Goodbye and thanku to all who have helped b ut think I should leave this sight because of what happened over weekend. - believe the troll as you call them have apologised and I accepted it and feel that I had A smack on the hand for accepting there apology. We are words on a computer we get upset sometimes surely we should be give thma chance and accept I have always worked in thr caring environment so feel that empathy is a good model but thankyou but I will go it alone x x
Bye: Goodbye and thanku to all who have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

webby, you haven't done anything wrong. The message I sent was intended as a courtesy to let you know that as the decision had been made to delete a thread by a restricted member, your comment was getting deleted with the thread (when a blog or question gets deleted all comments after it also get deleted). It was not intended as a "smack on the hand" for you!
Webby please read my PM before you decide to leave and I really hope you'll reconsider.
oh dear webby
dont leave i know you will stay long enough to see what we feel and we devastated at the way you feel remember if you leave the troll wins so be like billy goat gruff and stomp across this bridge like you own it he has been tossed into the river of life.there are always bridges to cross and we will pull together to do this.
this terrribleweatherhas made folks down and irritable wait until the sun shines and make a decision hopefully to stay we need you I need you i am still battling to come to terms and you can help me to do this knowing the site is running well helps us all feel a little better. we love u yes we doooooo huggies petal
yes webby i agree wiTH blossom..PLEASE DONT LEAVE COS WE`LL ALL MISS YOU LV.....STAY STAY STAY STAY STAY STAY STAY STAY STAY you get the msg cos my forking fingers are hurting with typing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It would be a shame for you to leave as we all need eachother to get by. It sounds like a misunderstanding so please reconsider before leaving.
Please dont go webby.thats how i are caring so please dont go.
We all care abt each other on hwre and you will be missed.
Webby I am sorry that you feel you must leave this site will you not reconsider. If you leave good luck for the future and I am sending you gentle hugs Violet
dont go xxx
Oh don't go mine was deleted as well it's not personnel, it's
Just some thing that has to be done, it's protecting us realy
It like having lots of friends, I wish, some you agree with and
Some you don't.
Don't go I have really enjoyed talking to you don't take things
To heart, don't go we all need different people with different views.
Those people on here on the weekend upset
Lots of people, me I don't care what they think
But I hate that word that used and I do find it offensive
I work in a prison and I will not tolerate that
Word so to write it down is even worse
Nothing is directed at you please stat
Fibro moment I meant please stay
Hi webby only just come on and seen your post.Please reconcider,I felt the same last night but realized that that meant the situation over the last few days had won.
I don`t blog very often but I do reply to people,and I would miss everyone very much if I gave in.
Hope you have had a cuppa and a chance to think things over and will stay with us.
Love and hugs Butterfly54 xxxxx
mine was also deleted webby, and i also felt silly for more or less accepting the apology too, but i realise its not personal, please dont leave this site, you have so many friends on here, sending hugs.xx
It wasn't silly at all - on the contrary it was big-hearted of all of you!
We just felt that the community needed a breather to recover from what happened at the weekend, and that the thread in question could upset some of the members, with the potential of kicking off a new issue. So it got deleted, along with all of your comments.
The man in question has since called me directly to apologise personally, both for what he posted when upset about his own benefits situation and what his family members posted without his knowledge in support of him. I would hope that the situation is now closed and we can move on from what happened.
as someone whos suffered from cyber bullying all I can say is the effect it had on me was distastrous, Id met the lady in question in bulgaria she was on a holiday site I was on, she took a grudge because one of the mods offered us his appartment anytime we wanted it. I was called all sorts of things the worst being unstable, but the best was I was lying about being ill, this continued for 2 yrs, the only way to deal with these people is first to ban there IPS and then if that doesnt work report them to the police
sorry to hear your leaving,I'm aware I missed something as I always seem to,doh.but reconsider leaving and think of all those who do care and not on those that don't matter.I understand that's hard and running on emotion myself I can imagine from what little I do know that it's about stupid people who don't matter,It just goes to show no matter how ill we are ,we are all stronger than those who say we aren't.
Off to my first f.m. meeting and I pass on my best wishes to you whatever you decide,we'll still be here xx
Hi webby, I missed what happened ovwr the weekend, but I do hope you will reconsider and stay here among those of us who are afflicted with Fibro. I have been cyber bullied on Facebook and threatened. It was awful and I was pleased when the thread was deleted as she could no longer contact me. She was removed and blocked. I feel much better knowing I stayed put. I hope this helps. Gentle hugs J x
Webby please stay! What happened over the weekend was unfortunate and we have all learnt a valuable lesson from it. We value our members here and our sole aim is to support where we are able to. Sometimes threads have to be deleted purely to move on and to stop fuelling the problem at that time. Unfortunately where a large number of people are involved there are always going to be one or two that try to upset the apple cart. It isn't productive to keep this situation running and running, in fact it's detrimental to all.
It is important that we all move on from what happened as we need things to get back to normal and carry on the main function of our forum, that is supporting our members. We value each and every one of you.
We are confident that should this situation start to happen again, it will be controlled and will be dealt with immediately.
Let's leave it there please
Here's to the future of our lovely forum!
hi i do you hope that y will styay i too had blogs deleted but i dont worry about that as lonfg as the situation has been dealt with thats fine and it has we are all here for each other so come on guys it is thursday tomorrow this all happened at the weekend so lets jus stop going back now and lets look forward lets draw a line under it all and start a new day and get back to how we all were love diddle xxxx
I had blogs altered by admin and reposted under my own name, something I was very upset about. Several volunteers left at that point and I havent really posted since as I felt too uneasy about things being altered in my name. I watch the site buit dont feel safe to contribute. there is an excellent group on fb, full of love and people who genuinly care. If you are interested message me and I'll give you the details
thats no help is it.
Awww webby, please don't go it was not your fault x x x