My hands feel swollen, hot, little finger on left hand is numb and I have pins and needles feeling in them, anyone else get this with fibro? X
Hands: My hands feel swollen, hot... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi Joanne I get it terribly in my hands a mixture of fibro and trapped nerves in the neck. My feet are similar but nothing to do with fibro. Ice cubes help when its hot i put them down my socks and my hands I play with water always fun sometimes helps xgins
It's probably fibro causing your trouble, but please check with your GP as pins and needles can be an indicator of nerve damage. Don't blame everything on fibro until you're sure there's nothing else that needs attention.
Moffy x
Do they just feel swollen or do they look swollen? A feeling of swelling with no swelling visible can be neuropathic, as can pins and needles. Whilst Fibro doesn't cause direct permanent nerve damage (like MS does), it is associated with Myofascial Pain and myofascial trigger points can put pressure on nerves. But other issues can also cause neuropathic pain issues, so it's definitely worth getting checked out. Even if it is related to Fibro, it may well require a different kind of treatment.
They feel swollen a lot, and only look swollen a little, but struggle to get my ring off. I still have the pins and needles type feeling but my hands are now cold and don't feel swollen at all! X
Hi, I have really swollen ,painful hand along with pins and needles at times. They are horrible to look at and the pain in them is terrible. My gp seems to think its down to fibro and has upped the gabapentin. I am finding it hard to comprehend how fibro can make my hands swell so much. I also have very painful feet, and am now resorting to using two small pillows to slide to the bathroom on getting up in the morning! my bones in my feet feel like they are going to pop through . my gp says this is also fibro and gabapentin will help this too. Worth mentioning, I also have an underactive thyroid.
HI I HAVE THIS has been for a about 8 hands are sore, fingers and bones below my fingers on palm are swollen.they can be terribly itchy,ice cold ,with tingling and numbness.i havent worn a ring for many years since I had a ring cut off when my finger swelled up(ABOUT 1995)..I also get pain in my little fingers .it s like a sudden sharp shooting pain.i have real difficulty in picking things up.
hi again
my mind is still dog woke me at 4.45 and wouldn't let me go back to sleep/I also have pain in the arch of my left foot .its like a sharp stabbing stinging sensation is the best way I can describe it. it is disabling as if I am up and about I have to stop walking and lift my right foot is starting to go the same way.i have read that the foot pain is a symptom of lupus.(I also have the trademark butterfly rash on my face tho my dr tells me he has tested fro lupus but that was in December and he hadn't told me he was testing for it.
my concern now is the tightness in my throat and it is now there all the time-my larynx feels go back to my dr and hope he will listen to me or weait til I see the ENT consultant again?
Hi, why don't you call the ent clinic and ask if your appointment could be brought forward? I sympathise with you, its so hard trying to get gp s to take our illnesses seriously. My gp said to me not a lot is known about fibromyalgia and he doesn't commit himself to saying how I am going to be long term. I would love to have an understanding gp and have looked up others in my area but don't know if they know any more about this condition than my present gp. let me know how you get on xx alex