ive just tried to call my doctor and hes off yet again! im in so much pain today im crying my eyes out and sweating with it ive just left a message with dr.davies the rhuemy at redhill hosp, crying down the phone for some form of help! i cant cope at the moment at all i wake up everyday and have done for a week and a bit now tierd and in this pain . makes me sick that the whoever turned me don for dla HOW IN GODS NAME CAN I WORK LIKE THIS! also read the reprt again and BONUS i have also cervical spondylosis! why is the pain everywhere else? i feel so upset people i can see why people top themselves really i can this pain is grinding me dwn:(((
going out of my mind with pain:((( - Fibromyalgia Acti...
going out of my mind with pain:(((

poor you hun, try keep positive xxx
hugs xxx
This sounds terrible Fairytails. Do you have an emeregency GP number to use when your GP isnt available? Perhaps try NHS direct for advise as to how you could increase your pain medication to help you in this crisis.
I am sorry to read this and know someone is suffering so much.
I know these are only words but they are sent really hoping you will find find some respite and peace from all this soon.
oh bless you ,i hope you can get somthing sorted ,sounds like your having a really bad time of it ,sending you lots of hugs xxxx
sending hugs , i was in agony yesterday and was in tears . Hope you feel better later xxxx
hello fairytails I am so sorry that you are in so much pain I also agree with Marzy when should get in touch with NHS direct please take care love beth xx
Hello Fairytales, sorry to hear you are having a difficult time of it at the moment. Have you been in touch with your GP about not coping with your pain levels? Are you taking your prescribed medications, are they helping at all?! If your GP is unavailable for whatever reason, there must be another GP at the surgery who could see you or come out to you if you can't make it yourself. Ask if you can see or be contacted by anyone else.
Have you considered appealing against the decision regarding your DLA? Obviously you're not up to it right now, but it might be worth thinking about when you feel a bit better. Hopefully that won't be too long. Getting in touch with NHS Direct as suggested above may be a good idea too, they may be able to advise you. Try to rest when you can, we are all here to support you and help you where we can. Take care.
So sorry to read of your pain & distress, I think most of us have been there & come out the other side but it's not easy I know.
Demand to see another Dr. Remember without us they'd have no job!
Hoping you are feeling much better now & that our thoughts & gentle hugs can help you xx
thankyou so much for your care yesterday xxxx hugs to everyone hoping that you have a lovely day xx
fairytales I pray you feel better.I too have constant pain and that is on medicine.With covid around you cant even get a massage.I have tried different things to help me and at times they work and other times I dont.You are not alone and remember we are here for you.
One day I screamed to the skies to the good Lord.Truthfully a good cry did release enough I fell asleep with God on my mind and my dog snoring.