
I do hope that you keep what you want to and keep going in the right direction.
Warm thoughts NN
That's the thing ladies, I think we all have to try and fine what is right for us as everyone is different and fibro is so complex that we all dont suffer the same things. Keep it going, we will get there in the end. Hugs all round xx