Hi all. Not even sure I should be here but please bear with me.
I have been going backwards and forwards to the doctors for the last 6 months (although symptoms have been going on much longer) with pain all over, stiff neck, shoulder,hands, feet and ankles. Very swollen feet. Numbness and tingling, sweating, stumbling. Vagueness, confusion, forgetful (not like me as I've always had a memory like an elephant) headaches, tearful...............and so it goes. and you've probably guessed after several blood tests (all clear) etc that I am no further forward.
Without sounding like a hyperchondriac I decided to look up symptoms and they appear to match fibromyalgia.
I am more than a bit nervous of going to the GPs (it's a long story) and feel that I should go again but not sure what to say. I am always concerned that they are not listening and I apologise for being there and try to hurry the process so that I can leave.
Any suggestions would be welcome as I have always been a very active person and really just want to know what's going on with my body (and brain)